Stormstrike not working

I’m currently wielding an heirloom 1h mace and an heirloom shield. Stormstrike is telling me I can’t use it. I tried unequipping then just equipping the mace but it’s still showing that I don’t meet the requirement.


Update: Just tried using a different mace. Still no good.

Stormstrike requires two appropriate one-hand weapons , as the spell tooltip explicitly says:


Energizes both your weapons with lightning

WotLK Classic:

Instantly attack with both weapons

The dev team has decided that Enhancement Shaman will always be a dual-wield specialization. This goes all the way back to the original WotLK, so it’s clearly intentional (and therefore not a bug no matter how some players feel about it).

Replace the shield with an appropriate one-hand weapon (mace, axe, fist weapon), preferably a +AGI one since that’s the critical attribute for Enh.

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Will try that. Thanks.

Silly me could have probably thought of that sooner. Bliz should really take away the Shield usage then. Why use one if you’re not gonna be tanky, and their specs are DPS DPS Heals.

Edit: Yep. That was it.

Elemental Shaman can dps with shield and one-hand weapon. Of course, it would be +INT gear, not +AGI.

As for shamans with shields, it’s a fairly common PvP loadout, for the extra physical defense (armor and block).