Originally posted in the WET forum under the ‘What Would Your Character Do’ topic
Not long ago in Darkshore
Benedikt snarled as the Kaldorei Archdruid’s entangling roots began crushing his chest.
“My path is to be a steward of creation. While I must often cull the rabid, it is frowned upon to take any joy in these deeds” began the Archdruid.
Benedikt jerked and shuddered, trying to not overact his feigned agony while the Kaldorei went deeper into his monologue.
“That’s what makes your kind such a relief to fight. You monsters have no place in this world. You are an unnatural infection I take great pleasure in washing away” he continued, moving closer to Benedikt and tightening the roots, “I can see you feel pain, but can you feel fear, Forsaken?”
Benedikt spat an invocation of dispell along with a mouthful of his brackish, seaweed green blood at the Archdruid’s eyes. Benedikt’s gore struck true as the roots withered and collapsed. With an angelic feather he closed the distance and rammed both claws into his foe’s throat. Wasting no time he muttered in the eldritch Shath’Yar, manifesting an aberration between his hands.
The Archdruid’s head immediately popped, showering the battlefield with blood, bone and brain matter as a snarling shadowfiend writhed around his still steaming stump. Benedikt dismissed the beast as he collapsed with the Archdruid’s corpse. He took greedy bites of the dead druid, restoring his damaged body, while scanning his surroundings.
It appeared he was the only ‘survivor’ of this Night Elf ambush but one could seldom trust their eyes when dealing with the woodland menace. He cleared his mind and let his vision drift around the nearby creatures cautiously approaching to eat the dead. Benedikt began to relax until he caught it. Faint, rudimentary thought but humanoid all the same. Perhaps a Night Elf dying of head trauma? Or, perhaps another druid watching as a bird, cawing his position to another war party?!
Benedikt again muttered in Shath’Yar, filling his body with Shadow magics and dispersing his corporal form into a living shadow. He twisted and floated about the woods, zeroing in on the source of thought. He stopped and reassumed an earthly shape to view what appeared to be a dead Kaldorei woman. He raised an eyebrow. This elf was dead, not killed in the skirmish but not long before either, the bullet hole in the back of her head was just beginning to show signs of necrosis. Upon closer examination Bendikt deduced the thought was eminating not from her but beneath her. What nature of Night Elf trickery was this? Cautiously he wedged his staff beneath the corpse and lurched the body over- where upon a head splitting shriek sounded. Benedikt invoked a word of power to shield himself as he retreated several paces and readied for an attack. After several seconds of nothing but noise he looked down at this trap to observe a howling Kaldorei infant.
“Oh. This… this is not convenient” Benedikt muttered. He frowned. Though it filled him with dread, he knew what had to be done. He casted a silence spell on the infant as he crouched down to meet it.
To be continued