Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

More like the Goblin and Worgen starting zones where you do a story until they let you out into the real world. You’re trying to figure out what happened to the last Horde/Alliance crew that was sent that way.

They even somewhat readded “class quests”. As a Hunter they taught me how to tame a pet and I got to make my first trap. It was pretty neat.


Never actually done either of those to be honest.

Didn’t end up making any modifications to my hunter, like her as is.

But I did update my warrior:

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Hey do you know if the facial markings on a Night Elf are painted on or something permanent? I was wondering if changing them would be weird.

They’re supposed to be tattoos, usually marking a right of passage. In old lore at least. But after Tyrande showed up in that cinematic with hers looking more like psoriasis (maybe supposed to be paint), I’m not so sure.

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I think they’re meant to be evergreen scenarios. I ran through the alliance one earlier. Sticking it in a details spoiler tab just in case, but

It was basically you sailing to an uncharted island to look for a missing crew. You get shipwrecked too, and you spend the time tracking down missing people of various races while killing random ogres that want to raise a dragon from the dead. That's all.

But holy moly you better be prepared for 50% of the dialogue to be “THE ALLIANCE NEVER GIVES UP ON ANYBODY” because that never lets up.

The Alliance never leaves a man behind.*

(*Only non-Stormwindian refugees.)


I’m really liking the new customization options. It hasn’t showed up yet on the forums or armory, but after twelve years Tilgath FINALLY has eyebrows. I was absurdly happy when I got them. I also gave him tattoos down under his eyes and on his arms, and put some green/purple leave and vines in his hair. Plus, his bear and cat forms are now the Legion artifact versions, because why not.

The only change I made for my Forsaken toon is giving him complete skin. Now my transmogs won’t be ruined by the dumb bones. Otherwise I was happy with him as he already was. I’ll start on the rest of my alts tomorrow.


I’m already seeing some people rock the new customization options :smiley: Honestly, this was one of the main things I was excited for in SL. Don’t even care that much for the story as I do about customization.

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I plan to make this character into a High Elf when Shadowlands releases. My idea is that since the Shadowlands doesn’t condone the Void, the nature magic of Ardenweald will be purifying her of those aspects. This is possible due to my character having become a Void Elf through a separate experiment she did and not during the incident with Umbric, so it’s not as difficult to “purify” her. I think it’s a good enough headcanon explanation to explain making my character that way. I still love Void Elves though.

The only thing customisation missing from void elves is some more damn hair options. Why?!

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Don’t forget the ears. It’s odd how Blood Elves can change their ear size but Void Elves can’t.

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Eh. I want to say that there’s kind of a concession where you don’t give too many things that blood elves have to void elves so there’s at least SOME differences with them… but the fact that VEs get all of the skin tones and some of the eye colours… it’s a hard argument to make.

It’ll be after I get home, and work my way through all my Night Elves first, but I’m making my Void Elf just a straight up High Elf. Always has been, doesn’t even know what “Telahgris” is, or where to find it.

I just need the chest piece, and I’m set.

I’m hoping they come with the customization options they mentioned once as coming in the future.


I know it’s just a combination of a honeymoon period with experiencing something new, and the amount of time passed since I leveled up as horde, but so far Kul’Tiras questing has been such a breath of fresh air holy moly.

Also I see why people like Flynn so much now. The dude taste-tested what he thought was pee just on the off-chance it was alcohol.


Thank Elune Shego doesn’t have an onlyfans.

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Slightly updated look for Shadowlands:


Those feet are uncanny


Once I finally get on Wow. I can’t wait to see High Elves in the Streets of Stormwind and everything else too.

Through I do hope the Horde has something interesting. Right now I see Sand Trolls, Dark Trolls, and Blue Eye Blood Elves so far.