Stormbringer much more fun them totemic

BLIZZARD stormbringer is much more fun and fantasy fulfilling for enhancemnt then totemic. Please keep it as the primary play style for enchamcement. IT IS SO MUCH FUN AND IT FILFILLS THE FANTASY OF ENHANCEMENT. ITotemic is ok but it doesnt really feel cool like storm. The totem thing is just lame. Falling down big tempest as a storm gos is SO COOL AND IT FEELS GREAT. I am not commenting on the damage reworks in 11.1 those make sense jist pleasr keep stormbringer as the primary play style

Please afree with me below so we can jeep playing stormbringeramd not jave a dumb totem instead of being a storm god.

Is your H key broken or something?

and yeah I enjoy Stormbringer a lot more, totemic is really cool though I wouldn’t say its lame its basically what Id expect from a build focusing around totems, its just not my thing. I think Stormbringer thematically is awesome.

I would like to see Voltaic Surge updated to say “Crash Lightning and Chain Lightning damage increased by 15%. Casting Crash Lightning now causes your Stormstrike to cast Chain Lightning at your target for 8 seconds”

That would finally provide some interaction between Stormbringer and Crash Lightning since it would give us more Awakening Storms procs. On top of that it would help make up for the loss of Ride the Lightning in PvP which hurts Stormbringer a lot.

Im on my phone at work, blame my thimbs. Typos

I say totemic is lame becaise it centers aroind an object, sirging totem doing all your damage. This is in contrast to STORMBRINGER BRINING THE HEAT WITH DIRECT POWER. As you said it really is thematically cool and feels so fun. I like the buff to our builders because the damage of them is so small in my overall keys. Our spenders i expect will stull be chunky. The statement is r3ferring to 11.1 builder buffs

I really want to let BLIZZARD know that stormbringer is an awrsime play style and we want it to remain the highest tuned talents becuasr it is so cool.

Stormbringer is so cool and i want enhance to aleays play like this, the “storm” talents now and after this expansion

STORMBRINGER much more fun then totemic

Totemic is good with next patch.

Storm interactions are cooler overall.

If I were blizzard I would do the following for enhance.

1: supercharge back at 3 MSW refunded

2: tempest has a 100% chance to proc supercharge

3: no 2 talent nodes, everything condensed into 1 node talents and instead fill back up the tree with some new talents.

4: legacy of the frost witch procs stormbringer, and empowers it to deal frost storm damage.

5: hailstorm max stacks increased.

6: elemental wolves give secondary stats, not % damage amplification, frost gives mastery, storm gives haste, fire gives crit. This is just a better version of what we have, scales better, and you can actually feel it if you get haste and even mastery due to the extra procs, crit… They would have to add something to make it as cool, like higher chance to proc effects such as windfury or hot hand, or MSW stacks. Obviously it could not give the same 20% as before, as secondary stats are increasing the total damage you do, not just a certain type, but even 5% per wolf would result in a noticeable increase in stats, if you had 4 storm wolves out, you bet your butt you would feel that extra 20% haste.

7: primordial wave gives 5 msw immediately and some more after that, this is to close the gap between storm and elementalist MSW generation.

8: unlimited power gives haste for each msw stack spent, not for every spender used, obviously decrease the amount, I was thinking 0.5% for each stack with a duration of 10 or 15 seconds stacking but not refreshable.

9: add a little extra something to make totemic just as cool as storm, I haven’t played totemic as much so I can’t really think of much at the moment, I just know that I like storm more, but totemic is not bad.

10: most of what works with bolt, should work with elemental blast. Awakening storm, supercharge which I think already does but is probably considered a bug, and static accumulation. But not things like thorim invocation.

11: make the MSW proc increase from wolf bones baseline, instead decrease the GCD for wolves to the same as surge totem, you press wolves quite a lot, and while they are powerful it starts to get in the way of other things in the rotation, instead give wolves something else so it doesn’t fall behind flowing.

I’ll update if something else comes to mind, enhance is already really fun, but I truly believe that it can be even more fun.

Lastly this is more of a balance question, but I believe that for totemic, the damage shifter a bit too much from spenders to builders. For storm I think it’s good though, storm strike does a lot, but spenders still do more overall, but I was disappointed with totemic spender damage.

Though this is completely secondary to gameplay, I don’t care about it nearly as much, the rotation is really good

Meh, I feel like totemic fits what I signed up for in tbc more accurately.

Never dropping a single DPS totem feelsbad man

Neither should be “the default choice” honestly. Stormbringer is more on the hands off side, but less predictable. Totemic is more hands on and more predictable. I think that’s fine , and even if totemic does a little more, that’s ok because you need to put in more effort to make it work, and it’s position based, so there needs to be some payoff


What is a Shaman without their Totems? Totemic is very fun and engaging. I am very pleased that Blizzard has now made Elementalist Shaman builds relevant again. Now it does not feel bad to use Lava Lash and a fire-style build. You can use ALL of the hero talents; even the choice nodes in the hero tree now have a place.

I’m hoping Blizzard keeps going in this direction. As of now, Enhance is in a great place.

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I really appreciate all of your input. Yes, totems are a primary part of shaman however it feels very cheesy to have too much totem gameplay and not direct charector power. Stormbringer still uses totems and totemic is just too totemic IMO.

This is part of the reason that damage profiling is shifting from Tempest/Surging Totem to our rotational strikes, etc.

I firmly deel that too much damage should shift to the builders. There is too many specs like thay and the big spenders is what makes enhancement full of flavor. Im not saying keep them so small but my loont is keep spenders large and meaningful.

Stormbringer is objectively cooler than totemic because science. :sunglasses: :cloud_with_lightning: