Story Forum Community Lounge (Part 1)

Continuing the discussion from Why morally grey Light makes sense:

Nah definitely not. People who call themselves atheists may define their stance by going far beyond the mere lack of belief in a deity and say things that are highly reminiscent of secular humanism for example. That is my experience at least.

Atheism is not culturally neutral, it’s often driven by an initial rejection of the majority religion, and as such militant atheism often has the opposition to this specific religion and what it embodies as a founding principle. Sometimes it may also be synonymous with “faith in Science”, which to me belongs to the field of religion.

Again, that’s merely what I’ve gathered from my interactions with people who identify as atheists. Not saying this is universal. I’m not interested in discussing concepts based on their definition in the dictionary, I’d rather discuss them based on how people use them