Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

This is the way.

Just want to point out they couldnt resist a bard joke…


Thats the jist of it.

In Vanilla it was like, “Hey, here’s the people, and if you missed wc3, heres a recap and recontextualization of their motivations, have fun exploring while you level up. If you get to max level, there is some exciting stuff to do in the world. There are some high stakes, if no one does anything about it, so someone really should. Maybe Varian. Idk. Enjoy!”


It’s a reference to Inglorious Basterds. Everything involving those characters from Silverwing Refuge onwards is taken directly from that movie. All of those characters are named literally after the characters in the movie. Aldo (Rock)rain is just Brad Pitt and the speech he gives is the same speech from the movie, just replace NSDAP (can’t use the actual word on the forums) with Alliance. It’s immediately obvious for anyone who’s seen it; you should watch it, it’s a great movie.

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I’ve seen that movie a few times. It’s a pretty good movie. Even though the bar scene is kinda silly if you know any German.

Because Michael Fassbender’s accent is just loudly British. As in, it’d probably raise suspicions instantaneously. I get that does happen later in the scene but it’s so obvious it’s kinda funny it took any amount of time for Germans to notice.

But I can’t remember the scene this questline was referencing.

They outright stated the solution though, without even realizing it.

“The faction conflict is at the core of world of warcraft”

No one asked them to make a new world ending threat for SL, or even BfA. In fact, in the trailer that got everyone so psyched (the last project Metzen worked on with Blizzard) there was absolutely no mention of a world ending threat.

When a sports team has a few bad seasons, or a rough start with a couple bad games, the coach in the press conference always says something along the lines of “We’re going back to basics. We are gonna watch a lot of videos and work on the fundamentals.” When they do that… it typically works. They come back at least better than they were. Winning at soccer boils down to putting more balls in the opponents goal than you allow them to put in yours.

No coach is getting in front of the press and saying, “Well, actually it has always been like this, also what the real problem is, is we just made too many goals, so next expansion we are going to just focus on one really obvious goal in the beginning of the match…” He’d be fired.

We are smart and discerning fans. If blizzard said “We know its been a tough couple expansions. We are going back to basics. Next expansion we are going to deliver an experience that is fundamentally WoW. The high stakes threats are going to be optional high end content and the majority of the expansion will be experienced in the open world. There is going to be a lot of tension between the factions even with warmode off. We have some server events like AQ planned, and we are making some infrastructure adjustments to restore that sense of community. We are bringing back PvP ranks (with titles) earned only through random BGs and world PvP, and some cosmetics that can only be displayed while at the appropriate rank.” … if they said something like that, I wouldnt need a giant giga dragon to make me excited about the next expansion. I wouldnt even need new zones. Just throw a bunch of new quests in the old zones.

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You say that, but I have read the comment section on Wowhead.


Don’t even need to go that far. Just read some of the comments here. Some can’t tell their own headcannon from actual lore :wolf:


Honest to God I think turning WM off should make the opposite faction Unfriendly rather than Hostile.

You’re not an enemy combatant, you’re a civilian. Perhaps a dangerous one but you can’t just be offing people because they’re capable foreigners.

Maybe even scatter a select few neutral NPCs around. Just a little world building that shows a lot of people are hostile to Red/Blue nationals but some don’t care or at least have a mercenary attitude when it comes to business.

You already have to go back to your Capitol to turn it on so you couldn’t use this as a loophole to set up attacks. Plus it’d be cool to use those areas for cross faction RP.

I mean I can. Because 7 out of 10 times it’s better thought out, at least in regards to the Forsaken.

I was relieved they confirmed my idea that the Forsaken can be everything from Return Of The Living Dead’s Tarman to Garry Oldman’s Dracula. Which was good news as I’ve 6 Forsaken characters who are all across that spectrum.

From the supernaturally unblemished Baroness Faustadt to the mostly skeletal Holmstein Drakebreak vargul and everything in between.

But there’s some ideas I’d like to give them. Like the Forsaken seem to only sell mushrooms for the most part. Where other innkeepers usually have meat or dairy they usually only have fungi.

My hypothesis for this is since mushrooms can grow from decay, that this basically the Forsaken’s vegan option. As it was grown from corpses it registers as humanoid flesh to their bodies.

I was planning on a fancy date tonight, but now I get called into work to both supervisor stuff and because one of my troops decided to make some terrible decisions that landed them in a country jail.

I hate you, geopolitics.


Chaotic Good Forsaken vibes but I asked my instructor to let us study with specific cadavers using their names on their tags for an upcoming anatomy exam and he was like “this is the first time in 20 years of teaching a student not only remembers the names of the cadavers but requests specific bodies because of their specific anatomical preparation for an exam and also requests those bodies using their names with prefixes”


Thought some of you might enjoy these bits of art.


This is an under-rated remix.

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i only fell for 2 shams today!

any lore bits?

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I do enjoy it.

…I am always here for art. It’s part of why I enjoy being a fan so much. I don’t draw as much as I used to, but I adore seeing what everyone else puts out.


I didn’t watch it myself but they appear to double down on the expansion being a 3 part story.

For real. Real life gets in the way of living way too much.