Stop treating dps pulls like a sin

Not all, and if you cant understand that, you have no business in dungeons.

Then again, i pull so fast in the irrelevant content i get dps pulling anyway that they never feel a need to.

Its cool man, I get it, tanking might come off as super hard for someone such as yourself. Hitting a button to pick up a mob can be troublesome.

I donā€™t tank because of attitudes like yours. Iā€™m talking in generalities, regardless. And Iā€™m talking beyond just M+.

I only DPS or heal dungeons and have zero issues going at the pace of the tank, regardless of difficultly. I happen to be incredibly patient for it.

I will back Gaiazhel a bit here with another thought on the matter.
If the healer isnā€™t having to keep a dps alive who has pulled something, not only are they not burning through mana, but can contribute dps to kill things faster.
Iā€™ve seen keys where the healer can contribute 20k dps to fights and get through with an ez +.
Iā€™ve also seen keys where the dps are getting melted and the healer has to dump heals on them to keep them alive, and barely able to contribute damage ending in a close timer or missing time.
Smooth damage intake and high damage output is always faster in the end.
Tortoise and the hair folks.


I gave up tanking heroics/normals, when I need something in a dungeon and I need to queue for it we basically end up 4DPSing it anyway. I only bother to pick things up if someone is having their face eaten or the healers is getting attacked.

Noooo no no.

YOU donā€™t decide how comfortable the tank and healer is with the pace of things because YOU donā€™t know.

If you donā€™t like running with a certain group, then leave or put up with it.

Now, that being said, of course, some groups donā€™t mind and are ok with that but you have to play that by ear which (since youā€™re here) Iā€™m assuming you donā€™t.


So yea, donā€™t.


That is NOT true.
I have SEEN MYTHIC players come into lowbie runs as tanks who are very decent players. Sorry but MATH rules this game. Too much incoming damage = WIPE and it dont matter how good a tank or a healer is, end of story.
Tank pulls X damageā€¦joker DPS pulls Y damageā€¦and healer out put can only account for half of thatā€¦WIPE.
And its ALL on the DPS who pulled for the tank at that point.

All of them. Please, forgive me.

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What if you donā€™t need the tank or the healer.

God, weā€™ve been over this rastalin, do you really want to troll another thread?

If you donā€™t need the tank or the healer than I donā€™t know why youā€™d be in this post because you just wouldnā€™t care, right?

Running resto shaman with my harm/ help macros I can easily keep everyone topped off and get a butt load of damage and it goes smooth as butter.
UNTIL some joke DPS player decides hes going to run into a room we dont even need to clear and pull out everything for craps and giggles
Now Im having to keep his joke sort alive and pretty much unable to contribute,as you say, over some garbage move on his part that wasnt required or necessary.
And then he wonders why the vote kick comes.

These DPS players can complain all they want, but they WiLL be vote kicked when I see the behavior, end of story.
They can chew on that fact for a while

Iā€™m not going to argue with you Gaiazhel. You seem like a decent person but youā€™re too inexperienced to know what you are talking about.

I didnā€™t say pull too much or pull extra. I said there are pulls that the ranged dps grab mobs for the tank. Itā€™s about pre-planned pulls and what-not.

Youā€™ve got to remember, our contexts are different. Iā€™m talking about coordinated groups whereas you are talking about randoms.

In coordinated groups, yes, absolutely, the ranged do occasionally pull for the tank.


Kicking people without any room for exception, even when no problems are occurring, simply to satisfy your inane personal mindset, is pretty toxic.

Only tanks pull in dungeons. End of story.


Youā€™ve got a yikes from me mate.

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The things you are saying do not make sense.

thereĀ“s no monk in classic
and thereĀ“s no wpvp in retailā€¦

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i love the imagery of this sentence.

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Thatā€™s just false.

Spess mahrienes we have failed teh emprah.

Back on topic. Unless the tank says toā€¦ Try not to pull as dps.

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