STOP with the walls of text

Was hoping you would have expressed this in a wall of text.


Do you really base story telling on what “critics” say about things? Is that really the logic you are going to use because if we travel down that path i can blow a neutron star through “critics” “logic”. I need look no further then the Rise of Skywalker where “critics” complained there was TOO MUCH fan service, that is the level of logic you are clinging to here.

If you really want i can find one, but it should be relatively obvious that NOTHING is black and white. NOTHING is all good or all bad.

In your opinion and again you are entitled to it.

Honestly what this sounds like is you are doing this on an alt and are upset that it is time consuming. If you were doing it the first time through you would not have known it was the very next quest.

Greetings {Character Name}, it is a great day to see such a noble {Class} present and willing to aid us here today in our most dire hour.

It has been found, that a young maiden, whilst out and about and seeking to gather berries to bake into a pie for her dear sweet grandmother, has gone missing. We fear the worst, and so sent forth a pair of guards to locate her and the berries. Naught but a basket was found, and one of the guards was savaged by a horrible fiend, the attack so sudden and vicious that they were unable to observe who or what the attacker was.

We need you, noble {class} to venture forth to the south, three furlongs hence, and locate the area of the ambush. From there you must track the dread attacker and find its lair, bring back evidence of your victory against it and then seek out and rescue our village’s fair young maiden.

Upon her rescue, I do say, you will have the gratitude of our entire village, raising your own reputation in our eyes by an esteemed amount, and we would also be happy to show our grattitude with what coppers we can spare and the work of our local Blacksmith, who had donated this item from his stocks to the bounty pool.

What say you noble {class}, will you aid us in our time of need?

:white_check_mark: Accept quest.
:x: Decline quest.


I’ve already told you why it is poor writing but you can hide behind “your opinion” all you want. Critics generally like something when it’s written well, as that’s their job to be able to tell. Stories for humans (presumably you) should be written with humans within the story acting realistically. I think you just don’t have a great ability to differentiate a good story from a story, to be honest. For example: you said nothing is black and white, yet Blizzard likes to make characters inherently evil in ways that no players would disagree with. There could be lots of ambiguity in the story of Horde vs Alliance like there was with Orcs coming to Azeroth as it parallels to real problems (refugees,) but instead you just get Garrosh version 2.

Just off the top of my head, but there is a place with checkboxes that you can turn off text. I don’t remember where it’s located. I think you right click the chat tabs and it’s in there somewhere…if I remember correctly. You can literally turn off all chat if you want in there.

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I’d rather remove you, OP.

Shocking how different games do different things… :thinking:

Storyline has always been the cornerstone of this game, told in a linear storytelling design since Warlords. But even Vanilla, BC, Wrath, Cata and Mists had those types of conversations, as well. So I don’t know why you think that “yellow text” conversation is somehow new.

It’s not hiding…it’s fact. It is YOUR opinion, not an absolute no matter who you want to side with (in this case “critics”).

Critics give you their opinion, and a LOT of times they aren’t even giving you their full opinion but they are giving you their watered down opinion for reasons tied to their access to the media they write about.

And now we come to clearly i am stupid and you just have superior “ability to differentiate a good story from a story”.

This is pulling something COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTEXT and conflating one issue with another. I am referring too your usage of an absolute that

And then saying critics ALWAYS frown upon exposition.


As for the rest i no longer care since you pulled the superiority card. You go ahead and run with that and your opinion. Good luck with that. No longer interested.

Some day i hope you realize that there is a difference between your opinion and your point of view and others and THAT is why things like exposition exist. Might not want to regurgitate “critics” points of view who in and of themselves are using opinion as an absolute to make a point.

It’s fine to have an opinion, it is not fine to try to make it an absolute for all involved because you have that opinion.

Good luck.

Could you post a YouTube video of an interpretive dance to explain what you mean in your post?

I don’t have time for that wall of text.

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Not being insulting just to insult you, I just can’t sit here teaching you lit comp while you ignore writing techniques and claim those are just my opinion. Take a lit comp course and a game design course and maybe you’ll understand the idea of how the medium should tell the story.

Nah. Thread is no longer worth it. Muting and moving on.


The fact that you would IMPLY that you are teaching me anything without knowing me at all other then through 3 or 4 replies on a video game forum and then trying to use “critics” opinions to back up your “teaching” should say ALL ANYONE NEEDS TO HEAR about what is in fact your opinion regardless of how you want to try and say it is not.

In your opinion. Let me know when you build a game like WoW with all of your lit comp courses and game design courses as your source for what should and shouldn’t be done in story telling and game design.

Then your opinion might have weight. CLEARLY Blizzard has just a bit of experience at what they are doing and how they are doing it. That is why YOU pay THEM to play it. They have the big picture in mind and you have…you in mind (well and “critics”).

You are actually reminding me of a story about a woman who tried to give her medical opinion in court many years ago as she was a Pre-med student and the judge slapped her stupidity down by saying your not a doctor and your schooling doesn’t give you any credibility to make a medical opinion until you are one, don’t provide a medical opinion again in court until you are a doctor.

Taking a couple of courses about something doesn’t make you good at it or even competent. There is a reason the statement “a little knowledge is a dangerous thing” exists.

Maybe you are not trying to be insulting, but you are definitely coming across that way. Not that it is a big deal as i will be just fine and go about my day as usual, just trying to make you aware of it.


Lamest complaint thread in a while for sure.

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I haven’t heard anyone complain about questing for awhile?? Even WOD which is pretty low rated everyone concedes questing was great, same with BFA actually, and as someone pursuing lore master Outland made me want to cry I was going insane, I love the current questing and the voice acting which by the way is very limited I would call it sub par compared to say SWTOR

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I haven’t read a full quest in years…

We used to be forced too but now everything is ez mode.

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That’s not immersion breaking, it’s better story telling in an RPG. Makes quests more than just “go get me 10 bear butts”.

It emphasizing the fact this is an infiltration mission, and it shows you getting caught.

Like in a heist movie when they are trying to sneak in and the guards are standing there small talking.

That builds immersion, if you dont like quest design like this then an RPG is not for you. I love stuff like this.


“Expounded”? There’s a new word to me.

I like the reading. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Accepts quest on an Alt but I’m already pretty done with that Alt so I never actually log in again to complete it, letting it sit the the quest log until the character is eventually deleted.

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There was literally the same post made like a day or so ago on ESO. Word for Word… well except it was about their voice actors monologue’ing. So instead of being against reading was against listening.

Wonder if it be the same person… wonder if there the same on ffxiv as well… hmm. Wonder how many licks does it take to get to the center of a wall of text?