Cuiva - Tauren Druid, mostly Resto.
I’m so old now that I can’t even remember the name of the guild I was in!
Good chance I will be rolling on an OCE server but I could be convinced otherwise.
Cuiva - Tauren Druid, mostly Resto.
I’m so old now that I can’t even remember the name of the guild I was in!
Good chance I will be rolling on an OCE server but I could be convinced otherwise.
Just wanted to make sure you’re aware the person you’re looking for, Cuiva, made a post right below yours. What a coincidence!
Not sure if anyone remembers me but for a while I played as Cherrioto (Or maybe Cherries, i forget). Undead Rogue. I believe I was mostly in Incoming, at least it sounds familiar.
I remember dueling and seeing a few names in here.
I was CrunkFu from TOO HUGE heard anything about Khatrina or Raek playing?
Oh duuuude! Razorz you gave me my start in raids when I joined Ripe all that time ago.
Played a tauren warrior named Bainan. You put me in as OT for ZG and pretty much taught me how to tank every fight.
Big up cuz!
What’s up, Itsumi??
Through all the years, raids, and vent servers I gotta say - your voice still stands out.
Haha, oh god, I’m still self-conscious about talking online, but oh well. Really looking forward to knocking out some of the bosses we missed in Vanilla.
So, where’s everyone going for servers? I’ve been leaning toward Whitemane.
I’m doing a hardcore thing on Horde Stalagg.
rogues are stupid
OMG I <3 Cuiva! I hope life has treated you well young lady. What server are you rolling on? I am thinking Whitemane/Hord pvp server and yes Hunter ftw after I finally learned to play lol
Currently goofing around under this name on Rattlegore, infinity queues on all the servers named prior to launch.
Hey I’m just chatting to Fellwar, he said he’ll shoot you a message
Vanilla: Ordos, Orc Warlock
Vanilla: AGGRO, which merged into AOD, iirc.
Was looking for other old members to try to get on the same server for Classic, but my Forum Account had issues that weren’t resolved until today. A little late, so I doubt too many would be on the Fairbanks Server for Horde, I have the same name on Fairbanks. I am playing with Natureboi and his brothers, they were all in Blackdawn during Classic, I believe. I still am in contact with some other Blackdawn members, but I can’t remember their main characters name as I know them by another name, think their chars may have been PhatRick ( or Rick something), and Bags (May have had a long Bag type name, I just know him as Corey)
I remember the names Thoggins, KittyKitty, Oograx, Brogar, and some others mentioned here. I didn’t consider myself active until BC though even though I got to see a lot of amazing 40 man raids with AOD. I considered myself a noob with what I learned later in life. In BC I was In AOD > LEGEND > DIAF. I hadn’t played in ages, but fought my way through a 5 hour queue to get some gameplay in before bed last night and it felt fun. Hope it continues that way!
Best of luck old comrades!
Marthastewrt - Undead Priest - JUICE during BT/Hyjal
Names I remember other than Kaku obv - Mowf, Boudicca, Dief, Plaga who doesn’t need to cast rez cuz he has two weapons. Haven’t rolled yet, but add me on bnet @ dez#1919 if you remember me
We’re on Incendius, obviously Horde
Hail oh fearless leader! How goes the struggle! I rolled Katiya on Mankrik and on Whitemane. Are you dropping a character in classic? Katiya currently plays BFA on Hyjal. Rogg/Chuck is still playing with me as well. Tell Wagimus hello from us!
I was Eladra, troll shaman. I leveled in but by the time I started in early 2006 that was basically just a feeder guild into . I was brought into by my IRL friend Bobzrozrotwo; he was playing an undead warlock in the guild at the time I believe.
I remember building a Thunderfury for our main tank Thantus. I remember building a second one for Jaedwyn. I’m pretty sure he was a DPS warrior until he got the TF then decided to try his hand at tanking.
I remember our first Nefarian kill. I remember a few months later Thanatus called in sick to raid night and we brought a mage’s undead warrior alt Shakazalabas (?) and he just beasted the Nefarian fears and we killed him.
I remember Seleste the rogue was such beast DPS, he inspired me to make a rogue alt shortly into BC.
Magnusvir the DPS warrior.
Leefers the only shaman I competed with for gear, because all the other shaman were already geared when I stepped into MC.
Raalkuun finally got his Untamed Blade.
I know there were others I’m forgetting, but man that a good time in WoW for me.
JBuchanan is our old Eagleeyeze! This is Katiya the priest. How is everyone doing? Hubby (Rogg) and I are still playing retail on Hyjal with my sister. We rolled horde on Whitemane and Mankrik as well for Classic.