Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

My heart breaks for her if the abuse allegations are true. Poor thing deserves better

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Why wouldn’t the abuse be true? He was screaming at her and threatening her, threatening to kill her dogs. That’s verbal and psychological abuse and domestic violence.

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Genuinely thought that was a WoW character given the name.

And my opinion on celebrity drama is pretty consistent. In that I’m sorry to hear about that, genuinely am, but theyve the resources for lawyers, psychiatrists, security, etc.

There’s innumerable people going through the same if not worse ish every hour of the day but nobody’s going to rush to the aid of a Waffle House waitress so, they just gotta deal with our inept if not hostile criminal justice system.

Ill never forget being like 17 and dealing with a female friend’s pyscho ex. This guy attacked her, threatened her life, put a gun to her forehead. The police response? “Lol what did you do to get him so worked up”. I wish I was joking. They were accusing her of hiding the guy despite a record of begging them for help.

So, I’ve limited patience with people dealing with ish like this who have resources vast beyond our comprehension. Is it still awful? Sure. Nobody deserves wanton abuse like that. But if you got the funds to hire an assassin and the legal team for the fallout, well why the hell are you crying at me about it?

well yes, in most cases but this is a situation of financial abuse. He controls all the money ans she cannot get out of this situation of DV. To the point where she had to break her whole OF act to ask for help.

I think that’s exactly what’s going on here, this is a cry for help but the internet and her subscribers only care that she lied about her marital status because she’s a cam girl, or that her husband has the money they spent on her. They are more mad she lied than that she needs help, so her fanbase is turning on her.

Between her husband and her fandbase. This girl is probably going to end up dead.


If that is the person I am thinking of… I first heard about them today, because of these accusations. It was some news article, I just saw the headline. They are some streamer person who says they were forced into streaming or something?

I never heard of this person until these accusations, and they are a streamer - streamers are notorious for staging stunts for attention. And there are so many of these “fake-outs” and false stories going around. Like that lady in California who said she was kidnapped by Latina gangsters, but in reality, she was really hanging out with some dude for a week. She recently got sentenced to prison for making false statements.

My thoughts about this situation : streamers being streamers

That’s what I was thinking. Because my mind goes back to the Depp vs Amber Heard situation and people were ready to crucify Depp, until we learned most of what Amber Heard said was a fabrication or outright lie.

I’m skeptical of these accusations until we learn more about it

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“I have no idea who this person is or what is going on but here’s why they probably are lying” is a response that tells me a lot about a person.


Again I loudly pronounce ignorance toward the situation. I feel bad for anyone dealing with an enemy within. That’s a no win crap situation.

But as someone who’s had the thought of “Well how are we going to market my baby cousin’s gofundme for her ovarian cancer treatment because we gotta make it stand out from the crowd” I just don’t care about these people.

Ya know matter of fact I’ve heard of an older invention that really helped rich folk take their pretty little minds off problems like this;

They are a streamer, and streamers often make up stories for views and money. It is not just some random person asking the police for help. It is someone who literally makes money off views and their name being typed.

So, yes, I am skeptical.

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if I ever needed help I wouldn’t turn to this forum thats for sure.

And it’s okay to be skeptical. We all should keep a little bit of doubt about what’s going on.


in this day and age it would ruin her reptuation more if she falsely accused her husband of domestic violence and abuse so I can’t imagine why anyone would think she would fake this for clout.


That certainly is a personal thing for you to decide. It depends what one needs help with.

If I need help with a lore question, and I can not find the answer, I ask here. As curt as we can all be sometimes, people are very helpful when it comes to questions about lore.

If one needs help pushing their car, there might be better places to ask.

If you need help, consider the best place to ask. That is a good idea.

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Again - if you don’t know the situation, the evidence, the person etc that’s fine. Of course nobody needs to have a set opinion on every little thing they hear about.

But admitting ignorance and then opining on the veracity of a very serious thing anyway? Come on, who does that help? The idea that an entertainer can literally have proof of their abuse and people will say it’s all a sham for clicks anyway, I mean, it’s no wonder the industry is rife with this stuff.

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I do not need help Curse, but thank you for explaining a forum to me like I am a child.

I’ll repay you the favor sometime when you ask a rhetorical question by providing you with a basic answer.

Don’t cry for people who can soak up tears with $20s is my advice. Like personally I think Marie Antoinette was done dirty. To say nothing of the Romanov literal children but meh. No tears for the innumerable children and mothers ground up by their reign so. Meh.


I did not bring up that streamer. Someone changed the subject from fantasy shows to that streamer. They wondered how people on the forum felt. So I shared how I felt.

The next thing posted was :

So I answered as to why :

Streamers often lie and make up stories for money. They make money off views and internet mentions.

You might have less questions yourself, if you read the things I responded to. My statements are literally direct responses to wonderment and a question.

This is my first time hearing about this Amouranth situation, but from the sounds of it I’m sure that it’s partially true. It doesn’t sound directly related but there’s been a lot of drama happening with Twitch recently, from unequal punishment for rules being broken, disasters at Twitchcon, bad business practices, and upper echelon streamer drama dealing with a sexual assault (a different situation than this). What’s sad is that these are serious situations and not just drama, but the streamers mostly consider it the latter and have been trying to wiggle their ways into the situation to get exposure. Someone was inappropriately touched while they were sleeping at a party and the person’s friends tried to cover it up, and the people who tried to cover it up just handwaved it like nothing. This Amouranth situation is another happening adding onto Twitch’s bad publicity and just makes people look worse.


I don’t really follow the logic that because someone asked what your opinion was, your opinion is therefore beyond reproach. Nobody has a gun to your head telling you to post, man.

Eh, I’m all for eating the billionaires but this is a twitch streamer, not Tsar Nicholas. Plus a large part of the situation is that her finances are being controlled so I would question if you can even consider that rich.


Maybe it’s too much to ask people to actually understand the situation fully and form an educated opinion before posting an opinion on it.

I know, that’s asking too much.

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