I understand everyones flavor of enhance for classic is different. Some folks want:
- Two Hand Burst Enhance
- Dual Wield Physical Enhance
- Spellhance?
Why We Shouldn’t Push for Spellhance
Firstly I just want to derail any desire or push for runes towards #3. In this version of the GAME we do not have AP to Spellpower as a talent. So Spellhance would only be implementable as a rune. From a design standpoint this would be problematic since well, than that rune would just be overtuned for actual ele shamans and or resto shamans. I also feel that it homogenizes too closely elemental and enhance.
Also Crit and Hit rating do not work the way they do in Wrath of the Lich King nor does fire nova totem or flametongue weapon behave the same way or give spellpower per imbue. You won’t get spell crit or spell hit for hit and crit items. This leads to a very poor renditioning of a fun WRATH era playstyle.
[Stormbringer Rune]
Stormbringer as a rune with Stormstrike becoming available next patch will be a great addition to the shaman to help shore up its horrendous dps and add a fun RNG windfury focused build which fits the classic flavor of windfury chain procs and stormstrike.
What is the Stormbringer Mechanic?
Storm Bringer
Your special attacks have a 5% chance to reset the remaining cooldown on Stormstrike.
(Proc chance: 5%)
*My Personal Add: Reduce the targets Nature Resistance by 75(per rank of phase equivalence of SoD), and increase nature damage taken by target by 10%(relevant to phase)
For 2 hand Increase the Proc Chance:5% to somewhere between 7.5-10%.
Adding the nature debuff also provides a raid utility that helps boomkins and ele shamans.
Special attacks including: Windfury Proc, Lava Lash, Shocks, Storm Strike and…
[Sundering Rune]
With a lack of AoE and CC Sundering would be a great mechanic for DPS and Tank shamans to do damage to packs or burst/cleave with fire nova totem albeit still on a long CD of 40 Seconds.
What is Sundering?
Instant 40 sec cooldown
Requires Melee Weapon
Shatters a line of earth in front of you with your main hand weapon, causing (150% of mainhand Weapon Damage) Flamestrike/Physical damage and Incapacitating any enemy hit for 2 sec.
With powerful Constant burst Abilities shuch as Divine Storm or Whirlwind already present I do not see this upsetting the balance heavily in any cleave environment or team fighting
This will simply do more damage with 2hander over dw so one being more burty to be inline with the 2h fanstasy while still being a fantastic pick for dual wield.
Balance Criticisms I foresee
Before I list what I would believe to be balance criticisms I would first want to dispell the myth of windfury weapon fixing shaman dps or making them more viable in pvp.
- In ERA there was extensive statistical analysis done over imbues, and it found they were all relatively balanced. Also ALL classes have access to windfury weapon. Shamans only generate an additional attack.
- PvP. Enhance in PvP is incredibly squishy without utilizing Way Of Earth (Which requires rockbiter weapon imbue) and Shield Mastery rune. They also are the ONLY melee DPS without a hard CC of any form, only a slow not even a root. The class is designed around being a risky class with burst and these runes provide that niche.
Balance Issues
- Resetting Storm Strike is too OP, and will be too much damage
I am not entirely sure how this could even be remotely the case. A 5% chance to do an extra attack that costs you a global and mana… This is just SWORD Spec on arms warrior but worse…
As it stands Ret, the other melee hybrid has Cstrike, Dstorm, Exorcism, and judge. They also get Windfury procs that still work with seal procs for even more damage. I am not sure a resetting RNG extra attack will somehow make a class already 1 deviation below the mean over powered.
- Sundering will make shamans do too much AoE
I am not sure this will even come close as it is a 40 second CD for 184% AP ( which this number can be tuned down to fit balance of era or swapped to %weapon damage)
In small cleave Paladins will get off 4 Divine Storms for 110% weapon damage for the cost 1 Sundering, and this ability also has a utility mechanic of healing 3 part or raid members for .25 of damage done.
Warriors will have 4 whirlwinds in that same window for 100% weapon damage (mainhand only in classic I believe as well) as well as proccing sword procs, mace stuns, and deep wounds; all of this on top of the fact that they can cleave as well A LOT more as they get more rage (even more so with the rune introductions of haste, rage gen on gloves, or even rage gen on bleeds to chest which proc off of deepwounds)
- Shamans having an AoE CC on a 40 second CD will be too powerful in pvp
I am not sure this is true, we have howl of terror, intim, psychic scream, and AoE seal of Justice plus divine storm (although I am not sure if its worth dropping a damage rune for this.
Also its a 2 second incap that breaks instantly on any damage taken.
Our Hybrid Counterpart has both HoJ and Repent to stun as well as multiple Immunities. I really don’t see this being broken almost more…
Outro Metrics
WCL removed all greench parses. We can finally see how the classes truly perform now. Below is ALL bosses DPS at a 95% Performance Level.
Class | Spec | DPS |
Warrior | DPS | 192.49 |
Rogue | DPS | 190.02 |
Hunter | Melee | 172.7 |
Druid | Feral | 165.22 |
Paladin | DPS | 156.18 |
Shaman | Enhancement | 133.76 |
How Shaman measures up.
Class | Spec | DPS |
Melee | Mean DPS | 168.395 |
Melee | Standard Deviation | 22.025 |
Enh Shaman | Percent damage to the Mean | 79.43% |
Enh Shaman | Percent damage to the Max | 69.49% |
Enh Shaman | Deviations from the Mean | -1.572 |
Next tier shaman is getting 1 extra attack every 20 seconds right now, and similar dps talents to everyone else and a statistically similar imbue. Currently they are no longer the best tanks either. Their buffs are party wide unlike blessings and are a pain to manage. The class needs real help.