Stop trying to make Dream of Cenarius work

I don’t understand the infatuation with bad effects that are impossible to balance and undermine the gameplay loop, first Nourish, now DoC. On top of being boring toolkit homogenization, DoC also has a couple key problems that aren’t addressed by tuning.

  1. It only works off of our filler spells. This means you have to do low DPS to make it work. With the way Druid development has gone over the last 2 years, wouldn’t surprise me to see bleeds nerfed so that DoC gameplay can be max DPS spamming Shred.
  2. Considering it only works off of direct damage, it doesn’t help heal through hard moments, it only does anything when you need minimal healing. That is because the talent is not (and should never be, please) strong enough to supplant proper healing through our healing spells, so it just stops existing the moment you need to actually heal people in danger.

Dream of Cenarius is not a real talent. There are 3 other specs where converting damage to healing is part of their gameplay loop already. Resto does not need this to be a cohesive and rewarding spec.



Fistweaver, Disc, and Avenging Crusaders are the deal damage to heal healers.

Druids have never ever been that. Even in WoD when dream was an option.

We lost an incredible spell in Adaptive swarm for this nonsense.


I dont mind it they just need to make all of your damage convert to healing if they want to allow you to dps to heal instead of how it currently is.

I could see this being an attempt to help reduce the GCD saturation of the spec without needing to completely rework the mastery which almost certainly can’t be done with a hot fix.

Could have moved it to the middle or top of the tree and id dump cultivation or something for it pretty often, moving MS up their too so we have our dps corner close to eachother not in the point tightest part of the tree.

Could also flip their pathing around, now that dream doesnt need heart to do its healing portion, i could see myself running just dream on fights im already getting high MS usage out of, but wasting the extra point to get oath is what kills it.
Removing oath entirely from resto and making it a choice node with heart in the class tree would also work, in sure the other specs could find use for a shorter cooldown heart.

As an idea i like the casual dps to heal style in leveling and low risk content, enjoyed the WoD callback but cant use it while leveling cause its and endpoint talent and cant even justify it at max casual content cause its competing with to many crucial things.

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I love how it has no synergy with anything else we do. Wild Stalker is forced to use bleed dots for the hero talents. Yet this talent doesn’t work with dots. It also doesnt buff are hots at all. It’s just a freaking filler spell.

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it’s just bad, and nobody is gonna take it, unless they want to put their group’s lives at even more risk…which something like preservation doesn’t have to consider while having incredible HPS cooldowns.

Just put flourish in an obtainable spot, go backwards in design philosophy with Resto druid (ie; look back at DF & SL styles), then just stop touching them. cuz i don’t think anyone at blizz is good at resto druid…or else the spec would feel good you know? common sense i guess :nerd_face:

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Nope. I have always loved DoC ever since back in siege I think it was when we had it. It is by far my favorite iteration of Rdruid and I am so here for it! I’m using it now at the 50% transference and having a blast. Big sad to give up my thriving veg for it but as far as throughput I’ve found for myself at least they’re comparable. Timed two elevens today handily with it, I think it’s super usable. But I also use it with KotG so those instant starfires from blooming infusion hit beautifully. Definitely a personal playstyle choice but I adore it.

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I’m not using it, and no one can make me. :slight_smile:

I watched Jdotb pump over 1.2 million dmg and healing in a huge first pull in NW 13 w/ it. Was kinda crazy and didn’t touch a heal button once. And they are gonna buff it now, sounds good.

I just wish they would buff it more, 15 sec will still feel like too short and if you are already in Normal HoTW, it wont extend it. Also, 5 min CD on HoTW is way too long.

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