Wasnt in your guild but I remember the name, as I was also a Nightelf warrior named Moonras and human rogue aprunhil
I was in ignite as well. My name was Warlocke human warlock obviously. Also my RL friend was in there Selthor
Pink-haired gnome mage
Hey man, I remember your names, especially Selthor, he still owes me 50g he borrowed for a respec just before TBC!
Haha my priest still has a cloak with Nyv’s name on it. Although its got a jumbled string of letters and numbers after it, but yeah I remember him too!
Hi guys, I use to play as:
Symbul - Night Elf Hunter with Rok’delar, main guild puller. lol
Guild: Astrum
Hoping to reconnect with all the old Astrum guildies.
Greetings everyone!
Greatly looking forward to Classic Launch & hope to see many of you originals there!
Mastrdengard - Dwarf Warrior (mostly prot) - GM of KungFu Theatre
aka Theolitus - Dwarf Priest (mostly shadow)
Hey folks!
Would love to see some of my friends from the original WoW betas and early game on Stormrage.
Hugin - Ull - Hod - Munin here. GM of Styrkr ok Virdhing.
In touch with a good number of folks and have played the game non-stop for the most part since then. So be sure to pop over to say hello if you remember. Not on Stormrage currently but keep some chars there. Best to send a message to me on Pendulous - Nesingwary.
Azayia, Night Elf Priest, Da`Kor
Playing on Herod / Horde PvP.
Human frost mage,
I forget the guild(s) I was in
Hey man, it’s Gfarmer. I plan on playing classic on Pagle, Alliance of course. Have you talked to anyone else? Or know what server people are playing on?
Vampyr - Draeni Shaman
Yes that was BC, but wondering if anyone from Drunken Dragons is around to play again in Classic?
Vindiel - human rogue, was in Sacred Ground and Ordained.
Vadoc - Human - Mage
Looking for people from Zeal / In Aeternum / Critical Mass
Ventura - Night Elf - Rogue
Formerly of Zeal / In Aeternum / Circle of Assassins
Hey dude, long time no see. Are you planning on playing again?
HEY!! Long time no see man, hope you’ve been keepin well! No I haven’t heard from anyone in a long time. Used to keep up with Malfunktion, Saxy, Oliasodruin and a few others, but lost contact some time around MoP. I see Beatin and Dev log in like once a year, but last time I tried to say hi, he logged before I was done my dungeon. I haven’t decided what realm or even faction at this point. Might take a week to let things settle before I make any decisions as I have a game plan in my head and don’t want to get to involved and have to restart somewhere else.
Jrod - Night Elf Hunter
The Triad Alliance
Yea I can understand. I’ve been playing all this time, just faction and server changed and then played monk last xpac and this one so far. I’d love to get some more old guild folks together if anyone plays but let me know what server and everything you decide maybe we can get something going
Raztlyn - Human Priest
Cytol - Gnome Mage
I was in several different guilds. Initially a part of The League of Elders and later with The Triad Alliance.