Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

A little too dramatic.


Less flair next time? Gotcha :joy:

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The argument’s conclusion… Is all I seek.
I sacrificed my politeness long ago.


I see what you did there. I think I hear wind chimes crying about daddy eye beams or something :joy:


Many times a Story goes downhill because it scraps the original Plan so even their original Plans would write a better Expansion than the results of scrapping things!

I dare say even Tolkien’s original Plans may be better than what we got for LotR!

Incidentally his first Plan for LotR had Treebeard as the Saruman of the story and have the story be about returning the Ring to Gollum only for Tolkien to get it into his head that he should make a Darker and Edgier story.

Even after that he was still entertaining Treebeard as the Saruman of the Story only to split him into the two opposing forces(machine vs nature) they are today.

Saruman being a Sorcerer aligned with Machine made LotR a bit too anti-fantasy in my opinion. He should have been a White Wizard aligned with Gardens having a spat with a rival White Wizard(flaunting Tech) over conquering Middle Earth.

The White Wizard Treebeard would attack Rohan with his flowery Garden Trees the size of Men and get defeated by the Rohirrim who would invade his Tower while the White Wizard tied to Machines would harass the local forest of Tree People leading to them laying siege to his Tower.


I like you, have a cupcake🧁

Hasbro’s version(since Eberron pretty much shows that all of Hasbro’s franchises take place in one big Multiverse) of Tartarus: Carceri is apparently a string of Planets each having their Deepest tunnels(natural or otherwise) lead to an alternate smaller version of them in a Parallel Universe(there are 6 Known Universes in Tartarus as no one has dug through the 6th to get to any 7th Universe due to how fast they freeze).

It is practically a certainty that MLP’s Equestria(which has a walkable path to Tartarus) is on one of the Planets of Othrys(the first Universe of Tartarus which at it’s furthest reaches is the River of Oceanus AKA the Ocean River leading to the Plane of Water) or Colothys(the fourth Universe of Tartarus)!

The 2nd Universe of Tartarus is out of the question due to being all Red, the 3rd is excluded due to being pure Desert and do you honestly think the Icy 5th and 6th Universes could possibly hold MLP’s Equestria in it? Of course not!

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Square Enix is getting into NFT’s.

Also, RIP Betty White.


NFTs and cryptocurrency will be the reasons why we’ll enter into another Great Depression.


OH NO. Now there’s two Light Crusade threads! I haven’t even read the first one yet.

I’m still reading the first one too. Not even halfway through it yet.

Though… did some posts get deleted? It’s under 800 posts now.

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It looks to me that it’s over 1,000 posts.

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I refreshed and it went up, weird.

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You are in for a roller coaster of a ride!

I had to mute it, I just cannot anymore.


There are 4 or 5, he keeps making new ones every couple months.

Her passing hit me pretty hard. I feel like when Sir Antony Hopkins goes i’ll be a real mess.

He’s my favorite.

I always thought Madonna was a good marker for time, because she is the exact same age as my mom, and their birthday is less than a week apart. So when the media would talk about Madonna’s birthday, I would think of my mom.

I like some of her music and she is very creative. If I live long enough to see Madonna die, her passing would make me sad, especially because it would make me face my mother’s mortality, if she was still around.

I’m hoping that won’t be for a while. My Grandmother lived in to her 80s and my Grandfather is 97 and pretty hale.

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Now, it’s been 404’d.

Now I’ll never know what I was missing because it was always 600 posts longer than I had read.