Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Van Helsing was awesome

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hell yeah.

It almost was. I mean hands down the most fun portrayal or Draculaā€™s brides. I like how Frankensteinā€™s monster is eloquent and philosophical like in the book.

But the script sucked. Why is Van Helsing now Bond McBatman and also the archangel Gabriel. Which is a baffling choice as Michael is the slayer Gabeā€™s just the messenger.

Do love Dracula though. Thatā€™s a general statement but it also applies to this movie. Totally believed he locked down 3 Slavic supermodels.

Rule of Cool.

Also they made him a werewolf to fight Dracula because that was the genre at the time. This was released alonside movies like the first Underworld movie. It was a campy soapy blockbuster made to ride the wave of Kate Beckinsaleā€™s Underworld popularity. At the time there was an interest in pulp goth horror. Between Burtonā€™s Sleepy Hollow and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, there was a cult following between 2003-2004 of literary classics remade as summer blockbusters.

No one remembers how cool The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was, but i remember.

a terrible waste of a good idea. Penny Dreadful did a MUCH better job of it. And did actually justice to my favorite, Dorian Gray.

If you havenā€™t watched Penny Dreadful Ben, you may like itā€™s Frankenstein monster better.

The Frankenstein monster was written for the female gaze, Mary Shelley wrote him to be a man women would be attracted to, despite him being a literal monster that society rejected. I am sure thereā€™s some meta to be found there about men who reject the social norms, it was progressive novel way before itā€™s time. ā€œBeware, I am fearless, and therefore powerful.ā€

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I mean. I liked Underworld because I happened to be going through puberty at the time and thought Kate Beckinsale in skin tight black leather was ever so compelling. But those films are crap.

There was only one movie from that era I will gleefully defend as genuinely great;


the rest of them were yes, but the first one was amazing. It pretty much launched a whole victorian and latex goth phase for me as a young teen.

The Mummy will always be the greatest movie ever made hands down.


To be honest I donā€™t remember the specifics of the tournament all that well just that Aerion was a jerk to young Egg, I think the Osgrey story + the Daemon II where he was the fiddler story I re read a few times the most xD, theres something about Daemon that made me sad, heā€™s not the original Daemon so I donā€™t dislike him and I feel kinda sympathetic to him not enough to root for him but enough to just feel sad for him.

Originally I thought


It was just a random wizard ie: new character(?) then someone pointed out to me it could be Sauraman considering he was good before he was bad BUT

This is spoiler so just heads up lol


^ I guess thats the route they went which is funny to me because as a casual fan thats what I originally thought until like someone corrected me so I was like oh guess not

I knew it! Thatā€™s exactly what I was thinking. Sometimes the simple answer is the right one.

Apparently Viserys was unharmed by the throne when he sat on it during his last day of his life.

He was more Kingly then than he ever was before.

His daughter apparently is unkingly enough to get cut by the throne even in Armor and the Novels have Joffrey and Aerys get cut by the throne while Maegor got killed by the Iron Throne.

Robert never got cut by the Iron Throne and let the Small Council run the Kingdom. His only flaw was letting Littlefinger have access to the Treasury and in that case it was his Hand of the King who did that.

He wisely refused to abdicate the Iron Throne because he knew how dangerous Joffrey was, noticed the threat of Daenerysā€™s pregnancy and ordered her assassination then when he was dying weighed the options and canceled her assassination thus giving the Kingdom a hope for a better ruler.

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I love that aspect of symbolism that the throne has a mind of itā€™s own and will choose the King or Queen to sit on it.

Makes Danyā€™s vision in the House of the Undying make a lot of sense that the Throne itself calls to her, and then the symbolism of Drogon melting it when it leads to her death. chefā€™s Kiss I love that the Song of Ice and Fire heavily centres around prophesy. It was Martin who said that ā€œif you put a prophesy in your fiction, it must come true.ā€

With all the symbolism in the books I was sure Jaime was Azor Ahai, But that was also a time when Jaime and Cersei were also supposed to be the bastard children of Aerys II Targaryen. Oh how the show strayed from the books. I had so many ASoIaF theories >.<

Iā€™m talking to much, Iā€™m going to stop. thanks for letting me chat in the Lounge all day. Iā€™ll be offline tomorrow. Have a good one.

I never believed the Cersei Jaime Targ theory. IF anything I could see the Tyrion theory and an added layer thatā€™s another reason heā€™s disliked but also ended up personality wise most like Tywin idk that I could buy into but even that I doubt any of them are Targs.

Theories I do kinda believe, the Aegon is a blackfyre theory for one, the Ashford theory, the northern conspiracy, and possibly the cannibal of skagos theory would be epic and iconic, I also do think winterfell has dragon eggs from Alysannes dragon

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I kinda have a weird GoT HotD cross over theory.

Hold on let me figure out how to put things under a cut

Eh, nevermind, itā€™s really flimsy. I just think itā€™s a bit of a plot hole that the Night King is a dragon rider. I just remembered where Daemon allegedly dies, and the Night king does kill a dragon named Viserion. haha but thatā€™s just a coincidence.



People getting upset about Rings of Power lore need to understand that the writers were working from appendices, references and lyrics from songs and poems, not any of the books (such as the Silmarillion, Untold Tales or History of Middle Earth) because they didnā€™t actually have the rights to use them.

Also, nothing in the show got approved without a nod from the Tolkien Estate and Simon Tolkien (J.R.R. Tolkienā€™s grandson).


So finally got around to seeing Nope. After Get Out I like to give Peeleā€™s movies some space to let the hype die down. I really enjoyed it. Kind of reminded me of Tremors and I mean that as high praise as itā€™s my bid for the perfect monster movie.

A cadre of colorful characters teaming up to try to sort out a ā€˜thing that should not beā€™ in true Cowboy fashion has to be one of my favorite subgenres.

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I like Peele. He has a real talent when it comes to making good horror movies

And as far as Rings of Power goes, I want to see it but I donā€™t have Amazon prime. I hear the show is really good though

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Also wishing everyone a lovely Sunday :dragon_face:

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I havenā€™t seen Rings of Power nor know much about Tolkien beyond whatā€™s in LotR itself, but wanting to do a prequel without having rights to use things in the Simarillion - the big lore bible/prequel book! - seems like a, uh, bad idea? Like why did they even go through with it if they were so limited in what they could use?


From what I understand, the Tolkien estate still has to sign off on anything that Amazon wants to use.

Wild guess: Maybe rights to the Silmarillion, etc. are still contracted out to whatever company did the Hobbit movies, which Iā€™m told incorporated those things.