Stormscale Horde Reconnections

Boom Good to see ya bud.

Oh dang. I remember ganking with you in WPL. Camping one of those flight paths.

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The ultimate loot hore enh shaman on the server. rolled on Hatchet of Sundered Bone and Dark Edge. Damn you loot council.

Beat Gamdol with a big iron fishing pool in a duel.


Tauren Hunter
AoD and maybe a couple other guilds.
Azaneal, others from the good days, where you guys at?
I threatened to take the left binding when it dropped because you guys were gonna put it up for DKP rather than give it to Bully, hah

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Kazug, Orc Warrior. Guilds were Exiles and Incoming. My Discord is Thekazman#4986

Gruktar Orc winfury/resto shaman. Seven Sins Founder Nocturnal member. Lookin for old school sinners like Zello, Brahmin, Deathlok, Members of hard OCP and Noct (Saturnine, Seagram) also…don’t make me go get Sixta and take over Menethil mfrs <3

Your character’s name, race and class.

Oograx, Orc Warrior

The name of your original guild on this realm.

Ruin mostly in classic, then all sorts later

The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Anyone from the old days, Pherolex has a discord for stormscale peeps


Brogar Orc Warrior. I was in a few guilds. I remember AoD, Seven Sins, Hard OCP, Gravity and I think one called Second Rising.
Also, there used to be an Undead warlock named Brelinka that went everywhere with me.
I remember some people like Fungying, Wilmarth, Lain, Akiak, Thoggins


Brogar! How’s it hanging?
Going to classic?

(Posted this already on the wrong toon! I stole Azaneal’s name on another realm.)

gio me and crank still miss u kisses

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Oog! Holy moly!
Oh man you and Crank still play? Tell him he’s still a crap rogue. <3

Gimme da Discordz. @Seraph_FJ#6999

Ickiss, Undead Warlock.
Carcinogens, Undead Warrior.
The World is Yours
You’re all legendary and I guess I’m hoping to share some dope experiences with the lot of you.

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i added you, crank doesn’t play anymore but we still talk on the reg ofc

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Itsumi, undead priest. Any of the old Nocturnal / DO ET / Is A Jerk crew around? Been so long I can barely remember the names. Still have the screenshots from a couple of kills laying around.


DO ET! Haha hey Kitty, Itsumi, been a LONG time!

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Indpendent, undead warrior
Guild: Incoming
To be fair, I barely remember a lot of the names of people from back then. I was just the young and adolescent off tank hoping to one day claim my Thunderfury to break into the role of a true and might Main tank, but alas it never happened. :frowning:

All jokes aside, Just hoping to see if anyone from the good ole days is around. #Hitmeup.

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give me a link to the episode?

Oh man.

Dakirian here. More of a BC player, but where are all the old duelotar champions?

Looking for Kained, Vischuz, Caduto, Kissys, Ganeth, anyone from Fighten Irish/IDDQD/SHEROCK omg the Wanted days… this is bringing me back

Add me on Discord, errbody. I’ll invite to SS Discord.


Abys! Don’t suppose you remember a druid named Cuiva do you? :smiley:

It’s terrible that I can’t for the life of me remember the name of the guild we were in together (with Rav, Broly, Fellwar etc)