Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I usually get my vacations by comparing Sylvanas’ regime to a certain political party, at a certain point in German history.

Even though Blizzard are the ones who introduced the idea of Forsaken society being an authoritarian state, with thought police, book bans, and Sylvanas’ Dark Ranger secret police.

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That’s weird. I’ve compared characters, whole groups and events to real world counterparts and never been slapped with a ban for it. Maybe less than a week ago I was comparing Teldrassil to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Maybe it’s easily offended people reporting it?

Who knows? :man_shrugging:

I switched tactics, and compared her to a political figurehead from the Korea that isn’t South Korea, and got two days for that, too. So…?

Eh Blizzard have gotten overzealous on these new forums with what they will and won’t allow, probably better to just stop making comparisons like that. Just look at the filtered words list.

Yeah. I feel as though I break about a half dozen of those rules on any given day.

Que será será.

I have to use the comparatively milquetoast word “jerk” to describe unsavoury characters nowadays. Really stifling my insult creativity!

TV Tropes just added a Dream and Nightmare based Trope and it reminds me of a dream where I as a Death Knight was riding away from the Lich King only for him on horseback to run me through from the back with Frostmourne.

I woke up and to my surprise a crumb was jabbing into my back! The dream was a reaction to my actual pain!

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Did you powerslide into him on your horse?

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No. I was just riding forward(with a Runeblade in my hand as far as my eyes could tell) and I felt Frostmourne drive into my back…

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Sylvanas jokes aside, as far as I can tell that’s normal. Incorporating real life into dreams happens all the time.

Have you ever started a dream out playing a character on a computer only to seamlessly become the character you were playing?

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I don’t really remember my dreams. Not that I really have many these days.

I never remember my dreams, unless I greatly oversleep. Once I start hitting about 10-12 hours, I start having vivid dreams. I can even lucid dream, a little bit.

I’ve been having so much fun with Skyrim lately. Downloaded a mod that turns the place into a rainforest, and it feels like a whole new game. Doesn’t help that I have no motivation to log into WoW outside of raiding.

Also decided to stop fooling around and get my masters, and attended my first in person class. It’s scary how much college has changed when I last attended. It truly reminds me of Tumblr as in a refuge for people who cant cope with reality.

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I wouldn’t judge the yung uns too harshly. A lot of them think it’s nonsense and routinely mock the carebear culture as much as you do. At my Uni Socialism and safe spaces from independent thought were a joke.

There’s no standards. It’s all GM discretion, so the only rule is “if you say something and a GM doesn’t like you, you’ll get banned”. I’ve gotten vacations for “harassment” that I considered lighthearted jokes and for childish biological references that wouldn’t offend a nun.

But many forums have a “if you talk about your ban you’ll get banned” rule, so we should probably stop talking about this and keep our heads down like good peons. :smiley:


In other news, they added a Kul Tirian emicon to the forums!



I’ve been playing FFXIV off and on the past couple of weeks not. Still not entirely sold on the animation style though the story is engaging. Still on the free trial.

Arcanist combat is a bit like Affliction warlock in some ways, so the transition isn’t so bad. The GCD at lower levels is little punishing, but I’m dealing with it. I’m going to level it to 35 and then work on another class. Though I am thinking of switching earlier.

And man do those Fates respawn all the freaking time. I do like the travel system. Still getting used to how the day/night cycle works and weather effects.

I may eventually buy the game so I can get all the features. Just not enough time right now to justify the expense.

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Well, I had my annual evaluation at work last night.

I’ve been sharpening my tongue since last week, to go toe to toe with this particular supervisor. And… he gave me no sport at all. Exceeds Expectations in every category, glowing review of my reliability, and “nothing bad I can really say”. I’m… mildly disappointed. :joy:


Funny, I recently got a lot of flak for rating one of my troops. Supervision disagreed with my ratings, and wanted me to mark them down. I refused, stating that they exceed my expectations as documented in my feedback and initial expectations. They protested, and I told them to either mark “non-concur” or reassign them after my rating period. They backed off, the cowards.

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