Stop removing portals

By not giving into and ignoring the trolling, it does not help the thread as we can see


Ah no,compiling information on portals

Oh, so it was confirmed they removed another portal with the maintenance right ? The Horde one from the new place to Thunder Bluff for “reasons” that have not even been mentioned in any notes


I like to do things like World Quests, and then weekly travel to mount farming locations, such as Nalak, Oondasta, and Karazhan mythic for Midnight.

What I would like to do is to travel to each of these locations in a relatively fast way. Then I would like to kill the thing I want to, then return to my current content.

By removing portals, time is added to my play to conduct these activities. So I either need to complain and suck it up OR not do the activities. Once I stop doing the activities, then why bother playing.


Ok, since I’m the one that created the idea …

We’ll start with these removed portals.

Caverns of Time
Wyrmrest Temple
Dalaran Crater

No taking mage portals or other toys. Just straight portals and flight time. Because mage portals and toys are conditional. Let’s start with those four. And mention if you’re Horde or Alliance. Because that’s important. And plot your route from Boralus / Dazaralor if possible. Since that’s where they want us playing, we should include the entire route to go do other content.


no mage ports? ok.

I know it’ll take extra time. For that, I’m sorry. But if we’re going to drive a point home to them we need the raw data here and visible. One that doesn’t include conditionals. Just portals and flight time, something EVERYONE regardless of profession, rep or class has access to.

EDIT: Oh and if anyone tries to mock about travel time and actually offer up alternatives routes via FP and portals, thank them and say we’ll run the tests to update our data.

If they just try and say “grind out the rep” or the like, tell them we’re getting data for routes that Everyone has access to, regardless of rep, class, or profession. IE brand new players and folks who’ve been around since Classic. Everyone.

If they persist, ignore them.


I guess I can see how long it takes to get to kara for my horde since the Thrallmar mage is not being nice to me

I’m starting from sw to dalaran crater now.

Include your entire route.

IE say you do SW, Tram to IF - Bird to X. Include each step you took.

If someone else can do the same route but include starting from Boralus that’d be great. Both are useful bits of data to have.

I’d do it tonight but I’m downloading some big files so my latency is through the roof. That’d have a negative impact on my numbers. I’ll try and run a few routes tomorrow.


Well, I guess NB and his buddies got their way, then.

That is why I mentioned, as did others, to stop responding to them.

As for the timed routes, I will try to help, but I am doing my regular reset day things, mostly in Pandaland


That’s perfectly fine. I know this may take a good week or so to get enough reasonable data.

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It’d be better if there were toys, instead we’re stuck with character-specific items that usually have to be equipped before they can be used. It’s an archaic system that needs to be overhauled, and 8.1.5 would have been a good time to do that while they were in the process of pruning portals.


Not arguing that point. Just trying to create a batch of data that can’t be “ignored” due to conditional data. By removing variables we get something anyone can duplicate with a certain margin for error due to latency.

IE if you started from the Stormwind gates and plotted a route to Dalaran Crater, I could take the same exact route and our times should be similar.

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It wouldn’t be “world of wait-craft” without progress bars for practically everything.


Irony is that FF14 does have a lot of load screens (enough to be annoying), but each zone is also massive. Even the cities are huge. One of the cities is literally cut in half and you have to go through a load screen to hit the other half. And the city feels alive. Both with players AND npcs wandering around.


But hey, looks like every major holiday event will give us a cute alternate hearthstone effect. Who needs silly old portals when hearthing is all we could ever want! /s


I keep seeing lists of removed portals that do not include the portal to Blasted Lands, but as far as I can tell this portal has been removed from Orgrimmar too. I do not see it where it used to be in the Cleft or in the Valley of Spirits, nor do I see it anywhere else in the city, including the new portal room. I cannot find anywhere either in game or on the internet, confirmation about its removal. I see a couple of people alleging that the Thrallmar mage in the new portal room can port you to Blasted Lands, but he has no such dialogue. Can someone help me out? Also, I am at a loss as to why this was removed (but that goes for the other portals too, so)


(Yes, I know I can take the Undercity portal that they installed on the top of the zepplin towers when the zepplins were broken, then port to Hellfire, then walk back through the Dark Portal - but I am asking specifically about the portal to Blasted Lands from Org)