Stop removing portals

The game does have bigger issues, so why are they spending developer time removing player convenience?

Imagine the game without portals. You log on, you have a champions of azeroth emmisary you want to get done. Only 2 quests on zandalar so you have to go to kul tiras to do the others. But wait, theres no dialogue box to go to each zone because those are technically portals, so you have to wait 5-10 minutes for a boat to arrive and take you there. You complete your emmisary and want to turn it in. Now you have to take a boat to orgrimmar and fly down to silithus. Your time to complete a task that would have taken 10-15 minutes now takes you around 30-45 minutes.

Now sure, they arent removing every portal, but they are removing some which is going to inconvenience players and make it so that a simple task that would have taken a couple minutes to complete now takes twice as long.


imagine being this disconnected with your player base


heh…yeah…you need OUR money to keep those servers up and running though, dont you.
So by all means…keep finding new and impressive ways to make players continue to unsub.

I’ll be the guy in the corner with popcorn laughing myself into a coma as your last server goes offline.

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Are they removing the cataclysm portal circle too?

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I wouldn’t be surprised.

oh god…dont give them any ideas.

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might as well remove every portal. remove all the TP and portal spells too. THE WORLD WILL FEEL BIGGER :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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That’s the only way to deepholm so prob not that one

[quote=“Bukabuka-kilrogg, post:1507, topic:113178, full:true”]
It’s just portals people. PORTALS. This isn’t the hill to die on. The game has much bigger issues to deal with.[/quote]

It does have bigger issues, which is why it’s strange they would do this. Yes it’s not a big change, but it’s a change that nobody was asking for and it doesn’t help them fix the perception that they are woefully out of touch with the player base.

There was a time where my cell phone weighed about 10 pounds too. That was also a time where there were only two continents. The game world has expanded vastly since then and portals allow people to actually do stuff in the game world rather than spend all their time afking on a taxi.

[quote=“Lorethelin-emerald-dream, post:1483, topic:113178”]
was actually worried that Portal rooms would kill what was left of the open world.
[/quote] No, this change will hurt the open world more since it will cause less people to go out into it.

The solution to a lack of open world content is to make open world content, much like they’re doing with Arathi and Darkshore - which gasp have portals to make it convenient for people to do the new content. I can guarantee that without a portal to those places less people would do them. Especially Arathi Alliance side.


Artificially increasing playtime by removing time saving quality of life systems that have been in the game for years. Gotta draw out that time played metric somehow

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For heavens sake, this thread is why the average playerbase avoid these forums like the plague.

Stick to your guns on this, Blizzard. You’ve got it right this time. The forums =/= the general player consensus.

I think Im going to take the transmission out of my car.
The world will seem MUCH bigger :rofl:


“Different opinions than mine aren’t the majority.”

Gee and they’re wondering why this expansion isn’t being taken very well. Plugging their ears and pretending our voices don’t matter. Isn’t it funny how someone on the forums has to reassure themselves that voices on the forums don’t matter? Hmm… :thinking:


The general player consensus would probably be and statistics would probably be:

98% of players levels 90 - 120 use the portals Blizz is removing every day.


And yet every time this topic comes up that Ive seen the majority is AGAINST removing portals.

And as we all know Blizzards been doing such a bang up job on keeping players happy lately and drawing in millions of new ones.
Oh…wait… :roll_eyes:


The forum is against anything blizzard does or doesn’t.

This time it is actually justified. that we are against it


“why have you stopped playing our game”
(removes another portal we were all using)

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where is that ‘yawn’ smiley when you need it ?

That too.
They told me to stuff it when I asked about the ‘in combat’ bug.
“hey…we’ve got portals to remove…dont bother us”