Stop removing portals

That’s like saying to collect funds to help the needy ,you are always there for a better reason than what appears. Do you really abandoned a just cause ? Not I.

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They may change their mind, although obviously nothing will happen before the patch. They may add or make some changes in a future patch.

But yeah the same people repeating the same arguments repeatedly won’t have much of an impact.

or move on to another game.

They are.


I may have recount heads again .I have the time and patience.

Ok,again this time 160 out of 271 are individual post from single players so far not just 20 or 30 repeated posters.Of course you have to consider forums are place for socializing.

You will see more first time posters on patch day. A lot of people that do not run max level content that do previous expansion content will be livid.

And is it worth alienating a segment of the playerbase that still plays this game doing older content?

Other MMORPG devs would be grateful for such customers. Apparently this current diablo B team wants to chase these customers away.


Or another thread? Rearranging and Removing Portals



this forum software SEEMED ok at first, but with the overbearing controlling aspects like the limited likes and then the trash quoting that doesnt work correctly half the time, Im now of the view that we need to go back to the previous software.


You mean like they didnt change their minds over Flight in WoD?
We’re not going away.
you, however, clearly dont need those portals so you really shouldnt be giving instruction to those of us who do.
last i checked, Blizzard CLAIMED to want feedback.
Who are YOU to tell US not to provide that feedback?


And there ya go.
i’d bet a $100 that 75% dont even realize this change is coming.
It’ll be hysterical on Tuesday when they run down to port to Kharazan and the portals are all missing.
Wouldnt miss it for the world.


Be prepared to stay in Stormwind and watch the trade channel erupts.

Or even better - Legion Dalaran, and watch the anger explodes.


oh yeah. Got the popcorn bags already pre popped :rofl:

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Blizzard did ask for feedback, both in this thread and the one they created themselves.

Also (and the folks at Blizzard know this very well) people need to vent when they’re upset. Some need to vent more than others.

Telling people to “get over it or move on to another game” shows a good deal of self-centered hubris in my opinion. You’re okay with the changes? That’s great. It still doesn’t give you a mandate to go telling other people how they should be feeling or responding.


I don’t have anything to really say because it has been said already but wanted to leave this here to show my support.



Most of what’s going on here isn’t feedback. Most of what’s going on is: “Put the portals back in the game or I’m quitting! REEEE!!!”

By all means, give your feedback, but giving ultimatums is just going toxic and doesn’t work.

I disagree with this because it’s definitely not most who are threatening to quit, and the denigrating “REEEE!!!” is completely unnecessary and inflammatory.

Agree with this. Ultimatums don’t work. Most people who find the portal removals to be the last straw will simply quit without issuing any commentary whatsoever.


…and I will have a veritable buffet of brewed teas!
Ooo, we can have a picnic!
flips hair

Are Mages losing the same portals ? Its the #1 reason why i love my mage… i can port around to where i want… if i cant do that… ill just dump my #1 toon and go play a huntard…

Mages are not losing portals. The portals we are losing aren’t available as Mage spells.


^^ This ^^