I really hope that they do more with our stowaway friends from that scenario.
Yeah I really hope so too! Blizzard's been sprinkling all sorts of little hints at future content throughout the game lately, each more exciting than the last. The Botani and Junker Gnomes in particular really interest me!
Sporemounds(with the Thorn Sporemound having Quillboar working under it and taking on the face of a thorny Boar) and Centaur as the next Expansion Villains sounds like an excellent idea!
Yeah, it'd be so cool! Their thematics mesh so well, and they're geographically very close together now. Gives Blizzard a chance to flex those new Quillboar models a bit more, too. Heck, since the Botani managed to make a small army of plant-infested Orcs, maybe that's how they could get the other mongrel races on side, too.
I can see it now -- the ruling caste of Botani, spreading the word of Sporemound and veneration of Genesaurs. The priest caste of Quillboar, with the matrons acting as spiritual centers and shaman, and the men serving as enforcers and elites. Then below them, you have stuff like, say, spore-infested centaur tribes and murlocs acting as shock troops and fodder.
I really freakin' like the Mongrel Horde idea, guys!
10/27/2018 01:18 AMPosted by
Just curious, do you guys think there is another world revamp in the foreseeable future, or do you think blizzard wouldn't want to go down that road again? Because I'm kinda 50/50 on it.
I think it could happen gradually zone-by-zone similar to Arathi, but doubt it'll happen like Cataclysm again. Not that I don't wish it would -- the questing and story updates were amazing to see, and I'd personally get a ton more out of new leveling content than out of new raids or dungeons. But most people, I think, were bummed at the relative lack of end-game content that resulted from the Cataclysm revamps, and that's totally understandable. Blizzard probably doesn't want to stretch themselves too thin and cause that sort of issue again.
A nice compromise I'd dig? Some old content world quests! I know WQs are a pretty polarizing feature, but I just like that they give me something to do out in the world. If they could get me back to Desolace or Stranglethorn to do some relevant new content, I'd be tickled pink!
The narrative framework is already there, too -- just let us play out the scenarios that are already on our war campaign mission tables! Faction war WQs would be evergreen, too, like battlegrounds. We're always gonna be fighting at least a tiny bit, after all.
Another similar compromise I'd be into is open world timewalking. Since they don't seem to want to do full-world, full-range level scaling ala Guild Wars 2, I think open world timewalking would be a very Blizzard way to achieve the same goals. Every couple of weeks, just send us off to the Jade Forest or wherever to replay the quests and earn some cosmetics. Maybe toss a few "where are they now" quests in there every couple months. Brilliant!