Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

I just got this notice today:

Do we have PMs now?

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Anduin help us if we do

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He can not hear our prayers, anymore. We must learn to survive without him.

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I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever read a sentence more terror-inducing than the possibility of us having PMs.

What the Heck. is this post going through?

Edit: It did. Huh. My sub shouldnā€™t be active. That is weird.

Christ help us all. What does clicking on the hyperlinked part do?

Didā€¦ did the Forum just give you and MicĆ¢h a more formal version of ā€œget a roomā€?

Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been wondering.


That is actually good to see, there is no need for a conversation that is basically ā€œHere have some cookiesā€ I dont get the american notion of talking about food in bait threads either

Itā€™s not American, itā€™s an old internet thing. Instead of feeding the trolls, you post recipes/food to derail the thread so even if people take the bait you drown them out.


Sounds equally stupid.

Thatā€™s the point. You post stupid stuff in a bait thread because you donā€™t respect the thread or the person who originally made it. Itā€™s a passive way of treating the OP as worthless without having to say it and risk a forum ban.


Nothing better than derailing a stupid thread with nonsense and everyone joining in!

There must be alot of stupid threads then

Yes. There are. More than you could know.

Iā€™ve began muting threads and honestly it has been the best thing ever.

Iā€™ve been linking animal videos.


I didnā€™t actually click the link to find out, but from what Iā€™ve read on looking it up it seems the link just takes you to the posterā€™s forum profile, but doesnā€™t actually have a means to send a PM to them.


why is renethal so hot

that is all

thank you

For me, itā€™s his and Denathriusā€™s voice acting. The sheer amount of arrogance Denathrius can squeeze into a single syllable reminds me of me, and Iā€™m pretty hot. And his penchant for wandering around shirtless. Then Renathal has that raspy, but refined thing going on. The nonchalant way he says ā€œThere is no possibility of victory. Oh, is that not exicitng?ā€ gets to me.

Plus, it helps that, at least visually, theyā€™re Elf-adjacent.

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I know I probably should keep any RL politics out of the lounge, but this was too good not to share.
ā€˜One Day Moreā€™ of President Trump - Les MisĆ©rables parody - YouTube

I only just saw this, and I donā€™t really understand the context of it.

But what am I? The boogieman?