Stop trying to sell items in dungeons

Funniest thread ever, i have considered OP is just an troll and we should not feed it but seeing his post on cs forums and getting told by a gm to go touch grass is just hilarious and makes me think op really believes whats hes writing.
This post should be pinned for comedy value


Using alts to go around a block is a bannable offense

Yep, and SOD is also dead, and Anniversary is heading off that cliff also, it seems when you take away the ability for the players to engage with the game in their prefered manner to make a bunch of whining entitled morons happy you loose alot of the playerbase, there is a reason i can still get raids in Era and level in era and still see people, because people are quitting anniversary, the new has worn off


hey you know who else was just following the rules, Concentration Camp Guards, but following the rules is cool right

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How many times per day do you call the cops?


Actually it’s a service and there is no bidding happening.


Grown men and women crying on the forums about something that literally does not affect them.

Cry about the bots
Cry about the fly hackers in strath
Cry about the blizz doing nothing
Cry about the RMT boosters.’

Don’t cry about legit players providing a service to help other players out

Oh know!! Jay got his blackstone ring!! EVERYBODY RUN@!!!

Ok child back to daycare

they don’t have to do that… they’ve already done it via the definition they gave for GDKP, which is banned. it includes dungeon items. selling a blackstone ring for 20g is GDKP. and it is banned :expressionless:

no amount of forum rationalization will get people to stop reporting players for violating the GDKP ban. this is the world players wanted. they now have to live in it (or come back to classic era).

Wrong its agianst the rule as laid out by blizzard you will be banned if you participate

Wow, Eyr – “Blizzard have to do anything”.
did you get a slight rush in your blood pressure when you were typing out that obvious statement?

“Blizzard doesn’t have to do anything”

Yes, exactly. Blizzard doesn’t do anything. that is very on brand for them. well done, Eyr.

:ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

The flawed logic here, is one could just then go and sell princess runs for 30g and agree on a third party messaging platform (discord, for example) to something else… There is no chance Blizzard is actually spending much time banning these people… Hall monitor vibes

People like you make these forums unbearable.

Weird because people are doing it everyday and not being banned.

Lol “You can’t”. We can and we will.

They literally told us they know when it happens

My thousands of gold say otherwise.


This is sounding like HR, with paid incentive option. NO one said HR is about 100% about sharing for the social good lol.

Allowed in the grey area of allowing HR in the first place. A fast way to kill this is kill HR. Or Personal loot for dungeon. but that comes much later.

then gear swaps become trades. In x-realm retail…you couldn’t take gold from other servers. So you either traded or not. For me it was how I was asked.

Ask nicely with a legit need, sure…here you go.

Demand it like a right? They’d have the right and even the privelege to see me disenchant that in front of their face.

These are the WoW Forums, you never swap your characters so that people can see your thousands of forum posts because they gives your words weight.

It also makes it easier to talk trash because you’re anonymous.

Thank God hoj is on Anger and not Emp, would be so much harder to sell.


You were bullied in school.