Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I expect one day Mad Scientists will find a way to bring objects from Fiction into the Real World and Vice Versa and publicize it.

If it happens in my day I would hopefully arrange(if I can) for the obtaining(before the invention is banned by the Governments) objects that can create ideal Planet-sized Moons to Orbit the Earth(while affecting Humans with their Earth-like Gravity while in their atmosphere despite not affecting the Earth itself)!

Imagine a Jupiter-sized Maldraxxus-like Moon filled with friendly Death Elementals, Abominations, Skeletons, Bone Wraiths and Liches between Earth and the Moon casually ignoring Newtonā€™s Laws of Gravitation and not effecting the Earth aside from blotting out the Sun at intervals moving at the same speed as the Jupiter in the video!

Imagine a Saturn-sized Asian World based on Pandaria, GWā€™s Cantha, Bleachā€™s Soul Society, Avatar the Last Airbenderā€™s World, Sagwaā€™s World, TMNTā€™s Feudal Japan, TMNTā€™s Ancient Japan, TMNTā€™s Ninja Tribunal, TNMTā€™s Battle Nexus, Narutoā€™s World and Inuyashaā€™s Feudal Japan between Jupiter-Maldraxxus and the Moon.

Imagine a Uranus-sized Dark Moon based on Sha, Emerald Nightmare, Black Empire, Darksiders 2ā€™s Corruption and KHā€™s Realm of Darkness.

Imagine a Neptune-sized Life Moon based on GWā€™s Domain of Pain, GWā€™s Depths of Madness, Revendreth, Bloodborneā€™s Yharnam and Danteā€™s Infernoā€™s Phlegethon(River of Blood) and Circle of Gluttony.

I reckon we can neatly fit Jupiter-Maldraxxus/Death Moon, Saturn-Asian Moon, Uranus-Dark Moon and Neptune-Life Moon in one neat orbit between Earth and the Moon if we make them ignore Newtonā€™s Laws of Gravity.

When the reckless Mad Scientists invent something to bring Fiction into reality we will have so much power and I have ideas on what to do with it!

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You have some strange fetishes.

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Idk, at this point itā€™s pretty standard to wish for that.

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Speaking of. Ahead of Blizzcon, the leaked storyboard for 9.1 has come into my posession.

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It is beyond obnoxious to me that Sylvanas is only showing regret for her actions now that Anduin is on the chopping block and not when, you know, the plan called for burning countless innocents and children alive.

I was worried weā€™d be going full Dragonball morality but it seems that is our course. A character is only bad if they kill a named character, and if they do they only have to repent for that one kill.

The countless worlds Vegeta and Buu destroyed? Donā€™t matter. They were offscreen nobodies anyway.

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I can tell you with pretty near absolute certainty that those words you listed mean little to me. As in - they donā€™t ā€œmatterā€

You used a word that looks like veggies. Veggies taste good sometimes.

Vegeta is the PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS and Buu is a giant pink wad of gum that has the power to turn people into candy.

ā€¦ The second is more intimidating than it sounds.

Edit: The point of the comparison was that in the anime Dragonball bad guys, who have killed millions of people by destroying entire worlds like Vegeta and Buu, get ā€œredeemedā€ every arc simply by siding with the good guys against an even bigger big bad. All the countless people theyā€™ve killed no longer matter and are never brought up again.

It is fine for a childrenā€™s cartoon, which I guess WoW basically is. So fair game. You just canā€™t think too hard on the implications.

Edit2: Though to be fair Buu DID befriend a cute dog as part of his redemption cycle, so thatā€™s all I need to root for him again.


Your innocence is soā€¦ palpable.

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I agree about Vegeta, but Buu is more complex than that. Buu was a tool by Bibidi who didnā€™t get much say in the matter. Buu also had his evil expelled from him, which was defeated and destroyed. Buu does everything he can to help when the evil leaves him, while Vegeta still has an arrogant attitude throughout the franchise. Vegeta also stole Bulma from Yamcha.

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True enough. The Buu that got redeemed is at least one who magically expelled the evil from his body. Heā€™s also just in general has the mind of a child and canā€™t really make informed decisions the way the other characters can.


Now Iā€™m thinking of a Shade of Sylvanas situationā€¦

I suppose its possible Blizzard could likeā€¦ Have the banshee ripped from her corpse and purified, thereby removing the sins of her undeath from her immortal soul.

I dunno if any Sylvanas fans would actually ENJOY seeing that happen to her though.

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I want Sylvanas to be the penultimate boss of the 9.3 raid (Jailer being the final) and it. Idc what happens to her after, but I want to fight and beat her. Would be an insanely cool fight. You didnā€™t ask, but too bad, Iā€™ve told you.

Not that different from how Dr. McCoy gets all emotional about single deaths but canā€™t encompass the slaughter of a ship of 400 Vulcans. It was awesome seeing Spock call him out on that.

(Spock is on a biobed, being scanned.)
SPOCK: I assure you, Doctor, I am quite all right. The pain was momentary. It passed quickly.
MCCOY: All of my instruments seem to agree with you if I can trust these crazy Vulcan readings. Spock, how can you be so sure the lntrepid was destroyed?
(Spock gets off the bed.)
SPOCK: I sensed it die.
MCCOY: But I thought you had to be in physical contact with a subject before
SPOCK: Doctor, even I, a half-Vulcan, could hear the death scream of four hundred Vulcan minds crying out over the distance between us.
MCCOY: Not even a Vulcan could feel a starship die.
SPOCK: Call it a deep understanding of the way things happen to Vulcans, but I know not a person, not even the computers on board the Intrepid, knew what was killing them or would have understood it had they known.
MCCOY: But four hundred Vulcans?
SPOCK: Iā€™ve noticed that about your people, Doctor. You find it easier to understand the death of one than the death of a million. You speak about the objective hardness of the Vulcan heart, yet how little room there seems to be in yours.
MCCOY: Suffer the death of thy neighbour, eh, Spock? You wouldnā€™t wish that on us, would you?
SPOCK: It might have rendered your history a bit less bloody.

All I can think of when I see his name.

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Vegetaā€™s redemption is a little more nuanced imo, and is technically a still ongoing process. It helps that the planets heā€™s fought werenā€™t known to us.

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Thatā€™s kind of my point, though. The millions of people Vegeta killed arenā€™t discussed outside the occasional joke reference because they arenā€™t main characters.

Also Piccolo Jr.'s redemption > Vegetaā€™s. Most people just didnā€™t see most of it because of the awkward Dragonball / DBZ split.


Never cared for DBZ lmao.

A few of my friends started playing Shadowlands, so Iā€™m back to play with them.

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To be fair, outside of that filler episode of dbz, we have no idea how many people Vegeta has personally killed. In the dragonball super manga, he feels some level of guilt towards the namekians.