Stormreaver Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Stormreaver (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


Cyrok, Tauren Hunter from guild Decepticons

Guild leader was Burninated, Orc Warrior and his brother was Vallin, Tauren Druid

Had some good times way back then, I remember our first Rag kill fondly


Mierk undead mage. Where’s the xtreme team at!


Corrupt - Undead Priest - Guild was Innervate

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Radimus (Hero of the Horde) - Troll Mage (several guilds)

i remember decepticons !!!

Yohnstoppabl, Orc Hunter. Was in a few guilds. Torment earlier on, then later GC. Was also named Yohnavan even earlier, but I renamed it (had deleted to keep myself from playing, but then changed my mind and had it restored)

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Deathknell, Undead Mage
Taim, Undead Rogue

Moved to Korgath when server transfers opened up but I remember playing with an Orc Warrior named Dreadwolf I think.

I was/am Sibella and although I don’t think we ever formalized a guild here, I came over from Warhammer Online and DAOC where I was part of The Harbingers. Even before that I played Asheron’s Call for ever and ever.

I didn’t play here for very long, but my good friend from AC stuck with this server and the name is Katerchen.

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Rendo - tauren shaman
Dwight - undead Warlock
Wylden - tauren druid

I use to roll with Gentleman’s club and Subliminal Death. I’m still a jerk


Ayeee I was in Gentleman’s Club. I was Muldarkan Orc Hunter, made an Undead Rogue Mate aswell.

Ramaz - Orc Hunter - Attrition

Rukrow - Troll Hunter/Undead warrior. Gentlemens club -

I remember, Buffz, Pancaf, Kluian, Dmzor, Slamulous, Teslyn, Hunchu, I’m sure others i’m forgetting.

I’ve got a solid guild with both a week day group/weekend group. 6:30-8:30PST. Rolling Alliance for Classic. PM/friend me if you want more info/catch up.

Espiritu/Espi - Undead Warrior/Undead Warlock

A large group of us came to WoW from DAOC (Bors) and formed the guild Forsaken Union at Vanilla launch. After FU folded many joined the guild Peons and I joined The Cabal.


Abrishon, undead priest - Attrition. Hanzy where you at? I need a warrior to heal in pvp.

Vato or Obliverate - undead warlock (can’t remember guild name - GM was a state trooper)
Retaliate - undead rogue

My memory is TERRIBLE

Craigins - Druid
Erekos - Orc Warrior

Guild Velox Mortis. Some of the other guild members: Aon, Nexx, Raxus/Rax, Magdal(sp?), Roslin/Aitiwa, Dem, Circe, Maabus, Andoah, Medric, Krum, Mardok

don’t forget, if your guild had a web page try using the web archive. Google for internet time machine, first result (can’t link here)

Magarac (Tauren Hunter)
Warlords of Zek

I was in the guild innervate on my rogue named dominasian!! but im aussie so will be changine to oceanic

I also came from Asheron’s Call and DAOC and yes…Warhammer.

Ivar - Orc Rogue
Gundarr - Orc Warrior

Guild was and still is Booty Bay Bandits.