Before I poofed last time, I did a massive pruning of my alts, condensing them down to only 26 level 50+ characters (most of whom did hit 60). Two things I like about these new shenanigans. (EDIT: The point I forgot to make was that with so many high-ish level toons, that’s a whole lot of fiddling with talents and UIs, cuz all my babies are special and loved and need their own UIs)
Setting up my UI feels actually quicker right now than it felt before with addons. I have my gripes with the level of customization, but this isn’t the worst start at all.
I’m also thankful they give us prebuilt builds to start, so those sillydumb, foolish, utter noobs who just rush off to do a thing without ever once bothering to update their talents (this is me, I’m talking about me here) feel less dumb-brained for their enthusiasm.
I of course have my nitpicks.
For the UI stuff, my biggest complaints are with snapping (which I wish was more snappy) and the fact you can’t do anything with the game menu or bag bars. These aren’t that big and I’ll get used to them or compensate for them quickly.
For talents tho… Why not just, like, put the dang names on the interface, so when I’m looking for a specific ability I can just see it right there? Or maybe make the icons more visible for talents you haven’t picked? Changing that either way (or like, do both?) would save me a substantial amount of time hunting down abilities I use a lot but the pre-built thinger decided I don’t want. And very much related, when I’m trying to free up some low tier talent points to get a spell back? Maybe you don’t have to erase all of my higher tier talents right away because I don’t have enough low tier bunk. Maybe you can just put a big red box around it and say “Alynsa, you derpy fool huntard, you need to spend that point up there to have the down here stuff!!” This has been my biggest pain point thus far, very closely followed by playing hide-n-seek with my old talents.
That being said though? I surprisingly like both systems once they’re up and running. It feels like the typical growing pains you expect in the early days of a patch. My DPS was always bad, so if this has made it more bad, I’m too bad to notice.