Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I literally barely remember who’s even here. People need to get social lives. I’m literally at a party with longterm friends and post here because I need to bleed out the weird cysts that get into my head.

Look my opinions about how acidic goo artillery ought to work have to go somewhere and I like having friends so I don’t bring these things up there.

As it’s very clear who the problem is, anyone trying to minimize or deflect from the situation is clearly on the side of the problem, and equally culpable.


Not to minimize the situation but I was reminded of this song :

I reckon we need more music. Here, have the song that was Number 1 the year and month I was born:

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I grew up listening to Southern Rock as I got older. This song is one of my favs

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Nothing is everything~

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And here’s another favourite of mine.


Heilung is a awesome band :blush:


When a Pandaren picks engineering

This is pretty awesome also :blush:

I’m going to simply block anyone who plays nice with a vile creature who spread lies and rumors about me being a junkie who lied about his ethnicity and is somehow secretly afam/Egyptian

Simple as

You don’t get to tolerate the presence of someone as disgusting as that with that sort of weirdo crap and get to interact with me


I’ve been feeling this song lately

Good luck trying to get that job at Blizzard. You’d fit right in with their company culture.

Seriously, best of luck.

She did claim that Doug Ford cut off all the government-funded mental health programs in Ontario. That probably explains why she’s not getting help.

I’m here to talk lore, not everyone else’s personal problems with one another

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Too late, blocked, toodles


“You will betray your friends.”

Hey, no wonder she loves the Old Gods so much.

Yeah, I think you are a bad friend. You have continuously proved it time and time again, even when you were my friend you were a bad friend who talked behind my back, trashed my content and sabotaged me, so I guess that makes me like an Old God.

I do love Old Gods, they are neat.

That is a fun song and I like it, but the tale of Judy Garland is quite sad. The woman did care about how things went.

I am a huge Howard Stern fan, and the fact that you brought her up reminds me of her audio clips.

“People say and believe I am drunk, a drug addict… it’s a wonder I’m not! But I’m not.”


I’m just back here temporarily for him.

Don’t get too attached.