They have abilities that are adjusted for player vs npc already. They could get pvp in a better state if they just applied man power to it. The suits just don’t want to spend on it.
No thanks. Just let pvp broken.
You have DK retail in the example with nerfed skills in PVP since legion/bfa that should not be a problem since Shadowlands but they keep nerfed and forgotten.
Folks just repeat the line, it’s just silly .
I was dk main and i know what i’m talking about, just join the dk forums and see the people complaining how many skills are nerfed since 4 expansions ago being untouched.
What does that have to do with the “sod is impossible to balance” fake news?
Was not attacking you, was attacking the balance cope
wait so you want it to be unbalanced? weird take
Holy DK pvp nerf appreciation/notice post on the classic forums. What they have done to my class over the years is proof retail balancing needs to be NOWHERE near classic
while not “impossible” per say , its not “probable” with the current team due to time constraints and not having enough eyes on the project to fully realize that outcome.
and the question of weather people would actually truly want “balanced” pvp to begin with would come in.
i mean retail pvp is “balanced” meaning everyone has everything and lives forever and has a counter to everything … ect ect.
its rather boring from word from alot of people who have played it and even very good pvpers not liking everyone having everything .
rock paper scissors would be more to alot of peoples liking but then you have paper complaining about scissors being op and scissors complaining about rock and so on.
theyve had years to work on balance and retail is the result of it .
do you really want retail pvp in a classic vanillaesque game?
i dont.
PvP balance and PvE balance are two completely different things and can be balanced separately whithout affecting the other.
That’s because of the monstrous difference in health pools of targets. In PvP, you want to kill as fast as possible, so burst damage is king. In PvE, burst damage is almost meaningless. So you can turn down the burst capabilities of abilites without affecting PvE at all.
Like they did with Starsurge on Druid in phase 2. Same amount of average dps, but stretched over a longer period of time.
It would be pretty sweet if they just went ‘all in’ on the busted-ness. With items that are just insanely broken.
…who wouldn’t want to be Maple with a flying turtle! :X
Blizzard just does not want to invest the time in fixing it. They could do it, just takes hours.
PvP is fine. A few classes need buffs/critical abilities they never got. Other than that its good.
Shame blizz won’t do anything. Heal on shaman, dps on arm warrior. Both at warlord.
Burst is main culprit. Resi would probably go a long way. I get erased in full warlord gear with a flask on my warrior.
Shaman perspective: everything is fine till starfall. That buff should be purge able or channeled.
Or just ya know CC/kill the boomkin…
I play a warrior and a resto shaman. My fear does not last the duration and breaks if someone farts on the Druid. That is assuming the Druid does not pop his aq trinket and burrow.
Why does this matter? It is already nerfed.
Cant be done. It would take them HOURS to fix lol.
Start with removing trap launcher and nerfing damage values of ranged and making warlock lifedrain be interruptable in pvp.
Thats it
But thats impossible innit
It’s possible, but like you said they need to apply man power to do it. Personally I’d rather to continue to keep those limited resources on PvE - maybe a hot take here.
I wish it was not either or.
IMO these things take away from the credibility of the game.
That would be ideal yeah, its unfortunate that the majority of the money they make doesn’t come from subs, but from farming people on the WoW store for cosmetics/mounts/etc. I can’t blame blizzard though for capitalizing on it when players are throwing money at them for it.