Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Just discovered that Stygia/Hatred(the burning Stygia is outright called Hatred in the Maw’s description) is the Ghostly Blue-Grey Death Magic being used by the denizens of Torghast not Phantasma(which is just Ghostly White)!

Seems that all of the Eternal Ones are the same thing the Jailer is.

Supposition: Jailer’s probably more powerful because he gets all souls that are a threat to the shadowlands.

So bored. Discuss.

I don’t know who Shego is, and I’ve never watched an episode of Kim Possible. I remember getting toasted while baby sitting my niece, and that cartoon wasn’t on her rotation. But a brief Google education taught me ALL I need to know.

Leave it to the patriarchy to name a female who is a villain “Shego.” As if a woman advancing her position in anyway makes her villainous. As if the mere mention of “she” and “go” together is meant to conjure antagonism.

(Kidding. Mostly. While reading about her, I learned Nicole Sullivan does her voice. I like that lady. I think she was the lady who walked Jerry Stiller in King of Queens)

Now that you mention it… Ron could have been a part of the development of my eventual thing for guys who are less intelligent, and somewhat dependent on me, but great with animals.

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Literally toxic? Because her green outfit, skin hue, and fire-hand lead me to believe this character is poisonous.

Add some purple and she’d be a good fit in the Illidari.

Gonna take a guess as who is for what ship or not in here?

Every MHP is Mako/Korra.


I have joined the Story Forums Discord and just how lucky that set server is still around. I haven’t really been talking or playing wow much due to playing too many different games as of late.

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In my opinion, the tome is my favorite concept. However if sticking to lore which the ancient description says it doesn’t care about wouldn’t make a good cross faction mount given that it’s in the lead. Imagine a goblin or orc riding on a big tree that’s in warcraft lore, defenders of the nightelfs. The nerubian spider is a over-used concept since wotlk was released and not to mention AQ40 was released. The slime saber is another over used concept given all the different sabers we’ve had. The curious catepillar is also a unique concept however in my opinion it still isn’t as good as the tome.

Considering how crazy and murderous the Thomas Wayne Batman from the Flashpoint Timeline was…

Has the likelihood of Simon Hurt’s claims of being Thomas Wayne being true gone up any?

His God is Barbatos AKA the guy whose Blood also known as Dionesium is the source of the regeneration powers of the Lazarus Pit so could Simon Hurt infact be Thomas Wayne himself as he claims?

I finally once again have all available Hippogryph mounts in the game. Like Garuhod, I am finally free of Azsuna.


Words cannot describe my jealously.



que fangirl squeeing


Remember folks. Hype is the Mind Killer. You must overcome the hype.

Yes, but this director has yet to make a bad movie. I’m more worried about the studio screwing things over. BR 2049 may not have made much money, but it is one of my top 5 movies ever now.

I hope it does well. Its time people got familiar with the LOTR of Science-Fiction.


He’s a solid director. Though, like Jackson and LotR, since you mention it, I do worry about alterations and condensing to turn it into a movie.

Though, Timothée Chalamet is nice to look at, so there’s always that.


I went into Bladerunner with mild expectations since I was a big fan of the original. But it was easily my best movie experience ever. Given how much I liked Dune when I was younger, can’t help but have high expectations.

I just know there were so many scenes from the trailer where it felt just like I imagined it when reading the book. So that gives me a good vibe.