Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Indeed. Worgen can go visit Gilneas any time they want. But for some reason Kezan and the lost isles are blocked after the starting zone is done. That was a bad move from Blizzard.





Gallywix will return and kill that clown.

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I stan Boss Mida.

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“Her Tallness” always gets me


Beta testing may be starting soon.

Maybe they are on track for a November release.

That’s been teased as long as the Dragon Isles themselves.

It’s actually kinda wild it’s taken this long to get to DF. That was a serious contender for WoW’s first ever expansion, to the point where I’d just sorta presumed they’d be in Cata at least.

Hell there’s still allegedly a Northern Lordaeron somewhere that’s gone unbothered. Between all the existing places we could revisit or are outright yet to visit I’m still wondering why the hell we went to Alternate Draenor or the Shadowlands.


World PvP was the lifeblood of Classic. Not minmaxed Road to Ragnaros ironman. Not comparing logs on nexushub or discussing why +5 in axe skill means Orc warriors can bully Undead warriors around. World PvP gave Classic a firm, separate identity, and it was the real catalyst behind the mystical “social experience” everyone talks about. Wrath already feels like a glorified PvE timewalking event, but it really tries to pretend it’s not. Since I never was much of a PvE player, i think I’m done with Classic for good.

Well, Wpvp was awesome. Then it all died down in TBC and Wrath, and all I do is spam BGs. Naturally, I come to the conclusion that I might as well play Retail, so I can spam BGs as well, but with a nice transmog, and even some RP.


Draenor: WoD was meant to be a soft reset for the game. They expected the movie to be a big draw for new fans and they could reset the core Horde and Alliance schtick. This is why they thought they could shed flying then, it wouldn’t matter if there was a big hue and cry if sub numbers doubled.

While we’re very aware that this is an alternate timeline etc, WoD intro does very little to emphasize the timey wimey ness of it all.

Shadowlands: Legion was a huge success but killed our greater scope villains. They wanted to put the genie back in the bottle. They also wanted to answer the question of “where the hell did the Lich King” come from, as no expansion of demons or orcs demonstrates anything of his aesthetic or powers; he’s this random genetic sport in their usual plans.

SL in particular strikes me as lots of very rational decisions – even writer decisions – made by people that didn’t comprehend how badly those concepts work for a 2 year MMO expansion and went to hell in the details of turning it into expansion content.


Somebody should have let them know Warcraft’s narrative only became above average in WC3 when it decided to be a disobedient fairytale. The rest of it is pretty by the numbers fantasy stuff you can find in any paperback library book with a wizard on it.

Besides WoW has long eclipsed the RTS as the series the vast majority of people are familar with. And I think WoW works so well because of it’s fast and loose genre rules. This is a setting where space ships, battle tanks and spearmen appear on the same battlefield and you just don’t question it.

This is also why they have the best factions in the business as most people can find at least one that feels like it was made specifically for them. You’ve stuff like the Draenei and Forsaken who are wholly unique to WoW. But even their well worn fantasy tropes have their own aesthetic. Wood Elves and Trolls abound in the genre but none of them are ever exactly like the Kaldorei or Darkspear.

The Orcs and Stormwind are comparatively fairly generic. So why the Hell you’d base the story around that I’ve no idea.

Seems like you’d want to go the Netflix Castlevania route and just throw us in the middle of a story with a fun cast of characters to follow around instead of a RTS plot from the duck mothering Clinton administration era.


I’m not privy to their internals obv, but I would bet the delusion about it related a lot to two things:

  • Metzen and the old Blizz crew love HvA. Though they were mostly phased out, it’s a love they would have passed on/selected for in their successors.
  • Metrics. I harp endlessly about how you need a three legged table for PvP, but a dichotomy is really good at getting people fired up. I would place money that that is the internal discussion right now about improving crossfaction: are we going to lose more than we gain from happy players? You don’t want unhappy players but you don’t want them sated and content either. Red versus Blue merchandising and theming etc does more than make you hate the other side – it makes you get really invested in your own side.

So you would have a creative culture that’s got its artists and creatives all in on RvB, and the corporate culture metrics support it as good for the game. Both in combination were successful enough at this point to override criticism from others, but unfortunately, they moved out of the industry they knew into a media they didn’t.


Well yes but my thing about Undermine since Cata was specifically to point out it wasn’t destroyed by Mount Kajaro’s eruption, because characters have spoken of it since then.


Random: Has anyone here done their Legion class quest series recently? How long did it take you to get through the Missing Vessel?

I’ve been over a week without the last mission popping despite me checking every few hours I’m awake and Blizz is insisting the quest is working correctly and I am just very unlucky.

I got through it in a a few hours. All the quests popped up one after another

Yeah that’s how it was for me last time I did this a few months ago. They refuse to believe me though! :smiley:

It’s clearly bugged than. Because the quests are only 59 minutes long and the next one in the chain usually pops up when you get the previous one started :slight_smile:

Ya know the irony here is I’m feeling way more sophisticated and refined on the Horde.

Because I’m leveling a worgen that tears people to shreds with his claws and a half naked dwarf wearing mostly skulls hitting people with an axe on the Alliance.

And a smartly dressed, mostly intact undead wizard lady and a colorfully but sensibly armored Blood Knight on the Horde.


Sooo, the Dalaran thread apparently got deleted? Any idea why?

From my limited experience, it seems threads get nuked if too much IRL religion gets discussed/criticized. Or direct call outs.

Perhaps flagged as Trolling and Mods agreed?


That’s probably a wise policy, as it’ll only lead to flame wars, but I didn’t see a lot of religious discussion happening on that thread. Unless it happened between lunchtime today and now.

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