Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)


Omg yes! This movie is hilarious.

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See I’d hate to call it terrible because it genuinely isn’t. But it’s still trash and it knows it;

This is iconic;

But in terms of objectively not great movies, all of the 60s Godzilla movies.

This is objectively one of the best scenes ever filmed;

And what’s amazing is its actually improved with context;

Try to frown while watching that.

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This reminds me that I watched the 90s American Godzilla movie the other month after not having seen it in years. I remember that I saw it in the movie theater when it first came out and thought it was good, so that was always my impression of it, but I think I was 6 years old then. Seeing it recently, I understand now why everyone says it’s a terrible movie. I was annoyed by the helicopters chasing the monster (physics don’t work that way!) and the movie is too long by atleast 30 minutes. Such a bad movie.

Funny story, when I first started looking for NSFW content on the internet, I randomly found a bizarre and confusing drawing of Goofy. It involved a fish being mouth-first in his lap. No glamorization, nothing to the drawing that gave it a particular style, it wasn’t even colored, it was a professional black and white drawing of Goofy sitting down and leaning back on his hands looking down at the fish in his lap. Nothing about it was particularly erotic and there wasn’t anything exaggerated in the drawing itself to show it was made to be comedic, so who exactly was it for? It’s something I still try to wrap my mind around sometimes.

Also, this Disney copyright thing reminds me that Mickey Mouse has been a reoccurring character on South Park. That show has been able to get away with that somehow.

I saw that movie at about the same age, and that’s when I learned movies could suck.

Because of course I’d already seen the one, true Godzilla;

And this;

Was not He.

Needlessly to say I felt like something was made right with the world when I saw;


Didn’t they use real human remains in that movie?

No, that’s Poltergeist. Which is ironic as the movie is about not screwing around with corpses.

Return Of The Dead did have hilariously terrible special effects at first though. They fired the VFX artist and started from scratch but in some of the larger scenes you can see them in the background.

Interesting movie as it is just plotwise probably the bleakest zombie movie. But it’s weird sense of humor and dismemberment as slapstick approach keeps the tone light enough that it doesn’t feel that dark.

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Did they disable scroll over macros? Mine don’t seem to be working.

Gonna be right miffed if my Angelic Feather macro doesn’t work.

Four more days on my sub and I’m not planning on coming back anytime soon.


Gonna miss you hun Hugs


Tbh I don’t know if I’ll stay on past July.

The RP is fun. But uh. Man. SL really sucks. After unlocking flying I haven’t touched my lock as I’m just aggressively disinterested in even being in the zones.

Either revisiting content or experiencing new for me content has been fun though. I sort of essentially hope to essentially beat the game.

I do really, really love the PvP though. WoW’s pretty much the only online game I play. Because with PvP I can usually immediately see why I lost.

Should’ve popped this. Should’ve countered with this. Need to make better use of this ability. Should’ve held off on that CD and so on.

There’s a real tangible sense of improving with every step. And when you finally do master a spec / class, there is a tangible sense of accomplishment.

Particularly if you’ve played several classes you’ll get a little grin on your face when you see the other player screwing up. There’s a great CHECKMATE! feeling to some matches in that sense.

It manages to be fast paced but still has a tremendous amount of strategy to it.

SL is frustrating because far as I can tell they’ve now 100% fixed the gearing system. It’s upgrade based and it looks like they took off rating restrictions for gear. Thank God. You should always feel like you’ve earned something. Even if it’s a pittance of Conquest Points from a round of curb stomps you at least moved the needle somewhat.

The rating system should just try to link you up with opponents of similar skill. The previous system made me want to PvP less because I had to wait for my partners. There’s no room for fun experimentation or just for the hell of it play.

But it’s still. Ya know. SL. And I don’t wanna go chase conduits or much less touch Torghast.


D&D Info from the Wikis: Sehanine [Moonbow ] is Corellon’s beloved; Corellon is Sehanine’s creator. Sehanine is Corellon’s shadow; Corellon is Sehanine’s reflection. Sehanine is the moon; Corellon is the moon’s crescent. Sehanine is the night sky; Corellon is the sun and all the stars.

Corellon once took on a female form…

Corellon and Sehanine are clearly just faces of Selune.

Selune and her sister Shar are clearly separate considering Ao was able to regulate them to separate Avatars.

Shar is the ruler of Darkness(as in she is allied with the Primordial Embodiments of Darkness and had usurped the God of the Darkness of Caves) while Selune is the Moon itself and the creator of Abeir-Toril’s Sun(by grabbing a chunk of the Plane of Fire).

Fun Fact: Titania is the leader of all Fey except the Unseelie Court so technically she or her Sister should be Selune’s ancestor since Selune’s Aspects created the Elven variety of Fey.

Imagine if a Sailor Moon Fan was Isekai’d to Arvandor and through “Belief Shapes the Planes”(which is strongest when the person is actually in the Planes) turned Corellon(Crescent/Waning Moon) into Nehelenia(Dark Moon) forcing Sehanine to desperately hide her Dark Moon Aspect in a Mirror to avoid Shar’s mockery(not that it would do any good)!

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Bye guys, have fun in Dragonfail. :wave:


Not gonna lie, I been looking for other games to enjoy. Just in case I don’t pre order DF


I will be having fun! Having fun categorizing every Magic variant I can find out of boredom and intrigue!

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I bounced around a bit.

WoW just really is the spot for RP and PvP which are the main things I’m looking for in a MMO.

Particularly RP as it’s genre is schizophrenic enough that you can get away with a zombie dinosaur riding cowboy or benevolent mad German scientist or demonic cosmic carnival huckster.


The RP scene is really the only reason I stuck around for long as I have. Otherwise, there’s not really much keeping me playing WoW :wolf:


I’m back and ready for dragonflight… Tentatively hopeful from both gameplay and story perspectives. Probably gonna change character here to my only current 60, Hontuk, while I level more characters and become active again generally

Apparently the Chaos God of Decay Nurgle has a love of cleanliness(as shown by a Nurgle Corrupted Official making sure his Hospital is spotless while subjecting a quarantined group of people to Diseases within an Asteroid in Warhammer 40K: Chaos Gate: Daemonhunters) and looking at his Mansion in Total War Warhammer III it does look like it has been well cleaned despite the Plague growing all over it.

Decay eventually leaves trash so it being thrown out is just another part of Nurgle’s cycle. Nurgle is the Chaotic Cycle of Living.

Incidentally the Orderly Types suffering from OCD leave tons of clutter and filth everywhere so Nurgle’s opposite the Order God of Life Arianka(which we have barely any details on due to Copyright) will be stagnant and cluttered(sure enough she is depicted atop a cluttered mountain of Skulls) with the perfect healthy garden filled with all sorts of trash(that she refuses to let anyone pick up) distinct from the Chaotically Decaying Diseased Garden of Nurgle that’s all spotless and clean.