Stop removing portals

Are you actually, legitimately trolling the player base with that?

Or is that just one of the most egregiously stupid things ever asked on these forums?

It doesn’t bloody-well matter. It will be more. For no reason. There is literally no possible upside so it should never be considered.

Just stop. Be better, not worse.


I feel like you should include a portal for every portal already in the game. They all dont have to be unlocked right away but i feel as if when those are taken away quite a few people my self included arnt gonna be very happy because id rather just take a portal to go to MoP for the 1000th time to go and farm that sha mount ill never get instead of having to go a different way. (just an example)

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Nah, it doesn’t even rank in the top 10. I’ve seen Blizzard ask far stupider questions. Though they’ve never reached EA level of “pride and accomplishment” level of stupid.

However, I will agree that the question itself is arrogant. I have a fun story about CoT. From years back. Met a nice older couple that were new to the game. So I decided to be nice and show them some of the fancier locations. Caverns of Time came to mind.

They were gushing praise as we went down. Since until that point all they’d seen was typical 1-60 content. Caverns of Time was exotic and beautiful. It made me stop and look at the area, I mean really look at the area. And I gained an appreciation once again for the work the art team does.

And I find it such a shame that Blizzard turns around and tries to make it HARDER for people to ENJOY what the art team has to offer.


This is all about the time played metric. I’m actually appalled that the cm is even trying to spin this. It’s insulting.


To be fair, we all have a hearthstone that is specifically set to Legion Dalaran, this is probably the one portal I can understand, though it would have made more sense (imo) to have the portal take you to Suramar, to the hub down there.

I think this is the crux of the issue in this thread lol.

PTSD from low drop rates + increasing time to get to creature that drops item = 1100 response thread in 11 hours lol. No one wants their current activities to take longer than the currently do. Take your ideas for the current portals and apply them in the future.


These were my thoughts exactly. Its nice and all to have to do it for the first few times but when you’ve played this game for so long you see it all… A lot. Maybe there can be a middle ground where we can unlock more portals somehow? i don’t know, I just don’t like how they are gonna remove some. Reminds me of when old dalaran was stripped down to just org for horde.

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And there it is people! Exactly what I said they would say:

How bad is it that you can predict exactly how condescending Blizzard will be? When you are planning on spending a few hours in one cave clearing content, the ability to get directly to that cave was a god send.

Bornak you log in right now and you find the quickest way to get to CoT. Be it from flying from Org or using Cata portals down to Uldum or what ever means THEN tell us how long it took you.

But like I said this change is about padding out time played in total and giving you the ability to say exactly what you just said “oh but how much longer does it add really?”

This smarmy attitude and complete and utter disregard for anything that we the players want is disgusting.

For years that portal has been a convenient and quick way to get to an area that has A LOT of instances in one area and now all of a sudden you rip it away and then come back at us with shade about how it wont be that much longer.

You people are the worst!


Sorry bud, but they’ve taken “time is money” to heart. That’s why they making it things more time consuming.


i just want all the ports we have now, They can do something about lower levels being able to use them all or something but for the toons im farming mogs on (usually 110-120 alts) i think we should be able to go wherever whenever as we would of been able to then. Also rip to the shrine ports just remembered thats org shat and old dal only now lol.

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Off topic, but Abcdefgeek … your name gave me a good laugh.

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By this standard Mages shouldn’t have Time Warp. Why should mages have a shaman ability?

Not to mention mage portals are on demand anywhere which is still incredibly more convenient than having to go to shrine or dalaran first.

Additionally as i understand it many of the portals people are most angry about are ones mages don’t have portals for.

IMO removing already established QoL features is a very poor way to make the world feel bigger.


And thats great you have always had that option and continue to do so. On the other hand (and this may come as a shock to you) but there are people out there who have been playing for years and those old zones dont hold any mystery anymore. We have seen them a thousand times over.

When the only thing youre interested in is running End Time for some mounts, my sense of accomplishemt isnt going to come from the fact it took me 5-10 mins longer to afk auto fly from Uldum to Caverns to make my run. My accomplishment comes from getting the mount.

YOU may enjoy mindlessly flying in a straight line over old zones to get to Caverns but there are people who dont and you took away that choice from people.

Blizzards new motto should “Shut up and play the way WE like to play, not how you like to play!”

Because thats how


stop removing portals, jesus blizzard


That’s Logic! That’s Heresy! To call Blizzard out on their own faulty logic? That’s Heresy I say!

Bugger, there went another Sarcasm Filter. I really need to upgrade to the Industrial Strength versions but they’re so fugly!


The raids? the dungeons? is that not enough to keep the portal that’s been there for year’s with no issues?

You mean EA’s motto?

“Pride and Accomplishment! All it takes is giving us your credit card number!”

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Additionally as i understand it many of the portals people are most angry about are ones mages don’t have portals for.

Yes. A thousand times yes. I’ve had comments on the master Reddit thread about this telling me that “you just don’t wanna talk to mages, you’re antisocial”.
No, it’s because Mages can’t offer me the portals that are being removed!

There’s a big difference between something like the Timeless Isle port item and the Karazhan ring - one had a portal for two years and the other did not.

Even then, Timeless Isle allows new characters to have an infinite source of teleports by accepting Chromie’s quest outside of the Archaeology/Scenario palace, using the teleport item, then dropping the quest.

I thought that was the kind of thing the devs wanted to avoid? Caveats that are easily missed (as completing the quest permanently locks you out of Chromie’s teleport) giving inherent advantages to players who use them?
Because that is exactly what’s gonna happen. New characters will be able to open up the lower-NewDal portals with Class Hall quests, then never complete the quests for infinite access. Any character who already completed the Campaign will miss out on an inherent teleport advantage.


People are so quick to assume that your taking about the easy to get to places that will be guaranteed to have ports still, But forget about the obscure out of the way places that have ports that will no longer have them.


Not only that but 2 mins on one character is not much. 2 mins across 15 characters… that adds up.

It is not an insignificant amount of time when you are running multiple characters across multiple instances and then you decide “screw it, lets remove a QoL feature that has no real impact on anyone until we remove it! That should be more immersive right?”

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