Sylvanas gets rejected by her sister in War Crimes and goes off into the woods to kill a bunch of animals. Like… Okay?
Where’s her experimentation with illegal narcotics that cause her to sell the Undercity for drug money? Where’s her downward spiral into more and more depravity until she’s robbing the blankets from Old Blanchy to sell on the BMAH for a few silvers for her next fix?
Anduin went through a whole ordeal and needs some time off? Unless that time off involves suffering through his obvious PTSD while trying to hide it from everyone around him, only to further distance himself from the support network that’s actively trying to help him until he finally starts lashing out violently at them and turns into something he hates and loathes and tries to suppress through drinks at the Pig and Whistle, then what are we even doing here?
Right?? Like back when I was younger and did my bad things to cope with my personal demons, at no point did it cross my mind to say “maybe if I murder the world, I can fix the universe. Shirtless biker dude says it’s a good idea, so let’s try it out!!”
And believe me, there were plenty of shirtless biker dudes with ideas.
From my observation… the coping mechanisms of the Forsaken include eating people, chopping people up and sewing them into abominations, and making deadly plagues.
I do not think Golden has Suffered much in life compared to the average + her deep, profound, breaktaking ignorance (and joint lack of self awareness) of history (eg her agreeing that the late 20th century was global peace two weeks ago lmao) causes her to fail to grasp Suffering in this capacity
She writes trauma unrealistically because she does not know it
Specifically after trying to off yourself
I assure you after I woke up, fully accepting I was about to die, where I had a vision of a Mysterious Woman shoving me back into my body (100% serious, have talked about this at length over many years in various social media), I did not think “what if this woman wants me to destroy the world?! what then?!”
So because I’ve been watching lore stuff again and that coupled with my consistent viewing of amateur animations has led to some genuinely interesting stuff in my recommendations.
Like this is just a guy testing out animation with WoW models far as I can tell. But what an interesting start to a story.
Its depressing that fans seem to take this in fresher directions than the pros do.
It’s not that she hasn’t known it. It’s that she hasn’t even seen it beyond 80s-era television depictions of trauma (at least in her writing, no judgment Christie, maybe you’ve been through it).
Sylvanas got rejected by her last strand to her former life. And she… Kills a bunch of Bambi? That’s like… Dark comedy airport newstand romance author writing. And then she all-but shakes her fist at the heavens and swears never to love again? Are you freaking kidding me?
I’m stopping myself from levels of sharing I’m not comfortable with, but god freaking damn. Not the path I chose or considered. The only target in my crosshairs was me, not some squirrels.
The whole seen was and remains the most I’ve ever laughed at anything Warcraft-related.
Given the whole Sylvanas fascist police state Golden decided to saddle us with, and they’re literally disappearing protesters as Sylvanas makes a BS speech about how the Gathering wasn’t her fault (which probably came off as a lot more loaded today than it did last Fall), I had fun with the propaganda angle at least.
Generally in this sort of bombastic tone;
But also plenty of RAS advertisements in the vein of 50s and more modern pharmaceutical adds.
I am wondering if they will just unlock it as customization for Kaldorei and Sin’dorei. Perhaps tied to hunters only. Otherwise likely it will be an AR.
I highly reccomend bad jokes and pushing the trauma down until you have time for it.
I’ve occasionally (Mass Effect Andromeda’s Liam, in particular) seen people harp on fictional characters who have Been Through It for being too flip and no, that’s actually a pretty common defense mechanism and I see it like… a lot. Especially in younger first responders.
While I super like the notion… implementation would require a full overhaul of how the character creation interface is designed and the server handles stuff. I dont think they are willing to invest the time and energy into it, not when they are presently busy untangling eldritch spaghetti code to lower faction barriers.
WoW’s at its worst when it’s bombastic shlock taking itself dead seriously.
Which it increasingly has been. I’ve noted the Forsaken worked because they seemed to be the only ones aware how objectively ridiculous this all is.
So you’ve got undead nearly hurling in abject disgust at the idea of someone making a farm or ‘Psylosophers’ who’s idea of therapy is putting an overly ornate couch just outside a crumbling tower while slapping and insulting the patients;
“My official diagnosis is that you are both idiots! IDIOTS I SAY!”
And then Darkshore is played completely straight. It begs the question I’ve been asking through BFA and SL;
Part of me feels they are trying to mimic the serious tone of stuff like game of thrones. Or even FF XIV (though itll be a cold day in hell before they confess to that)
Its a symptom of the writing teams slowly changing, and with them the media they draw inspiration from.