Stop removing portals

I am, and I know. I’m very displeased by that choice. I’m fine not having a Karazhan portal, but that’s because I have Stormwind. I feel bad for you Horde folks going to the lower EK without it.


This is basically tearing apart the whole Legion levelling experience

Know what made the world feel big? Things to do there like the Legion Invasions. Know what makes the world feel like an annoying thing that I’m not caring about? Ruining the whole Legion leveling experience by pulling a stunt like this

This isn’t going to increase engagement with the world, this is going to have me AFK on a flight path that I didn’t have to take a week ago


Honestly? Waiting for a ship has all of the excitement of waiting at the airport and hoping your flight doesn’t bug out. I actually had fun remembering which portal to take to get me into the timeline of a zone I needed, like chasing wormholes lol


Don’t mention wormholes. As an engineer I’d really appreciate you not remind them that I can travel across the world with engineering, because it will be nerfed to oblivion.


What it feels like, is you care more about about a time played metric than you do about your player base.

Flying for 5 minutes for the 500th time from Uldum to Caverns of time is not content, it is not engaging, it does not make the world feel bigger. It is a complete waste of my time that WILL NOT WORK. Take away the caverns of time portal, and i’ll simply stop farming that raid. You will lose time played. I know what you’re after now, and i’ll take it away every time you take away from me.


As I clearly stated: “Without portals.” As in no portals, period. The point remains, why remove something we’ve had since WotLK just because of a random whim of the devs?


The world feels bigger, but not anymore engaging. You could make the world feel “bigger” by making every zone as big as the entire Kalimdor continent. That doesn’t mean it’ll be fun to traverse through.


If we’re gonna have portal rooms, we should have all our currently existing portals in that one central location. Flat out removing portals because you just don’t want us to use them is a bad design choice. When people asked for a central nexus for all portals, they wanted all portals. I feel like we’re playing Corrupt a Wish with a genie who’s ticked that we rubbed his lamp.


Should being the operative word. They should not have been taken out in the first place if the devs intended to have them there


I’d like to ask a question in return. Why does it matter? If someone wants to use the CoT portal to get somewhere, it means there’s something in the game that they want to do; something in the game that they find fun. This is a good thing for the game! Why would you want to make it more difficult or time consuming for them to get to their objective? I don’t like to jump to the conclusion of “increased time played metrics” but it’s hard to come up with an alternate answer.

I hope I’m wrong, but this question makes it seem like you’re trying to determine how much extra commute time players will tolerate, or that The Powers That Be have a set amount of extra travel time in mind and anything less than that is acceptable.

The fact is that travel time adds up, and time spent traveling is time spent not playing the game. I’m sorry, but loading screens and time spent on trams or flight paths are not content. Increasing the amount of time that it takes to get to the fun parts of the game will only make the game frustrating. Frustrated players, in turn, are less likely to log in to do anything. It’s a game, after all. It’s supposed to be fun, not frustrating.

Again, for me, the issue isn’t necessarily convenience but one of freedom of choice. Taking away my freedom of choice makes the game less fun and more frustrating and makes me less inclined to want to play.


Whoa, I didn’t even catch that. You literally can not remove the Karazhan portal from Legion. Many of your artifact quests require players to go to Karazhan and specifically tell them the portal is in that part of Dalaran. Just leave all the bottom ones in Dalaran alone because they were all put there for a VERY specific artifact quest related reasons. You know, artifact weapons, literally the FIRST THING Legion requires you to do before you can actually start playing it?


I agree with you 100%. And before anyone flames this person, please read ALL of what she/he has wrote.

And yes, I am a fool, but that’s okay, I’ve been made a fool of before, my loyalty to Blizzard was not returned. 5 years I’ve waited for them to stop peeing down my back and telling me it’s raining. I’m a little dense, but I can learn.

Semper Fi! :us:

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He said earlier they will appear only if you’re on the artifact quests, everyone who’s completed them shouldn’t have access. This I find to be a problem.


This would go over better if you stopped trying to cram us into one city per faction. What happened to Ironforge and Thunderbluff? Why are only Stormwind and Org. getting these portal rooms?


Next expansion there will only be 1 portal. Where you go will be determined by RNG. Feeling lucky? You could end up in the other faction’s capital.

They’re trying to phase out other zones and their capitals. That will make it easier when they port the game to mobile and stop supporting the current live pc version.

Who’s looking forward to raiding on their phone? You guys have phones, don’t you?


Hey Bornakk, it ain’t even about that bro. The fact of the matter is that the Devs are taking away fast travel options for me at different levels.

If I have a character at level 105 and say I want to go to old Kara to farm up some T4 for a mog, right now I can quickly get there from TBI Dalaran.

With the changes, I have to leave TBI Dalaran through the SW portal and spend all that time that I could have downed at least 3 or 4 of the initial bosses, flying to the instance.

No CoT portal means we have to spend extra time coming all the way from Uldum.

What about the IF portal? I don’t want to spend forever waiting for the deeprun tram.

This change might not have that much of an effect on people that have all the free time in the world, but when you have those of us that have a limited time to play, this change hurts many of us.


Sounds like an idea for a future toy they’ll add.

Honestly, why is Stormwind getting it? It’s the center of Alliance power, ostensibly, but it’s been so worn down by being the major force of every single war that they’re about to draft farmers. The dwarves of Ironforge are in a much, much better position and they should be the ones heading the Alliance at this point.

But we can discuss my sidetracked grievances with their writing later. I agree with your point that we should have them in all capitals - yes, even old Darnassus and Undercity and perhaps the neutral capitals - so we can actually choose our “home” portal nexus.

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as someone with all the free time in the world. This is no more appealing. I could be staring off into space and judge it a better use of my time then flying across a zone bigger then all of wod


Let’s not forget Exodar is literally a spaceship, and they even fixed it so it can fly. Why not a floating capital that can shoot lasers?