STOP with the walls of text

Holy hell, please stop with quests where you sit and listen to walls of text. Tell the story through stuff the character does in quests and not waiting a set time until NPCs stop talking. This is AWFUL game design. Why does Anduin need to sit there and announce we have to save Baine when the very next quest is saving Baine? I understand by the fact I am now saving Baine from a quest given by Anduin that Anduin wants me to save Baine. Solo scenarios are almost as bad but that’s a different topic.


You can listen to text?


So what I’m getting is:

"I go quest objective and do thing.

I go back to quest guy and win."



It’s not immersive to be expounded upon. There’s no nuance in how the story is told, it’s essentially forced upon you, which wasn’t true in past (more popular) expansions. The end-game content should tell the story instead of me walking between NPCs 100 times and sometimes phasing into another world completely alone to do a massively important mission.

I mean I kinda get dazed when questing so them announcing everything helps me stay on track. Otherwise I might wonder where I was after all is said and done and on the side of the street after a drunken stupor.

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Posts a wall of text to protest walls of text :sweat_smile:


A single paragraph makes my brain work up a sweat, too

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Sometimes ya gotta fight fire with fire.


Say the things!
Say the things!


I actually agree with the OP. They’re arguing that the story should be told more through the quest itself and not just an NPC telling you a few lines and calling it a day.


I’d really like to see more and more voice acting for sure, but if its between reading story and just assuming story through actions, I will pick reading all day.
Either way, its like the lowest possible concern for me.
Its not like you can’t just skip the quest text right?

I can’t understand how this is an issue.


Respectfully, it sounds like you need to take a break and maybe come try again tomorrow. I mean, we all have a bad day sometimes. /shrug.


What quest are you talking about? This is not FF14,the quests here are pretty concise and to the point.


Think you’re misunderstanding. I mean the yellow chat text, not the flavor text under the quest objective.

I am misunderstanding for sure.
Can you post a screenshot or something?
I am unaware of any “yellow chat text.”
But I use a lot of addons, I suppose?
Or maybe too few?

FF14 has a lot fewer quests and treats them very differently while WoW uses them excessively for both leveling and story progression.

I don’t mind the exposition within the main story line. Where it bugs me is in when it pops up for daily world quests because I’m going to have to listen to it it every time that same quest rolls around. The windows that pop up for those with the image of the quest giver and the text of their spiel while the audio plays is redundant and gets in the way. It’s probably some accessibility thing, but it’s redundant for most players and there should be an option to turn it off.


I can’t post links apparently but
on imgur

Thankfully the game isn’t written for you and the devs have a wider scope then just you.

Definitely a high priority problem…too MUCH story.

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Please give an example from past expansions where the story wasn’t “forced upon us”