Don’t be silly Galenorn. You should stop complaining and enjoy the traditional American hamburger and rice covered jelly donuts.
Also, did they actually name the fighting type gym master Bae?
Everyone’s just being weird, and pronouncing it “bae”. I’m not sure if they’re doing so purposely, or if they genuinely misread her name. The latter need some Andy Griffith in their lives.
Just popping in to say I’m taking a break from the forum for a while. Recent discussions have had me hot under the collar in a non-productive way, and I’m also clearly not getting my points across in a way that makes sense to anyone except me, so I think stepping away is the best thing to do at this point. Maybe I’ll be back after I’ve had a rest, however long that takes. Meanwhile, thanks for the conversations that were good.
So I just went into the Emerald Dream to do that green essence quest for the HoA and I found some wilted flower called Remnant of the Void in a cave. I remember there being something with the shadow priest artifact in the same place, is this just that and they reused the area? I was able to pick it up as a Druid so I wasn’t sure if it was always there.
I wouldn’t take it personally. Most of us are pretty dug into our trenches before we even visit here. Most of us are informed but come to different conclusions - so we can’t change minds with new evidence.
The best you can do is maybe get someone to see it from a different angle.
I dont play FF 14, but when I see “Bea” I think of Kill Bill. The scene where Beatrix and Elle fight in Budd’s trailer - and Elle calls her “Bea” with saccharine sweetness.
Fun fact: Fate Testarossa’s Voice Actor Nana Mizuki played Nanoha in Lyrical☆Party IV.
Imagine if a writer referenced that by having Nanoha’s voice box get damaged and replaced with one that sounds like Nana Mizuki. Since Nana Mizuki sounds like Fate does Nanoha would probably be happy with the voice change.