Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

So I’m actually for the most part not against these changes.

What bugs me is it’s sans an easy gear catchup mechanic. Because I don’t know if Blizz knows this but a lot of people quit because of SL. And as someone who did let me tell you getting the cliph notes of it upon returning isn’t better. Because the only times I had positive feelings toward SL was when I thought it might somehow do something interesting. Running around a Halo ring isn’t particularly interesting unless I’m Master Chief so I’m still confused how that’s, apparently, what it was all leading up to.

I’m not asking for much just make the WQs drop 220 gear or whatevers the going standard entry to play ivl is.

LoL Same! I’m like Come Cass, stop standing there looking dumbfounded and move your butt! And the previous espisode? OMG! They tricked us soo bad with the Imperial droid, I honestly thought it was K2-SO for a moment there.

But yeah, overall I am LOVING this show and the Palpatine speech is a just a rumor. I saw a YouTube video about some scenes that may or may not have been included in the show. But it’ll be cool if it is true :raccoon:

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The prepatch event will have catchup gear


The Pre patch, as Evelysaa said, will have catch up gear via the Primal Storm events. And it’s pretty good gear to get started DF with it. Hopefully I can get enough of the gear in the week it’s active. I’ll have to farm the Storms on the days I’m off


Lisa gets a Death Note lmao


I’m torn the way they are running the Imperial like operation / scenes in the show is making me wanna play my agent in swtor lolol

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The Inquisitor in the Show is very suspicious in that his head disappears after he dies suggesting he is a Force Entity similar the Force Priestesses.

Why a Dark Side Embodiment would show his presence to Ahsoka is unknown aside from it resulting in her getting his Kyber Crystal upon decapitating him but he is quite menacing looking.

I would like to see this thing reveal itself and go all out. It would be scary if this thing was what was calling to Sidious and not Vader(due to considering the possibility that Ahsoka might turn the Chosen One back to the Light thus rendering Vader a liability) from the Unknown Regions in the Aftermath Novels.

Since the Ahsoka TV Show involves Thrawn who is currently in the Unknown Regions I dare say this thing will face Ahsoka again.

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Hey, long time no see!


Came here to dogpile on the absolute confusion of the new talent tree/UI. I thought I’d be fine(ish) coming from playing Classic a lot with the OG talent trees but… nope. Information overload!

I do think I’ll eventually like the new UI once I get used to it, but the Priest changes are really makin’ me glum. The removal of Shadow Mend is so sad thematically for me and the rotation feels so much less smooth. Gonna keep giving it the old college try. Might need to level yet another priest from scratch to really get my bearings. An excuse to level a Highmountain Moo Priest for that luxurious heritage at least!

I guess the silver lining is that both my shamans feel right as rain (heh), loving their changes.

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If you click the Edit button under Options, you can move and Edit the UI as you like. It’s funny how many don’t even realize that’s an option within the game now :two_hearts:

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Yeah! I figured that part out pretty quickly, so I like that portion. I think it’s mostly just where I was using ElvUI previously, the new iteration will take a bit of getting used to.

ElvUI really bungled up the original bar layout, so shifting everything back and trying to decipher which spells will go where is a bit of an adjustment.


Same. It took me some messing around to get the UI where I’m comfortable and can see the important things I need to see as a solo/casual player.

Now I got it where it flows seemsly for me as a BM Hunter. Some things are still a little clunky, and bunched together, but at least I can move them down the road if it gets too annoying


Yeah, I definitely need to fiddle with it more and get used to the layout of the bars themselves, my previous UI had the ‘1’ bar at the top and then any secondary bars/spells at the bottom so now that’s flipped my brain is like ‘ahhh’, but I know that’s just a matter of familiarity. I’ll eventually get used to it as the status quo.

I do really love the minimalism of the rest of it though, the small icons at the bottom and not needing other add-ons to manage bag space etc. is really nice. I had been using ElvUI for so long I had forgotten what quest-text windows look like from the standard Blizzard format. Weird but oddly refreshing!

There’s always that weird pre-patch between expansions limbo where you have to figure out what the heck is going on with your characters, so I’m glad they are slowly rolling it out before introducing new content. I thought I had my rotation down then did a World Quest and I most certainly did not… LOL.

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Come back to the discords!


I really like the Holy Priest changes a lot, but as someone who’s been very irritable about the increased presence of Shadow in Disc, removing Shadow Mend feels like the single dumbest move. The visuals were cool, you already committed to this concept, Light users already went over to Holy, it’s probably the best example I’ve ever seen of using a different spell school to do the same effect, and for Shadow Flash Heal doesn’t do enough healing to make it worth the fact that it’s on a separate school.

It’s wrong-headed af.


That’s mainly my issue, the whole overhaul of Priest in Legion really doubled down on the dichotomy of Light and Shadow, which I did really love. Disc obviously being the middle-point made sense, a duality of the two just gave it a really nice differentiation from just another Light user. Removing Shadow Mend feels sad in that respect, and Flash Heal in Shadowform almost feels WRONG at this point, but that’s mostly me being nitpicky about my character immersion. (It’s all I have left, damnit!)

Holy has never been my vibe thematically, but I’ve been reading it’s super fun now so I’ll have to poke around. I’d rather play around with other specs than shelf my Priest entirely but I’ve been really loving my Shaman(s) as both Ele and Enh are baller, will also have to give Resto a go.

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So, it’s a super minor nitpick, but I am not really a fan of the new Explosive trap. They removed the fire dot it used to do and now it deals instant fire damage and a small pushback

It’s a little weird because at first I thought the trap wasn’t triggering until I read the tooltip for it. Something I’ll need to get used to I suppose.

Just hoping with the last 10 talent points from 60-70, I can fill out the rest of the talents I need to make my life less stressful :rofl:


To my favorite peeps here. That is all, from your friendly neighborhood Panda Bear :two_hearts:


Yeah that was a baffling change. I am happy to get Light’s Wrath back though. I started playing Priest in Legion and I think that’s when it had it’s best DPS as healing gameplay.

In BFA they switched it to basically the shields spec which was wildly OP because we had unlimited Power Word: Shields. But when they nerfed that they didn’t really counterbalance it so the spec while still formidable wasnt that fun to play.

Then in SL Holy wound up being the better healer DPS class. Obviously it didn’t heal through DPS but with Mind Blast, Power Word: Kill, Holy Fire and the talent upgrade to Chastise you had a real arsenal. I was topping the board with most KBs and healing because Chastise was an instant cast shotgun blast of a stun that synergized fantastically with Power Word: Kill.

The reason I fell in love with Legion Disc is because it balanced both healing and DPS really well. It captured the fantasy more than even Holy Paladin of being this War Cleric in the thick of battle, healing the faithful and punishing the wicked in equal measure. And Light’s Wrath was pretty key to this. Giving the spec it’s own answer to pyroblast was a really good idea. Mainly because it was a gamble to cast. Priests cant Blink or use their Succubus to hold targets so you’re pretty wide open for an interrupt. If you can get it off it’ll be nasty damage and great healing but if not you might’ve screwed yourself.

Wonder if it’ll overcharge. I found out about that buff when a druid jumped me. I don’t know who was more shocked when it punched a hole clean through his healthbar.


Before I poofed last time, I did a massive pruning of my alts, condensing them down to only 26 level 50+ characters (most of whom did hit 60). Two things I like about these new shenanigans. (EDIT: The point I forgot to make was that with so many high-ish level toons, that’s a whole lot of fiddling with talents and UIs, cuz all my babies are special and loved and need their own UIs)

Setting up my UI feels actually quicker right now than it felt before with addons. I have my gripes with the level of customization, but this isn’t the worst start at all.

I’m also thankful they give us prebuilt builds to start, so those sillydumb, foolish, utter noobs who just rush off to do a thing without ever once bothering to update their talents (this is me, I’m talking about me here) feel less dumb-brained for their enthusiasm.

I of course have my nitpicks.

For the UI stuff, my biggest complaints are with snapping (which I wish was more snappy) and the fact you can’t do anything with the game menu or bag bars. These aren’t that big and I’ll get used to them or compensate for them quickly.

For talents tho… Why not just, like, put the dang names on the interface, so when I’m looking for a specific ability I can just see it right there? Or maybe make the icons more visible for talents you haven’t picked? Changing that either way (or like, do both?) would save me a substantial amount of time hunting down abilities I use a lot but the pre-built thinger decided I don’t want. And very much related, when I’m trying to free up some low tier talent points to get a spell back? Maybe you don’t have to erase all of my higher tier talents right away because I don’t have enough low tier bunk. Maybe you can just put a big red box around it and say “Alynsa, you derpy fool huntard, you need to spend that point up there to have the down here stuff!!” This has been my biggest pain point thus far, very closely followed by playing hide-n-seek with my old talents.

That being said though? I surprisingly like both systems once they’re up and running. It feels like the typical growing pains you expect in the early days of a patch. My DPS was always bad, so if this has made it more bad, I’m too bad to notice.