Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Wrong, it´s about how un-Forsaken she is. How many times do I have to point how both her flavor (human female, priest of the church of the light) and the development (raised by a Naaru + Alliance figurehead protagonist + undead specifically noted as beloved by the Alliance) she got is basically 180º of the Horde flavor AND development (and sorry, but she could had been developed using the Horde thematics, just like Zelling was. Look at the player response that Zelling got inside the Horde posters and the player response that Calia got. That´s what hurts the most: that we realize devs are literally trying to tell us “only the Alliance way can get positive development”. And that´s a disgusting message to send your 15+ years old HORDE fanbase after a villain batting for the ages.


There’s like eleventy billion Calia threads you guys could do this in.


You got me. I thought we were legitimately going to see some of the original exiled Highborne.

Heck, theoretically Talanas Windrunner himself could have been a Night Elf originally.

That’s another concern I have about SL. There are so many interesting dead characters and character concepts for us to meet. And, so far, we’ve seen like… three.


5 at the moment(not counting the 2 who are Datamined): We see Uther, Draka, Vashj, Alexandros and Ysera.

Having less characters cheapens Death less since the ones most likely to come back are the ones in the 5 closest Afterlives to Oribos and the Maw. Most famous spirits we know will live their lives in their Afterlives ignorant of the open exit into the World of the Living…

I said interesting, though. So we have: Ysera. The first Night Warrior. Vashj, if she can elucidate some of the reasoning for the Naga joining Illidan. And maybe Ashamane, if she does more than just stand around silently in a cutscene.

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Just noticed a YouTube Video Title suggesting Yzma from The Emperor’s New Groove killed Kuzco’s parents despite the fact that the show The Emperor’s New School shows that Kuzco’s father deliberately left Yzma instructions to seize the Throne while still raising Kuzco only for Yzma to disobey the order by simply being the power behind the throne until Kuzco fired her.

Why the Emperor(who was clearly fed up with the throne to the point he went on a voyage he seemingly intended to never return from) wanted Yzma on the throne instead of his son is beyond me.

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To be fair, Calia is only getting hate because there’s a very real chance that she is going to be forced into the role of Forsaken leader.

People voicing their dislike of this idea is pretty much their only avenue of trying to avoid that fate by making their displeasure loud and visible.

Not that it’ll probably matter in the end. Blizzard does what Blizzard wants.


Yes but multiple threads all saying the same thing? I understand the hate for the Night Elf whining now.

I’m back for a little while. A certain ailment in real life is keeping me couped up so I thought I’d stop by and say hello :slight_smile:

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Do you guys know when Shadow’s Rising is coming out? A guy on the Oceanic WoW page said July 14th but the Dymocks page he linked to says August 1st so I’m not sure which is right if either.

It’s the 14th. I remember there was a topic about it in GD. Also it comes out the same day as the next Dresden Files.

Edit: Found it


Cheers. Suppose I’ll have to order a copy since there’s no local book shops that stock it.

It is as of now known that all the C’tan were reduced to Shards yet the Books mention the Nightbringer being transferred into a new body after being turned to Shards(while fighting Khaine) and managed to make his escape after being released from stasis.

His retreat incidentally was followed by the first appearance of Hive Fleet Leviathan(the biggest Tyranid Hive Fleet) though the other Hive Fleets showed up before that and were destroyed.

The sheer size of Leviathan indicates that the Nightbringer sent the Tyranids into a panic causing it to send a large number of them fleeing into the Milky Way Galaxy with their bodies the bone white color of a skeleton.

The Nightbringer has Shards(all from the battle that corrupted Khaine the Eldar’s God of Murder) and a whole body! The other C’tan including the Void Dragon, Deceiver and Outsider just have Shards!

The true Nightbringer is off to who knows where chasing the Tyranids into the Milky Way Galaxy while his Shards from his fight with Khaine as well as the Shards of the other C’tan(whom the Necron backstabbed) are all being weaponized by the Necrons for their wars!

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Bleh just preordered Shadows Rising from Dymocks and their release date says August 1. That damn well better be a placeholder.

Oh my gizzard… is that Bolvar thing new? Has it been there for a while and I just noticed it…?

Now I am mad at Sylvanas for breaking that helmet, because I have see his ugly mug on the app.

I was messing about with the new stuff in the Dressing Room (as I do). You can actually make fairly passable “High” Elves out of Void Elves, even without new hairstyles and colors.




Nothing really lore-heavy, but this was kind of cute af.

Except the part when Ysera found out Teldrassil actually happened. That was sad. She thought she had just dreamed it.