Stop removing portals

So afking on a flight path is more alive? Not seeing your logic there.

It seems like every time something is done to this game lately it’s fixing something that never needed fixing to begin with. Look at the water strider push back you got at one time. That was the exact reason to farm anglers rep and you were going to take it away. Then there was WoD and not planning to have flying at all. That turned out well didn’t it.

If the convenience portals are no longer there my incentive to go back to the classic content is no longer there. I would farm mounts/pets/achievements occasionally but I wouldn’t go out of my way. A quick portal to caverns of time and i’m in dragon soul vs a portal to Uldum and 5-10 minutes of extra travel time for a few nerd points or a reskin of the same dragon mount. Suddenly that mount or achievement isn’t as valuable.


Yes the world feels bigger, no I do not like it. It honestly makes farming xmog/mounts a chore instead of fun. Spending 10-15 mins flying from org to caverns of time just makes me want to quit the game.


Same reason we don’t use the Vindicaar; they wrote themselves into a corner by creating something so powerful, so they’re sitting on their hands pretending it doesn’t exist because it gives the Alliance even more of a technological advantage than it already has.

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Only if you’ve done the intro quest to unlock it. With world scaling as it is now, it’s possible to go straight to Pandaria and skip Cata zones. The CoT portal, on the other hand, is there ready to go regardless.


Sounds like the entirety of the alliance, honestly. It’s why they’re made to look like idiots every time a conflict happens.


Gonna go ahead and agree with everyone that thinks this change is stupid. How can Blizzard have two competing lines of thought on this subject? “Oh Guys let’s add a portal room!” Also let’s remove a ton of portals? How does this make any kind of sense?


The only people this change will have very little effect on are those who only queue for instances while playing other games.

I have a solution. Since the Orgrimmar portal room is already completed and there is no room in it for more portals, put a second story. And put back the other portals wherever they have been removed from.


See, at least you’re consistent, unlike the devs.

Thing is, that game is coming (back) this summer, so they should leave the current game—with all of its QoL conveniences—the fel alone.

I already did vanilla.

I’m looking forward to classic solely so I can have my old cow self back. However, I love flying, and I’ll probably just stop playing if they keep confusing forward with backwards.


Yep. Plot demands it, we can’t have the Ancients and Cenarius and Elune roflstomping a Horde army in the War of Thorns, and we can’t have Mekkatorque hiding below decks OFF the flagship in an invasion of Dazar’alor, because those things would make too much sense.

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There’s plenty that we can do in places like CoT. Farm transmog. Farm mounts. Attempt to do achievement runs in Dragon Soul. Questing such as the Children’s Week quests. That’s not even getting into the convenience of what else it can lead to, such as better access to Uldum as Alliance when that questline comes up.

This is to say nothing of the other portals gone. I’m sure many of us are looking forward to that extra longer-than-Dalaran-Crater flight when farming the Greench this Winter Veil, added in for the sole purpose of making Azeroth feel “alive.”


Can’t have the literal incarnation of Elune’s anger beating some undead guy with a bow.


Y’know, the only confirmed deity in all of Warcraft. Above titans and old gods and Void Lords. But She can’t do anything. :upside_down_face:


Considering that after Lv. 60 everyone is high in the sky with flying licenses and not in outdated/legacy content.

No, not at all. The only thing that is going to feel “more alive” is this single room in Stormwind/Org, nothing else.

Who is it that keeps asking for the game to be made crapier?


There’s gonna be a portal to shatt from Orgrimmar.

Also I’d like to state personally I don’t want the game to feel bigger this game is 13+ years old with tons of transmog, mounts, etc. to farm I don’t want the game to feel “bigger” if that means less convenience there are simply way to many things I can do and want to do in WoW outside of end game and they are spread plenty far enough apart that I don’t want to spend half of my gameplay time traveling somewhere so that I can do gameplay. I want to do the gameplay not AFK on a flight path.


Classic also has a world that’s about 1/4 the size of what we have now. There’s also a lack of systems like transmog that give people incentives to travel around the world.



You were right to call me to task, and I did as you suggested.

Thank you for hearing me out.

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No. the world doesn’t feel bigger, it just feels more inconvenient. Currently I take my portal, manually fly a bit to my location, and do my activity. After many of these portals are removed, I’ll take a portal to a major city and get on a 3-5 minute flight point ride. At that point I’ll tab out and surf the net for what’ll end up being 15-20 minutes. If I didn’t have a 2nd monitor I’d probably tab out to watch Netflix as well. That means I’m playing the game less.

What problem does this change fix? The majority of these portals are used for one thing only - engaging in old world content from previous expansions. How does making that inconvenient improve the game? If I want to farm some Vanilla dungeon for transmog gear, how does tripling my travel time make my game experience better? All it means is I’ll run that dungeon 2 or 3 times instead of 5 times, or that I’ll have to skip the other dungeon I was going to run entirely.

While I disagree with the reasoning behind limiting flying in the current expansion in order to stretch the time we spend on new content, I understand why it is being done. I can see no benefit from making four or five year old content less appealing and less fun though.

Its like when you were a kid and had to do your chores before getting to have fun. Having to wash the dishes, take the trash out, and clean your room doesn’t make playing video games more fun or rewarding than if you just had to do the dishes. It just means you get to play video games less.


As someone who remembers the old dangerous run from Thunder Bluff to Orgrimmar by way of The Barrens or the run from Ironforge to Menethil Harbor, yes less portals does make the world feel bigger. That being said however, taking some of the newer easier paths / portals away from players may actually have the opposite affect. If it becomes a chore for people they probably will not do it at all.