Stop The Endless Gear Treadmill

The perpetual gear grind in WoW, exacerbated by its reset with every patch (not every xpac, yes, every patch), not only erodes player investment but also undermines player retention and accessibility for newcomers.

Imagine being a new player, eager to explore the vast world of Azeroth, only to be confronted with a daunting cycle of gear acquisition that resets every few months. This barrier to entry discourages newcomers from diving into the game and experiencing all it has to offer. Instead of feeling welcomed into a vibrant community, they’re met with a treadmill of endless progression, which can be overwhelming and disheartening.

Furthermore, for returning players or those on the fence about re-engaging with the game, the prospect of starting from scratch with each patch can be a significant deterrent. It’s demoralizing to see your hard-earned progress wiped clean, making it difficult to justify investing time and energy into the game.

By prioritizing the endless gear grind over meaningful gameplay experiences, WoW risks alienating both new and returning players alike. Instead of fostering a thriving community of adventurers, it creates a barrier that prevents players from fully immersing themselves in the world of Azeroth.

In conclusion, addressing the issue of the gear grind and its frequent resets isn’t just about improving the gameplay experience—it’s about ensuring the long-term sustainability of WoW by retaining existing players and making the game accessible and welcoming to newcomers. It’s time for Blizzard to reevaluate their priorities and focus on creating a game that encourages exploration, camaraderie, and adventure, rather than perpetuating a cycle of grind and reset.

Addressing the endless gear grind issue in WoW not only enhances the gameplay experience but also has significant benefits for player retention and attracting new players of all skill levels.

Implementing a system that prioritizes player skill and strategy over raw gear stats not only fosters a more enjoyable experience for existing players but also makes the game more accessible and appealing to newcomers. This, in turn, increases player retention by keeping both returning and new players engaged and invested in the game.

By offering diverse and meaningful rewards for completing content beyond just gear upgrades, WoW becomes more enticing to players returning from short breaks, as well as to new players exploring the game for the first time. This variety in rewards encourages players to engage with different aspects of the game, enriching their overall experience and reducing the likelihood of burnout.

Expanding endgame activities to cater to a wider range of playstyles also contributes to player retention by providing engaging content for players of all preferences and skill levels. Whether players enjoy solo challenges, cooperative gameplay, or competitive PvP, there are compelling activities to keep them coming back for more.

Ultimately, by addressing the gear grind issue and focusing on enriching the overall gameplay experience, WoW can foster a vibrant and thriving community that retains existing players, welcomes back returning ones, and attracts new adventurers of all skill levels to explore Azeroth.


Ilvl is fake progression, but it works.

Imagine starting the tier doing 5s and only being able to get up to 6/7 throughout the tier because there is no more gearing. Very boring right?


WoW isnt like games like D2 that they can just remove power level. I dont know why people are acting like this is something that hasnt been part of the game since inception. You had to gear WAY worse than today back then.


I think that’s how the system works now. Your “end game” isn’t the same as my “end game”. For my main my end game is clearing LFR until I average the gear level that drops from LFR. For my alts I want them at an ilvl of whatever drops from the weeklies. That’s it. After that I play other games waiting for the next content drop/expansion.

I think the minimum ilvl for certain things like LFR or Heroic Dungeons is to help OTHER players out. They shouldn’t be held back because you’re trying Awakened LFR with an ilvl of 300 because you REFUSE to equip or get better gear.


Because back in the day you could join high endgame raids with blues and you didn’t have to link an IO and achievement. The actual community is min maxxed. I’m guilty of it too, you can only join rated bgs for example if you’re a relevant HoTA.

Back in the day your skill could make up for a lack of gear. Today gear and stats auto play your character.


No. You had to farm for nature/fire/ice resistance. You think you could just roll into MC with blues? Nah fam.


That has been a thing since the beginning.

Only way to stop it is to not participate.

I like to get just enough decent gear to do the tasks I like to do.


Oh you’re so full of it.

Gearscore was the predecessor of raider io. Raid groups did gear inspections on top of old orgrimmar bank.

No one would ever invited you had you had blues, because epics farming was mandatory for pre bis in heroic dungeons


The Amirdrassil tier was released 5 months ago. That’s around how long all of these tiers/seasons have been recently. I see no reason to pretend that this stuff resets too quickly.

Nor do I see any good argument against the deterministic gearing that the upgrade and crafting systems provide.


And then reset and do it all over again in less than 2 months, on every single character you want to play.

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Where are you getting that number from? Around some dark moist corner no doubt.


No. Its been this way since 2004. aka Day 1. I dont know what game you were playing pre LK but it wasnt wow.

This person knows. Yes that was a nightmare.

They made it up. Folks in GD are are great at coming up with arbitrary stats. It seems to be what they are best at sadly. Next to flying off the handle over rumors and innuendo


You clearly have no clue what you’re talking about.

because my days go back to vanilla and to think you could just join any raid and guild and be fine with a bunch of blues is nonsense.

They wanted people who were geared and they usually pulled/poached people from other guilds.

You may want to learn to use a calendar because no season has ever been 2 months


Yep. Clearly this person has been playing classic and thinks its how Vanilla wow went down :rofl: During this time there was NO CRZ. If people didnt know you? or know of you? GL

Gearing was so much worse pre-LK. It was a 3 stage process. Step 1 Get really good blues (this is a starter set). Step 2 Get epics and resistance gear. Stage 3 Get your current Tier.


and there were no linked realms so if you were sus on that realm, no one would ever touch you.

I remember a shaman who went over honor cap in vanilla cost someone their HWL, no guild would touch them.


For four wasy payments of just $24.99 you could :wink:

Thats what I meant by no CRZ.

Honestly I think you may have hit on something here. This is why I think people have gotten more toxic. After the run the raid/mythic run they can vanish to their own realm. Back then you HAD to try to be nice. Once you were on a persons BLEEP list you were on everyone’s. Guilds knew each other and talked. You could literally become “public enemy #1” overnight if you did things bad enough or pissed off a GM of a well known Guild


Always has been.


and you also had attunements


and omfg that key ring! :flushed: