Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I do love how Red Alert 1 leads into the Tiberium universe and RA 2 leads into the alternate RA 3 timeline. Westwood did a great job in building the different timelines for their games

I just woke up and I feel like I missed a bunch of stuff.

you did! you have a lot to catch up on.

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Basically I had a breakdown this morning and…I went off on a bunch of people who didn’t deserve it

eh, happens to the best of us.

Woah. I “muted” Deathisfinal’s latest thread, since obviously that thread’s purpose is for people to post what they enjoy about Sylvanas in the latest cinematic and I would have nothing to contribute to that, and I thought the forums would just stop marking it as unread when new posts are made in it, but rather the forums just completely hid the thread from me as if it doesn’t exist.

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hugs You’re still my bestie on here. :heart:

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I can’t give anymore likes for 57 minutes :sob:

So if I mute a player I still see when they post a new thread (with “ignored content” as the main post) but if I mute a thread it’s just completely gone?

Who designed this forum code?


Probably the same people who thought making Sylvanas a genocidal maniac would go over well with her fans.


So, still feeling emotionally broken from earlier, but I told a story a day or two ago and have a follow-up. Today is my first day back to work since…



By now, the baseline pain of my forked arm has subsided to a numb ache whenever I use it, which means I barely think about it. A hiss through my teeth when i get jostled on the bus, a venomous glare when someone on the sidewalk bumps into me, but that’s about it. In fact, as I got off the elevator and swiped my badge to get onto the floor, my arm was the last thing on my mind.

The eclairs my boss told me she bought? Those were all that was on my mind. Until…


Followed by what can best be described as a lethal wrestling move meant to crush me into submission. Or a really tight hug.

“Boundaries, (forking client)!! No physical contaaaa- Can’t breathe!!!”

Needless to say, the forker was glad to see me.

After escaping with my life and assuring her I was okay, I went to my little office and sat at my little desk. And found a single fork left on it. Because me and my boss do this to each other.

After a couple hours reviewing client notes, out daily log of what has happened since I last worked and other small tasks, I go out on the floor where my two regular coworkers were. Both come up to me and ask how I’m feeling.

“My arm is just all forked up!! But I’m fine otherwise. And… Hey! How did you guys know something happened? You came running!!”

Well. Remember when I said I didn’t yell?

I did yell.

Very loudly, it would seem. A short, sharp yelp of pain. A single word, a single profanity that could be heard from the other side of the building with ease.

A word that was not fork but sounds close.

For the rest of the night so far, everyone wants to know how my arm is. Fine, fine, just still forked. And of course the fork jokes have not stopped.

I go to check the med cabinet? A fork.

I open up my binders? All of them have forks.

I go into my mini fridge? Forks.

If this keeps up, someone’s gonna get forked.


I just wanted to say I hate night elves. I think their lore sucks

Night elves make kimchi, which makes them the best of elves.

That’s just science.

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No more Activison Blizzard games in Russia.

How does this affect the Council? Shernish? I gotta check out EU forums.


What happened earlier?

oof, Shernish may not have a choice to unsub if it hasn’t happened already.

No, I got that part.

I briefly say when she was about to quit the forums but I didn’t see why.I think it’s about the terrible people on the discord but i missed a big chunk due to work.


Micâh’s the one who said that.


I’m so confused.

No, I said it too because I was on the Discord and saw the crappy things being said and I said nothing.