Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Welcome back! Bout time we got another sane person here :stuck_out_tongue:


Whoa whoa let us hold down there for a sec. I was very melodramatic and not sane in fact but lore posts were kind of bland and written badly. Where is benedict good to see you though nice you are a tauren :smiley:


I got bored being on the alliance with my single worgen toon, being a Tauren is cool though. But anyway, we all missed ya :sunglasses:


I’m here for about another month but not sure how much longer. Whats amazing to me is how SL broke me twice in the same way. Gearing is just such a complicated chore.

I’m about 50% of the way to getting my Rogue a proper artifact. After doing LFR for the Memory and Mythics for the Conduit BS. And midway through Torghast I realized how ridiculous it is I’ve to jump through about 15 hoops just to play PvP competitively.

DF’s gearing is going to make or break it for me. BFA by the end at least was actually pretty fun as you could get the corruptions you unlocked and nab gear from Visions. I had my Priest, DK, Warlock and Hunter all doing rated PvP by the end with my Rogue about halfway there.

At SL’s end I’m not even done with my first character and I never want to look at Torghast again.

That’s really sad to hear but understandable. I’m just playing with friends right now we all have that WoW itch.


I actually was accidentally paying for it lol. I had completely forgotten they redid their subscription method and $77 extra on my credit card bill twice every six months was in that perfect “Huh must’ve overdid it at a bar or something” range for me.

Thank God SL’s ending was as bad as it was. I simply had to come here to rant about it and it was pointed out I shouldn’t be able to post.

The kicker is I actually thought maybe Blizz had done something cool. Id stopped playing abruptly so I thought maybe they freeze your bought time if you’re inactive. But no I just didnt realize I’d handed them $144 bucks for no reason at all.

I’d really love if Blizz made the Velves a largely evil faction.

Like picture this but with Silvermoon, Void monstrosities and Arator & Alleria.

It totally works, right?


Okay so baby Gnolls. Dragon Isles Sethrak. Primordial Mantid. We talking about that ?

If not, why aren’t we?! Baby gnolls are adorable!! Squeels

Can we adopt them all? Please?!


WHOA whoa, show me the baby gnolls.

WoWhead has datamind pics of them and they are SOOOO CUUUTEE!!!


omg what the hell did they do to Hogger?!

oh my goodness, the babies are so cuuuute. Hims got a backpack, to go gnoll advernturing.


Personally, I like how Guild Wars 2 did dimorphism with the Charr. You can make the female Charr look like a cute horned cat girl, but even at their cutest they still look like they can a lift a male Orc over their shoulder to take home, and feed him to her cubs.


I can safely say that I’d protect baby Gnolls with my life


I say we setup a adoption agency in Orgrimmar and bring the gnoll babies home. Anyone who harms them shall die :stuck_out_tongue:


The Primordial Mantid must be the Aqir Race of which a Splinter Group came to Pandaria…

So we have 4 Aqir Tribes from the original Black Empire:

  1. Squid-faced Aqir that rejoined C’Thun and created the Qiraji & Silithid

  2. Squid-faced Aqir working for N’Zoth

  3. Primordial Mantid that congregated around the Heart of Y’Shaarj and became Mantid and…

  4. Whatever Tribe was the Nerubians.

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After hearing Robert Caryle play Dracula I want him to voice a villian in WoW

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Omg it’s Rumplestiltskin. Yeah his voice is sexy af.

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He actually took notes from his part in castlevania reboot lords of shadow I highly recommend it he’s one of the best voice actors in game and took parts of Dracula into his character the one you mentioned

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Man, I can’t not see Rumpstiltskin when I hear Dracula speaking there. Fully expected a giggle at the some point during the monologue.

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