Stormwind Defense

I can’t wait!! I’ll try to make it, but I don’t think Paul can…

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Geeze that’s a lot of pressure.

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Gonna be a fun wargame as The Guard dismantles USA with ease. What’s going to be even more fun is seeing Qwerty attempt to field enough USA members for a wargame.

His “guild RBGS” consist of 1-2 USA members and 8 pugs. Yet its a guild push team. LUL.

Imagine already asking in DM’s if he can pug and x-realm cuz he can’t field healers. Yet, USA was topping the healing meters in WPvP. OMEGALUL.

How’s Zeb doing btw?

can always rely on you to fail miserably at hiding the toxicity from the guard. there you go everyone. the toxicity in the guard that i was talking about, that i said i didnt want any part of anymore and was gkicked for saying so. this priest is exactly how the guard is behind closed doors, thankfully he doesnt care to hide it in a public forum like the rest do.

thank you, vampt. without you i didnt really have any evidence.

You continue to attempt to victimize yourself after hijacking this forum post.

Vampt can push back on you, which is well deserved. The guild is hype to defeat you because for years we had to deal with you screaming anytime a girl spoke in discord and unleashing the most vile racist comments.

When you rejoined the guild after your “hiatus” :joy:, we all rebuked it and demanded you not be reinvited due to your toxicity which we have the logs of, but you pulled baseds heartstrings due to your friendship, thankfully he no longer cares for you and sees now what he should have always done, eliminate the cancer of our guild that tarnished our reputation.

okay but thats a two way street. i legitimately turned over a new leaf while you claim you did yet based had to delete the logs of you saying the N word in guild chat multiple times for the sake of saving face. also go ahead and post whatever you want. it’s old stuff anyway, but i got new stuff.

thank you for taking the bait btw :slight_smile:

edit: ah, i was wondering how you edited out a section of what you said without it showing that you edited your reply then i realized deleting something in your reply doesnt flag your reply as edited. haha thats sad, literally all talk.

There is no bait to take, I’m simply stating facts about you :blush:

We cannot wait to see you next Wednesday !

good save bud.

also how did you get unbanned from the forums? thought you were permanently banned for joking about the mass shooting at an LGBT club in orlando? you said it to a dude who was actually at the mass shooting too which was crazy haha. i think his name was… uhh… theephoenix? yeah that was it, wait i can still contact him. maybe i can reach out to him to validate this claim since nobody seems to believe me that the guard is a cesspool of toxicity.

doesnt surprise me that they’re willing to use a dead friend of mine to get at me now that i think about what squirtle did to get banned from the forums. i dont know why it surprises me that they’re doing it on the forums tho since they did it to theephoenix. its mainly been in whispers, trade chat, and in voice when i was in the guard. somewhere thats more permanent, that’s bold.

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Continue to try and inflame, insult and lie about me and The Guard.

I don’t care what you say, the evidence of your trolling is in this forum post.

We’ll see you Wednesday !

yea for sure. just know that if you stack your team with people you never play with then the deals off. that’s the only way you’re going to stand a chance.

The backtrack is on.

Everyone who will be attending the RBGs was in the guild prior to agreeing to RBGs.

This right here though is the first backtrack from USA, who will ultimately scream some type of foul the day of.

you just said right here that the people who we will be facing will be the ones who were in the guard for years, so yea if you’re gonna take a page out of my own book and try to do what i did to the emerald dream team years ago then we’re not going to wargame.

Ahh here we go, he’s scared and knew he was over his head.



not really. im cool with you bringing just your rbg team minus the padders u have in the guild whos only reason for existence on the roster is to bring the average rbg score up for the guard. i mean its pretty obvious that they dont do rbgs with you guys when you have 10 dudes who are 1530-1580 and then like 3 dudes who are 1630 to 1700 lol plus whenever im told you’re doing rbgs i never see those 3 probably for good reason. like i said, if you go through with this wargame without trying to pull something you stand no chance. bring the whole core or bring just the rbg team either one would get tossed around like a rag doll but when you bring the 2400 and 2700 players yea im not fighting that. i could queue up for an rbg right now and go up against glads and heros who have no idea who the guard or USA is, it’d be the same thing.

Our top 10 RBGers are all on the main team roster. I understand the confusion of a guild actually running with a guild group, but you don’t get to pick and choose our roster just because we’re better than you. With how much you obsess over our guild, you still haven’t come to terms with that fact, so we’re just gonna have to show you. That’s the whole point of this exercise.

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the top 4 players with the highest cr in your guild do not do rbgs with you. its also mathematically impossible for them to do rbgs with you and have that big of a gap in cr from everyone below the top 4.

Ahh so this IS your out, huh? Zelo, Pressure, and Roostuh (RBG LEADER) all do RBGs with the guild every week, the only one that doesn’t is Alienplague, and that’s because he just came over from your guild. I sincerely apologize that our best 10 are better than yours, but it’s just kind of how it goes bud.

its almost mathematically impossible to play 253 rbg games and be 1600 rated but here we are

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anyone who does rbgs this season knows how rough it is in the 1600 bracket. not that you’d know because your guild cant seem to get there.

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