Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2)

Must resist urge to play an Earthen Hunter. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Kinda wanna play one, but I also don’t wanna level a whole other toon. I could lvl one to 60 as a perm alt though. :dracthyr_heart:

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lol, you are just as welcome to happiness as the rest of us. Probably more so because you put up with us lot…

I’m spamming dungeons. If I do want her ready for PvP next Tuesday, I have SOME WORK to do.

I’m not going to commit to the goal, but it’s at least amusing.

And after some angsting, got me to finally drop the gold to level up some of my 'looms. Well played, Blizzard.


I have a boosted lvl 70 druid and lock just sitting there and it’s making me anxious. I don’t wanna level them.

I did remake my old panda hunter. I’ll work on her in my off time, when I’m not gathering gear from WQs and treasures and such :dracthyr_heart:

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I want the decision at the end of the Hallowfall Quest A Principled Principal to be re-doable! I made my decision at the end of that Quest recklessly and it did not match my ideals(I despise Knight Templar Attitudes)!

Alas I doubt Blizzard will notice my lowly misgivings…


I picked the option where she and the one who stole her diary have to serve the other candidate. It seemed the most fair to me.

I’m curious to see if anything ever comes of it.

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Is there even a reason to play Alliance now?


This is basically why I stopped playing SWToR, when they started locking our decisions from the moment we made them I lost the ability to make informed decisions and had to watch as “lightside” choices turned in horrible decisions and “seems sensible” choices somehow became murderhobo choices.

This quest was an interesting problem. Because I don’t think any of them were all

If I could drag a few guilds of not bad people Red Side I wouldn’t ever leave… I love the Horde… it’s got all of my favorite aesthetics and races… though now I want Void Elves on the Horde.


I wouldn’t mind Horde Wolfmen but so far my Worgen’s been neglected. Just now getting my redundantly undead DK to 80 and will have to get her kitted out in Honor Gear hopefully before the season starts.

And then after that Ill probably want my Rogue because c’mon. Undead Pirates;

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Tch, yeah, because Alliance has EVEN MORE DWARVES.


Was playing on one of my Hordies earlier and I gotta admit, seeing Earthen in Orgrimmar is gonna take some getting used to! :sweat_smile:


HALP! I suddenly have the urge to turn my hunter into a Void elf and RP a Lamplighter. God I’m hopeless when it comes to sticking to a race instead of just leveling a new one :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I am a serial faction/race changer so I am the least helpful person for that! I like Alliance! I like Horde! I like everyone!

So… I will be devil’s advocate and say GO FOR IT!


I blame your draenic powers on why I am currently RPing a lamplighter. Want you to know that :dracthyr_heart:


Yeah but still no undead. And I’ve had an enduring need for vaguely Latin chanting and foreboding string instrument use from an early age;

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I mean, between death knights and dark rangers, you can get your spook on blueside.

Or you can be a werewolf death knight just because you need to double dip.

(I had one named Thricecursed back in… Cata? I’m not going to say she was my best character, but it was kind of fun. Not Azeroth’s favored daughter, that one.)


I have the honor gear on Gurda, and I’m doing a bit of PvP on the way up on Pyrgar… Just to keep my hand in and also hone my hatred of hunters and resto druids to a sharp point.

I still prefer instanced PvP in general. Maybe I’ll try some warmode but it just feels so rude to attack people while they’re questing! What if they don’t want to fight? What if (the horror) I’m being mean?!


No idea what I’m looking at there

pvp is fun, homie.