Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

There’s a poster here, Story Forum, not the lounge, that has a post up that uses a word that means the public sexual assault of a male slave for means of inflicting humiliation and punishment. That post is still up and currently has even been given a like by a poster that frankly has a vile posting history of their own.


It would be a good idea, but getting the training to deal with all of the bloody dog whistles and coded phrases these groups use is nightmare unto itself. I’m not sure how many people are ready to be made aware of just how vile humanity can be.

I tried leveling through Shadowlands and I hate that fae forest place because there are these vile moths that descend randomly from the sky to one shot all of my alts.

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Omg same :rofl:

If they wanted to use that as a warning siren it would be enough to wake me from a dead sleep.

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That’s very specific


Take that back now.


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Our ancestors were kind of like that. They made words to convey meaning without needing to make a whole paragraph. Ink and print weren’t all that cheap.

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Ok. You have made your choice, and I must accept this.

I was hoping you would not choose violence, but we’re here now, and Lady Moonberry’s honor is at stake, so…

Pistols at dawn?

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I’m sorry I don’t use guns.

Would you accept blades?

What does some vile moths that are clearly evil and want to kill me have to do with Lady Moonberry last I knew she and I were ok. We don’t always agree on what’s funny, but she seems to get that.

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“On Lady Moonberry’s honor,” assumes Lady Moonberry has honor. She’s just wings away from a spriggan.

I wrote this in an irish accent.


Look, if you hate Ardenweald, then I’m sorry. You either keep that taurencrap you yourself, or we duel like gentle-elves. Pistols at dawn or the time-honored, internationally recognized, extremely lethal method of our forebearers.

We dance battle.

And Nightsong?

These hips have a body count that makes Sylvanas blush.

Pistols are a mercy.


not you too mith

not you too

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Fae are all the same. Tricksters.

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Ok, I see what’s going on here.

You’ve all clearly formed some kinda anti-Moonberry group. To spite me. Yes, to spite me.

Well. I know what I have to do now.

I too must form a group. A yuge group. The biggest and best group.

A group that is a cult I mean a cult I mean a political movement. Again.

But this time, I shall call it…



Now I’m really confused, I thought you were trying to kill me… now it sounds like it might not be such a bad time.

Should we have Lady Moonberry as the third?

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There shall be only bad times!!!

You and Mith and probably others have been brainwashed by the Bastion Elites into some twisted beliefs. Trying to keep good people like me and Lady Moonberry down.

Baine Bloodhoof!!!

Baine rigged the election to the Horde council, yes he did. At first MochaElf, running on the platform of eliminating this transmog and repair taxation we’re all expected to pay, I had all the votes. Then all of a sudden the servers go live and where did the votes go? Did you see the votes go, I saw the votes go.

At first Baine was losing, but then MochaElf is losing? MochaElf… Never loses.

Rigged!! The Horde Council is rigged!! I should’a been on that council. It would have been yuge, the yugest most bigliest council. Now nobody cares about it because MochaElf lost.

What were we talking about?

Right, dance battle to the death…


I hereby declare total war on ANYONE and ANYTHING that dislikes Lady Moonberry and company. Best pals ever :blush:


Dreamweaver is my favorite hippie fairy. I just love him so much.

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Yeah, they’re all pretty cool in their own way. I love ‘em all honestly :smiley:

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This topic was automatically closed after reaching the maximum limit of 20000 replies. Continue discussion at Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 2).