Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

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I feel like most of the other choices are more interesting tbh. Especially the caterpillar.


The ancient is quite honestly the best option Imo.

Nerubian is cool and iconic to the Scourge, however would be a reskin of the Nazmir Blood Tick.

The book is cool, but honestly, why hasnā€™t this been an Inscription mount?

Slime Cat? Why. Just why.

Caterpillar? Not even remotely interesting imo.

The Ancients have been in WoW since Warcraft 3 and are pretty iconic to the Night Elf society. It has the opportunity to have a unique skeleton if designed like the ones in WoW.

I think the 4 that lose will end up being shop mounts or subscription mounts.

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Eh Iā€™d prefer that to be an Alliance mount if they were really going to put it in. Especially after Teldrassil.

and this brings me back to my original question.

It is fairly close for me.

The Cat and Ancient sounded cool to me. And I like any mount that makes more sense to summon.

Nerubian and Caterpillar seemed ok, but Iā€™d feel a bit more sticking out on those.

Already have normal stuff, donā€™t see the appeal of the book.


I wouldnā€™t be mad, itā€™s just a mount. But I do think it wouldnā€™t make much sense to have it on the Horde side. Maybe if they had some sort of ridiculous Goblin mecha lookalike that completely misses the point of a nature ancient Iā€™d be fine with it because thatā€™d be very in character for them.

I just feel like if done well the caterpillar would be neat. A low to the ground mount that has a short animation cycle of a whole bunch of moving legs in sequence.

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While I RP with my particular choice of mounts on a character, I donā€™t take mounts in general as ā€œcanonā€. Immersionā€™s already broken by DKs being able to use the red drake mount, or any neutral to good creature carrying a Horde player. So eh.

Presumably to capitalize on the popularity of the datamined slime cat pet, that throngs of people find cute, for some reason.

Because it is cute?


The bookā€™s the only one Iā€™m interested in but meh. Seeing the ancient so far in the lead feels like a bummer.

I love the concept of the book. That has my vote.

The Nerubian would be awesome. I wouldnā€™t mind it. But the book would be better. The idea that we might have more Nerubians on our side is neat.

The Treeā€¦ well, at least it says the tree doesnā€™t care about war or lore. Which comically relates to the Night Elf Ancients of War and Ancients of Loreā€¦ but also explains its use by both Factions. It looks like it is gonna be the winner. Seems people canā€™t get that image of Treebeard being a mount for the Hobbits out of their head. I guess itā€™s fine.

I canā€™t imagine the ancient looking good as a mount without it ending up like the infernal mounts did and being changed a fair bit from the base model weā€™re used to.

Considering the lead it has, I guess weā€™ll see what they end up doing with it.

I donā€™t care as long as its not another horse.


If itā€™s an ancient from Ardenweald, I donā€™t think Teldrassil would be a factor, since these wouldnā€™t be Azerothā€™s Ancients.

If itā€™s supposed to be Ancients from the mortal realm, then I guess they could always pass off a Horde ancient as being one the Magā€™har brought from Draenor, since Draenor had their own ancients too.

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FFXIV: A Realm Reborn has an excessively mundane ending before its Heavensward expansion.

I think it would be cool to have a book mount. Standing like the Panda kites and hanging on to the bookmark. Or sit in the crease of the open book and have a bookworm at the controls flying you.

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I am hoping we get at least one more horse. I really want a wooden horse. Like a rocking horse that flies. That would be funny. Or it could be a passenger mount, similar to the Trojan Horse - basically a bigger wooden horse with room for one or two people.

But seeing any debate about the Horde riding around on an Ancient makes wonder. Maybe I will get a Twlight Zone type of wish fulfillment. Perhaps the Horde Ancient will be a lifeless wooden copy, like those fake trees we use to hide sometimes.

The Caterpillar is the best mount out of all those

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Caved in and got a carry for the last boss, and that final little cutscene with Magni calling me a hero while my Gift of Nā€™zoth was literally rolling its eye was a perfect encapsulation of the experience.


The caterpillar was alot more interesting when I imagined it as changing into a butterfly when you switch to flying. A hope that was quickly dashed, upon actually reading the description.

Now, Iā€™m not quite sure if the mount will fly or not. Some, like the caterpillar and Ancient, seem unlikely. But then you have the Soaring Spelltome. And the cat could go either way, after the runesaber and panthara mounts. I admit, it is also kind of amusing to imagine the Ancient flying around like the Iron Giant.