Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

This is the best one I could find, but it’s from Beta, and some of the Dialogue has changed.

You’ll probably have to look at each boss’s page individually on WoWpedia, and also. Check out Bwonsamdi’s dialogue for this dungeon on there.

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why, what you need? I got you boo.

Me no bow ta ya cheap tricks!
Azeroth be in ruins… and it be over one… little… whisper ta dis foolish troll.
Ya played ya part perfectly! Me was promised ta torture ya forever… but den someone else had ta get in de way.
Me be bored of ya, Mueh’zala. It be time for ya to be banished back ta de Other Side.
I be keepin’ ya dere for de rest of existence. Ya got a new master now.
Me be releasin’ da binds a bit on Mueh’zala. You be makin’ sure me people don’t get lost ta his power.
Mueh’zala be usin’ me… ta put Sylvanas in power. Me be notin’ but a pawn ta he and dis Jailer’s plans.
Den it be time ta strike back against de Jailer.
Tink ya can be breakin’ free now, Mueh’zala?
Foolish loa! You no be stoppin’ me power. I be feastin’ on ya followers… den you!

Bwonsamdi: Now here’s a loa ya might remember! Hakkar always be needin’ mojo for his rituals… and Bwonsamdi always be willin’ ta make a deal.
Bwonsamdi: Whatcha be giving me dat look for? Sure, hakkar be a loa of blood. But a deal’s a deal, man! Tsk. Just get me mojo back.

Bwonsamdi: Ol’ Hakkar, he a nasty one. But ya be makin’ he pay his debt. Sooner or later, him gonna be back. Ya can’t be keepin’ a bad loa down!

Bwonsamdi: It don’t just be trolls who be comin’ ta ask for ol’ Bwonsamdi’s help. All kinds be makin’ deals wit da loa of death!
Bwonsamdi: Like dese two crazy little gnomes here. Dey both be hungry for power, so me were happy to oblige.
Bwonsamdi: But now, uh… me be needin’ dat mojo back!

Bwonsamdi: True love… now ain’t dat sweet? Ol’ Bwonsamdi be havin’ his share of romance back in his day. Heh… more den his share!

Bwonsamdi: Now ol’ Bwonsamdi don’t just be makin’ deals on Azeroth. Brokers be lookin’ for power… all kinda power.
Bwonsamdi: Dis one ain’t gonna want ta give back me mojo. Careful now… she be tricky…

Bwonsamdi: Dem brokers be up ta somethin’. Ya best be keepin’ an eye on 'em! NNNGGGG! Now hurry back wit me mojo!

Mueh’zala: Gonna send ya sounds to da Maw!
Mueh’zala: I be da God of Death! Da Night’s Friend!
Mueh’zala: Behold da Father of Sleep! Da Son of Time!

Mueh’zala: Beaten… by mortal? How… can dis be?!
Bwonsamdi: Times change, mon. Mortals never be as weak as ya believed ‘em ta be. Dey be havin’… potential.
Bwonsamdi: But don’t ya be worryin’ ‘bout a ting. Ya gonna be havin’ plenty a time ta learn from ya mistakes.
Bwonsamdi: Ya did good, heroes. But what Mueh’zala got comin’ ain’t for mortal eyes. Take ya trinkets and begone with ya!
Mueh’zala: Can’t stop what’s comin’, Bwonsamdi. Da Jailer’s gonna break it all!
Bwonsamdi: Tsk. Watch ya tongue, little ting! Bwonsamdi be da bossmon now…


Good efforts, but I need Bwonsamdi’s and Muehzala’s back and forths between bosses too.

I have screenshots, of all the quest dialogue too from Ardenweald when we aid Bwonsamdi afer… but I can’t post pictures :frowning: I’m still in time out, my trust will never go up enough.

I can transcribe what i have just not right now, it will have to be later tonight when I’m off work

I’ll probably have it by then, but thanks though!

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I found this Nobbel video, which has a bunch of it. The dialogue is different for Alliance and Horde. For Alliance, he mentions the “little disagreement” in Zuldazar. Doesn’t have the Horde dialouge.


That’s perfect!


Apologies for the double post but the story be here


Oooh I love this show.


Say what you will about the new zone, but I have so much anima.

Guild Wars 2 Spoilers

With Soo-Won being in Cantha the whole time what exactly is lurking in the Sea sending out Eldritch Monstrosities? The only Sea Entity we know of who creates Eldritch Horrors is Abaddon and he is presumed dead!

Considering the distance between Soo-Won and Tyria I’m starting to wonder if the distance between the two allowed the Void to breach the Sea from the Realm of Torment… The Void is supposed to come from the Mists(with the Elder Dragons keeping it contained) so it being tied to the Realm of Torment is easy to imagine.

Torment Creatures attacking from the Watery Abyss of the Unending Ocean is what we should be expecting… Right at the center of the Leylines! Dispersing the Dragonvoid should cause the Magic to move to the biggest Leyline and that will tear open the Realm of Torment fully!

Add in Fractals and Abaddon can return. I’m starting to suspect that this is what the Abaddon Fractal was originally supposed to foreshadow if it hadn’t been outvoted by the Thaumanova Reactor Fractal.

Of course the Abaddon Fractal being opened would probably have inspired Scarlet to let Abaddon out bringing the Torment Creatures in while Abaddon makes attempts to subjugate Mordremoth and later Kralkatorrik, Primordius, Jormag and Soo-Won.

Balthazar’s ambitions would still go ahead as planned though will be passed off as an attempt to stop Abaddon before Taimi uncovers the dangers resulting from killing Elder Dragons.

Abaddon would be the reoccurring villain whose presence would have been felt throughout Guild Wars 2’s story before ending with his demise with the Plot of Guild Wars Utopia(and the Old Gods from before Tyria’s 5 Gods) being the story after Abaddon’s defeat.

Thaumanova Reactor Fractal winning the Vote of course means that Abaddon’s presence only comes with the End of Dragons! Nightfall is coming once more!

Someone post the wowhead post about the anduin cutscene in the 9.2 thread. I was the last poster so I can’t. : (

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I made my own thread, forgot about yours.

That works too.


The reason I don’t have as many Horde monks as Alliance ones (despite monk being my probable favorite class) is that I can in no way be trusted with roll and cliffs.

Related: If you’re standing in Wyrmrest Orgrimmar, I’m sorry about the rain of Nightborne.


It’s okay, Sledge. I tamed a feathermane specifically because I was tired of dying to the raid boss that is Disengage. I figured having an on-demand slowfall with no cooldown would solve the issue.

I figured… Incorrectly.


That is why my hunter is, and has always been, an engineer. Well mostly it was for ammo, but now it’s purely for cliff diving.


Erevien isn’t back yet.

It’s starting to become clear why Khorne hates Skarbrand: Skarbrand embodies Slaanesh’s Vices just as the Keepers of Secrets do.

This is probably why Khorne merely cast Skarbrand out of his realm after draining him of everything except the Wrath rather than reabsorb him: He did try to reabsorb him yet couldn’t absorb what was represented by Slaanesh(the Wrath and Desire for Perfection) and thus simply cast the now Slaaneshi Daemon out of his sight and put Skulltaker in charge in his stead.

Skarbrand is Slaanesh’s Wrath filled with the desire to regain Khorne’s favor as that is the Perfect Ecstasy that Skarbrand would want.

Tzeentch’s schemes gave Slaanesh an extension that aids Khorne AKA Slaanesh’s greatest enemy.

Skarbrand is the hidden 7th Circle of Seduction: the Circle of Wrath.

and hopefully it stays that way.