I’m just glad they were smart about it this time around and gave us a few weeks to get used to the new talent trees and the UI before dumping the pre patch on us.
I’d definitely would have had a nervous breakdown if it was all released at once, like blizz is usually fond of doing.
I am excited for the Dracthyr. I wanna make one just to mess around with it.
I’m just frustrated with how we can’t seem to edit the size of the chatbox or mini map. Seriously I just sort of presume the map is going to be more important in SL.
I do like the talents though and in particular how your class talent tree resets for every spec. I just presumed we’d have to make do with the one overarching main talent tree.
This is a good idea because I’ve never understood Blizz’s need to force us into one spec. Even when you could switch freely through them you still had to focus on one. In Legion leveling a 2nd artifact felt more like having a weird alt. In BFA you had to find another set of Azerite gear to play them effectively. Then SL almost let you be free but the first Soulbind option was the best for PvP at least with my classes, so you’d have to saddle your off spec with inferior bonuses.
And I’ve never understood this philosophy. Why make it needlessly difficult to experience all a class can offer? It’s already both a commitment and challenge to master all three specs, particularly on classes with different group roles per spec. Making it just obtuse to be able to even start doing that was just weird design.
My only guess is the hope would be you’d roll a 2nd toon of the same class to master it all. But that only works if the game isn’t alt hostile. Which is another thing DF has hopefully addressed.
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I really like the new UI I don’t think I quite grasp the dislike of it but I’m sorry to the people who don’t
For me again I have one less add on now which is fine by me. The people who do not like the new UI does it effect the addons or something? Like for example SWTOR UI I didn’t like, but it was a too bad so sad situation for me bcz they don’t have addons lol.
Also finally progressing the story (which is all I’m interested in finishing) since resubscribing and I have to say I LOVE MOONBERRY SM SHES SO FUNNY!!! I chose NF again I really don’t care about anything besides the story and I wasn’t about to send Lannislight anywhere but Nightfae the idea of being a nature protecting Paladin idk I liked it it was cute, also I’m automatic fan of any storyline that has a Queen / court environment.
A few of the Moonberry moments I liked the best
- When she made fun of Malganis after making him mad talking about “it’s not my fault he can’t take a joke” I was like MOONBERRY BE SERIOUS RN LOL
- When the Venthyr came to Ardenweald and she was handing out flower crowns and they were just like -.-
If we were ever going to overhaul Discipline, I would rather it have been as a tank. The spec was originally intended as a Light-using monk (it’s how Scarlet Monks were intended to be), and I long used Discipline as a ‘subtle hermit’. The reflavor destroyed my existing character complete; Holy is much flashier than I wanted for my priest, but I really despise western ‘balance’ concepts, from Mordenkainen to Fanon Gray Jedi to this.
but what I despise more than those are base-breaking constant switches of class concepts, and I really feel the Shadow Mend removal is one. You’re not making me or anyone else happy with this!
It’s taken a few days to get used to it it’s growing on me. It took a little bit of time to get used to the new frost because where before it was slow and chunky and needed to build. It’s now highly mobile and bursty. Just spam ice lance to build icicles no need to discharge them, flurry now has two charges that refreshes with ebonbolt. It plays more like arcane. Pew pew pew!
I haven’t touched arcane or fire yet but I imagine will need a week on each to get used them too. I’m wondering if frost is now good for PVP as it was too slow before. I prefer arcane but frost is good to quest with.
I think it’s just a suprise for many. Most of us have been using the games basic UI going on almost 20 yrs now
I am falling in love with it though, as I slowly edit and move things around to where I find them comfortable to look at.
And I absolutely adore Moonberry. She and Ysera were the main reason I got the Nightfae to convenant level 80 first. And than I did the Maldraxxus story, which was fun too because they’re all just best bois
I just liked it because it seemed pretty appropriate for a Forsaken Priest. Lot of strength of will, mind over matter stuff. Plus the blending of Shadow and Light is incredibly on brand for the CotFS.
Personally what I’d really love is glyphs for Holy and Shadow. Maybe race specific ones so LForged and Velf can have purple colored Holy and yellow colored Shadow effects. A more corpse-white or lunar white Light for Forsaken and Nelves would be nice as well.
So I’ve been looking into that Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Hearthstone thing. Because I do think at least one more modern metropolis styled city would be cool. But what’s baffling is it has a sort of NYC, Chicago, Gotham look to it, far as I can tell.
When. Uh. It’s a borderline lawless city located in the middle of a desert wasteland that’s owned and opetated by cartels that blur the line between legit businessmen and mafiosos. That’s literally Las Vegas.
So I was running some mythic BfA dungeons, which before the pre patch were still scaling with your Ilvl apparently, but now are a breeze to run. Can still die if not careful, but they’re not nearly as difficult as they used to be.
Which is good to know, because I plan on farming Mythic Kings Rest until the Tomb Guardian, the undead raptor, drops. Now I just need a ton of patience or a vast amount of good luck or both, both would be nice to have
Arcane is my fav idc what anyone says I know so many people hate it
I haven’t played my mage in forever though I miss him!!
I made a new mage on Tich cause I had been Horde on Proudmoore but anyways my mage is Alliance now but I think I wanna move him back or just make a new mage. I named him Lannistor for the Lannister nod and then tor for a the old republic nod, BUT I also have the name Lannister on a character on Tich so I may switch his name at some point - I still haven’t leveled him either LOL
I think I could never figure out elvui bcz it just confused me (I think thats what it is called?) I used bartender and something else I forget but now I’m good this is sufficient haha like it seems more modern and like chic to me.
I’m not the biggest fan of all the Horde chastising from spirits we help etc, but I overlook that, I think its the best choice by far. Personality wise I liked Venthyr but I can’t look at their zone it literally gave me a headache, and before I had flying (I just barely got it) it gave me more of a headache being like okay how do I get from point A to B and then like taking a moment to prepare because for some reason point B was close but to get there required like a total tour of the entire zone.
Lady Moonberry acts like your one drunk friend that you have to run after going MOONBERRY NO! STAHP IT MOONBERRY, pull yourself together.
Yeah, that was always my major issue with the layout of Revendreth. Everything was a marathon run to get to a point that was often literally off to left by like 2ft. But you needed to go a hundred miles out of your way to actually reach it by foot. Annoyed me to no end.
(Being sarcastic, but you get my point I hope)
And now that I got my UI where I like it, hopefully, unless something else triggers my OCD big time, I am absolutely adoring the changes so far
When Malganis was vowing vengeance on Monnberry and she was like “oh don’t worry about him its not my fault he can’t take a joke”
Reminded me of this which I originally saw on twitter lmao and saved it because it fits one of my friends sm HE LITERALLY WILL SAY THE MOST OUT OF POCKET THINGS TO MAKE ME MAD and then sit back like “omg im just kidding hehe <33”
Idk if I imagined this about shadowlands but I feel like there was a lot of walls in the terrain? Like I’d be running to where I’d need to go, and jump over a rock, and it’d be like nope, like I can’t jump over this tiny as heck rock?? It wants me to go around the like everything basically.
Nope. Not imagining it. Revendreth and Maldraxxus are notorious for having weird out of the way pathing for certain areas. I can travel Maldraxxus almost blindfolded now, but revendreth still hurts my eyes
That is because Lady Moonberry has the Juice all the time.
Her Moonberry Juice.
Cuz it’s an item in-game.
Get it?
I get drunk on Moonberry’s moonberry juice all the time.
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I want my priest to have holy themed spells over shadow too
For a Blood Elf to make him look like he JUST stepped out of the Sunwell. Glowing golden holy form
Speaking of classes and new glyphs for them. I wish Hunters had a option to make their pets look like they were armored for battle. Imagine a undead devilsaur with armor charging at you.
I definitely would die screaming like a little girl
I don’t play hunters but I hope you get to customize your pets like that one day
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