Also tbh I always thought Acererak, the OG Archlich, was wayyy cooler than Vecna.
He had the bright idea to go around building super dangerous dungeons to get his soul fix. Because hes aware he’s in a setting with a lot of wandering adventuring yahoos and they will wander into a deathtrap for money and enchanted underwear.
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I’m still waiting for the real power my Christian upbringing warned me of.
That’s the upside of Catholicism. The Vatican has banned so much crap nobody cares anymore. Besides they’ve always been flexible when it suits them. They decided capybara were fish because people were going to eat them anyway and - well thet do be in the water alot.
Honestly, I do like Stranger things. But I feel it gets slightly less good with every season.
I know that is not unique. Very few shows actually get better the longer they go. Breaking Bad did it, and Game of Thrones did it through season 4, then nose dived. So I don’t really fault Stranger things for the dip in quality.
And I kinda see the thought process behind the villain of Vecna. The DnD Parallels with Vecna being a mortal man who ascended to Godhood.
However, I think the Upsidedown as been to far demystified. I am not as on the edge of my seat, or inquisitive about Vecna. I felt that way in Season 3 as well. I am not really as invested with the characters, they feel static, their development pretty much ran it’s course by the end of season 2.
It very much feels like a tying up of loose ends. All the actors have outgrown the roles. Will looks like grown as hell man dressed in kids clothes. This all feels like they are just answering the question “How did Eleven escape? What happened prior to season one?” Which is really the only thing the story has left.
I was entertained and I’ll watch the next season. I am kind of hoping the show ends soon though.
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They’ve confirmed season 5 as the final one.
I hadn’t seen Stranger Things since the first season released and have been getting caught up. I’m on episode 8 of season 4 now I think. So far I rank the seasons from best to worst: 3>1>4>2. I love the mall, and I rank 4 and 2 low because the change of setting feels jarring and season 2 felt like a weak addendum to season 1.
Season 4 feels like retcon central. They’ve really spent a lot of time trying to fit Vecna into this, almost as if he’s the Jailer of Stranger Things. I don’t understand his motivations much, he started killing people because he thought they were evil? IIRC his dad isn’t the one who set that crib on fire. Also someone mentioned that Vecna looks like the Tyrant from Resident Evil and I can’t unsee that.
Will is also kind of a punching bag, both in the show and out of it. The day they went to the rolling rink is his birthday. Which the Duffer Brothers themselves forgot. Season 3 his friends are annoyed at him for still wanting to play D&D, and he promised he wouldn’t DM for anyone else, then in season 4 his friends join a D&D club to play without him. I hope he’s treated better in season 5.
I agree with you about nuclear energy. There’s also the grating hypocrisy that a lot of politicians and celebrities who lecture about climate change fly around in private jets, travel in above average gas guzzling cars or have huge houses with equally huge energy utilization, leaving a larger carbon footprint than an average Joe or Jane ever could.
Plus, there’s the problem of sustainable food sources. For example; if we’re being expected to swap cattle for bugs, how many bugs would be required to sate hunger as much as steaks would?
wats a good way to ask ur girlfriend for a 3some in front of her parents?
The 4 of you sit at a table, and spin the three headed hydra - loser films
I bought a new book yesterday. It boasts itself as a complex literary puzzle and murder mystery. It’s called Cain’s Jawbone. It’s 100 pages, all print out of order. 6 murders, only 1 murderer and If you solve it by Dec of this year the publisher will award the solver with $350. Imma give it a shot. In 100 years, it’s only been solved 3 times.
I may be too ambitious, but this seems like the start of a life long quest. (or obession, I am already obessed with this book. )
When I was in high school, German was the second most used language in the world of commerce and shipment trading. Idk if that’s still true.
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Germans certainly do business with other Germans in German. But otherwise they use English as does the rest of the planet.
I could see learning German for business for the same reason you would learn Mandarin. Not because the actual deal won’t be conducted in English, but because it’d be useful to know what they’re saying about it when they don’t think you can understand them.
Pangea was when all of the continents were one land mass. It isn’t another name for Africa.
There’s a reason I said the second most used language.
I know English and Spanish well enough. I entertained trying to learn a third language, but I have not had any real urgency. Spanish and English have served me well in the US.
I felt like French would be nice and romantic and smooth to bring up in conversation. A friend told me not to bother, because French is not very useful, and I should learn German or Mandarin Chinese. They told me those are the important languages in the near future. And most people say similar stuff. But those two languages do not seem very appealing to me.
In the mean time, Spanish and English is enough to get by in the states, and I do not do much world traveling.
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Are creative forms of Public Shaming viable punishments for Lawful Good Paladins from D&D’s Mount Celestia the Outer Plane of Lawful Goodness to enact upon those who lose games(Card Games, Trivia Games, etc.)?
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Yeah I said above I have no idea, i’m no expert. Sometimes I pull “facts” out of my butt. I’m great at Balderdash.
I feel like when people say “X language isn’t useful” then they’re either one of two people. The first is someone who speaks that language, and has the right to rib on it. The second is the person who, usually, only speaks one language and has no real desire to speak another - they are to be ignored at worst, mocked at best.
I remember the hubbub a while ago where it was LEARN CHINESE, THEY’RE GOING TO BE OUR OVERLORDS SOON, I think it was the mid 2010s (at least in Australia, I remember this was the case). Didn’t happen. Not that this should impact someone choosing a language, but the whole “do it because it will be useful” defeats the purpose of it all.
Your reason for (potentially) wanting to learn French is enough of a reason. Eschewing a language you want to learn in favour of one that is ‘useful’ is like saying, “I want to learn to knit, but candlemaking is more useful!” yeah idk about that comparison, but I’m sure you get what I mean.
This is likely all underpinned by the fact that I am a babby Latin learner, which is at the top of the list of “lol@you learning that”.
Reminds me of when I was in high school. The students were advised to pick Spanish for their foreign language class because it was thought there’d be a massive influx of Spanish speaking immigrants, but I picked French to be contrarian. I do think French is more interesting though and became genuinely fascinated by it, to the point that I kind of consider myself a Francophile. It lead to me having a good life experience. I got to spend a week in Paris during senior year.
I usually advise people to do what they enjoy, but it’s not always the best advice. Career wise, someone might be forced to pick between a job they enjoy or one they can make a living doing. It’s probably wiser to pick the latter choice. Some jobs barely give pay. Sometimes the struggle isn’t worth it.
I was forced to learn French in Year 7 (aussie). Cannot remember a French word. Same with Indonesian. Did that for 2 years (years 5 and 6).
I hated those classes more than English (aka, reading books, trying to interpret what the author meant etc etc).
I have a tough time speaking more than basic French, but I’m pretty good at reading it.
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