Storm Dust Hot Fix coming>

The storm dust supply and demand gap is broken.
Blizzard can resolve this easily in one of 3 simple ways:

  1. Increase the # of storm dust obtained from disenchanting greens and/or reinstate tailoring’s green pieces
  2. Drastically reduce storm dust requirements in all enchanting recipes so the limited supply is balanced with demand
  3. Reinstate a shatter mechanism to convert shards to dust

This situation is a huge step back for Blizzard who had recently done so well in respecting players’ time and needs.

Not optimistic a hot fix is coming either since the wax>dust bags were instead nerfed.

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We all know the fix would be easy. However I can’t see a fix coming until all the World/Server races are finished… These people are willing to buy tokens in order to buy the things that they need in order to be one of the first people to complete raids.

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This has got to be done intentionally to boost token sales.

Occam’s Razor.

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They really decided that common mats needed to be crazy expensive this expansion. In case you were wondering why bismuth is so expensive for example, almost every blacksmithing recipe takes at least one core alloy (10 bismuth), and for some reason crushing gems into crushed gemstones with jewelcrafting now requires and consumes 10 bismuth on top of the 3 gems (in DF it was just the 3 gems), and only the bismuth’s rank matters for the rank of the craft. Like i get the idea probably comes from grinding the gems down with rocks, but isnt that why we have specialized profession tools made by expert craftsmen? Seems like we could skip the smashing rocks together step. I dont even know what way engi has use all of it. Then you have nearly every potion/flask taking 10+ mycobloom keeping that price up (not to mention experiments).

Anyway, i think it’s safe to say the fact that the professions dont make green leveling gear is probably not a coincidence.


If you are not specced into disenchanting, you shouldn’t be disenchanting anything that’s not soulbound.

What you should do is get a second character who is specced into disenchanting, and only ever disenchant there. It’s what I had to do and I at least can now keep up with having enchants for my main character vs. struggling to get any dust.

Disenchanting on any character who isn’t specced into it is a waste of resources/time.

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even as someone fully specced into disenchanting, even focusing on greens over anything else to begin with, it’s still been incredibly hard to get a substantial amount of storm dust. i’ve literally been begging my guildies to send me their greens and i can barely keep up.


It’s definitely not ‘great’ but it’s miles better than if you’re not specced into it. For comparison, my main is not specced into it and I have an alt that is, and on average, the difference from disenchanting 50 items is at least 70+ dust. My main is lucky to get more than 1 dust from an item, my disenchanter at least sometimes procs extras.

It’s not ‘good’, it’s just a lot less bad than if you’re not specced into it.

The quality is also much better. Instead of only getting Quality one, you will also get 2 and 3.

That, too. Though mostly it’s just the amounts, especially since half the enchants require 30+ dust.

Good in theory - but the way enchanters get weekly knowledge points is by disenchanting - so even with a dedicated disenchanter, your other enchanter needs to disenchant for the knowledge points.

It’s still viable. Disenchant only what you need for weekly, then only disenchant on a disenchanter. It’s pretty much what I’ve been doing.

I thought it was bad in Dragonflight, but at least there TTM 1s were pretty easy to get, and could be used on all 5-6 pieces of lvl 71 gear, so crafting was really worth all the pain of dealing with 3 different grades 10 different reagents.

The new Soul Sigils seem to be very hard to come by, and are limited in which pieces they can be used on.

Dear Blizzard,

This is the perfect change I was hoping for. However, I hope that you rework the specialization for enchanting as well. I maxed out Uncommon Utilitarian early with the expectation of being able to gather more Storm Dust, but uncommons just dont come.

Can you refund this sub-tree and/or rework this specialization?

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Wow a couple people bought tokens to race for world first.

That must be so much money. Maybe like 1000 bucks

World first and server firsts. I don’t think you understand the raider mentality. Look at the posts about raiders complaing about using anything but quality 3 cauldrons. They are willing pay through the nose to have the best.

Congrats, they are introducing a shard shatter for dust… and completely invalidating an entire enchanting tree at the same time… real glad I wasted my KP on a tree I will end up not even needing now.

Jesus, blizz does so good in so many ways except for the real important factors that equal our time and effort being invalidated… it happens too often.

If you are just going to go and mae a drastic change to professions like this after the expansion has already been out fot a matter of weeks and invalidate that time and KP points we spent,

Then show us you really respect our time and give us some KP refund opportunities, this is ridiculous

while i am very glad that a fix to the storm dust issue was added, i do agree with others that the way it was added is a massive change that would have effected many people’s knowledge point choices if it was included at the start of the expansion. If you aren’t going to let enchanters (at least ones that invested into Uncommon Utilitarian) refund those knowledge points, then at least make sure Uncommon Utilitarian gives bonuses to shattering shards equivalent to the bonuses it gives to disenchanting green gear.

The uncommon utilitarian affect the gleaming shatter results. It says so in the description!

I cant hop on right now to double check the in-game description, but i saw the patch notes which just said it would effect quality. The green node in disenchanting gives large bonuses to the quantity of storm dust that is given too, not just the quality. Does it also effect that? If so then nevermind, great.