Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Hugs Well, I hope you the best if you do get around to it hun

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The dimensional merge already happened, when Chris chan met Ethan Ralph

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I didn’t know there was such a thing.

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Imagine being one of the cops that was there. Not only do you have to deal with one ranting idiot, but then a second shows up, too.

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Gotta get that corn somehow

Monthly tugboat won’t pay for it.

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I wish I had one, I just have a Funko Pop Sylvie.

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From what I can gather Mount Celestia was reduced to Mertion, Jovar and Chronias as a result of the Layers of Solania and Venya somehow being turned into their own Planes while the Mountains themselves that the Layers were named after are pulled onto Mertion along with the unseen mountains of Jovar(which is supposed to be an infinite fortress) and Chronias(also an infinite fortress).

There is no mention of the fate of Lunia(the Infinite Sea of Holy Water) or Mercuria(Bastion but Infinite) incidentally aside from the Mountains being ripped off and dumped onto Mertion just like all the other Mountains.

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My void elf rogue has finally hit level 50.

I’ve had this rogue since Legion, and never got around to leveling her until today. I face hurdles. I faced challenges. I faced by procrastination and I defeated this difficult beast!!

But now I face an even greater challenge…

What possible weapons go with the void elf heritage armor? Swords preferably, if anyone has suggestions.

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Ohhh i can answer this, I’ll log on after work and give you some ideas.


Do any of you notice Ethriel, Akiyass and Zahir trying to bait Sylvanas fans into a “conversation” which is just a bullying tactic. The sharks are in the water today folks, and they smell blood. Watch out!



I have to work today Aki, I can’t give you the attention you need rn.

I’m kinda burntout.

Maybe on the weekend. Just let me get through this work week.


You’re not the only one noticing them.

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I been largely avoiding having that conversation. For obvious reasons


I tried arguing about the Night Elves, but I am not very good at debating, and I don’t know what to say half the time.


It’s the way they twist things to the worst possible thing knowing you’d have to dig yourself out when you didn’t even feel that way to begin with, and it always comes back to:

“So you think genocide is okay?”

While they go on to describe the punishment they want… and shocker! It’s genocide!

I don’t have time for this today. I’m an adult with a family and a job.


When you are a vocal advocate for the redemption of a known and admitted war criminal, I think asking why you feel that way is a completely reasonable question to ask.

Calling that “bullying” is… Silly.


It’s why I generally ignore them. I’ll join in the occasional argument with them, mostly when I know they’ll make a fool of themselves in the first two replies. But I know better than to expect honest discussion from them. Never expect honesty from people who go out of their way to delude themselves.